Technology can be a major distraction for people, making them less productive claims Microsoft report

A survey of 20,000 European workers carried out by Microsoft suggests that technology can distract workers rather than make them more productive. The study claims that a constant stream of messages, notifications and emails was particularly distracting. Workers also pointed out that the way employers use technology can also disrupt their work and make it harder for them to concentrate. Other factors identified in the report include lack of training and burn-out associated with always-on working.

However, the report claims that the underlying problem is not the technology itself but the way it is applied as part of a ‘weak digital culture’. In the report, Microsoft defines organisations with a strong digital culture as those in which people enjoy proper training in technology, have ready access to information and managers who promote the use of technology and communicate to employees how specific technology fit into the company’s strategy.

In organisations with a strong digital culture, the survey claims that 22 percent of employees say they are ‘highly productive’ while 5 percent claim to be unproductive, compared to 12 percent and 21 percent respectively in firms with a a weak digital culture.