A year ago we published the first part of Simon Heath’s acid lexicon of the terms people use to obscure the reality of what it is they actually mean. Part One can still be read here. While much has changed over the past year, we are fortunate that Simon’s corrosive, witty and informed take on corporate bullshit, and especially that applied to the parochial field of workplace design and management remains constant. He’s part of a long tradition of those who apply satire to skewer logorrhea, doublethink and obfuscation, the best example of which remains Ambrose Bierce’s Devil’s Dictionary which is quite remarkably caustic and spares no one. First published in 1881 it maintains much of it power and topicality, for example in its definition of Conservative as: “a statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.”
Continuous improvement – What you say you’re doing to excuse repeated cock-ups
Diversity – A differing of views over whether to introduce quotas in the board room
Divergent thinking – Coming up with a stupid idea right after someone says “There’s no such thing as a stupid idea”.
Emotional intelligence – The art of never showing your feelings at work
110 percent – The inverse amount of humility required for a job in sales
Honest and open – The type of chat that results in a written note on your employee record
Reach out – Having to finally talk to that person you’ve been studiously avoiding
Telework – They tell ‘im, ‘e works.
Anonymize – Taking your name off of a project update that paints you in a bad light
Ready, aim, fire – Instructions to HR from the CEO for the latest round of employee negotiations
At the end of the day – That which never arrives in modern business
Baked-in – The feeling you get after too many cupcakes at an HR meeting
Balls in the air – Left hanging after a car park conversation
Bandwith – The CEO’s waistline after a long lunch meeting
Baseline – The minimum effort you can put in and still get away with it
Best practice – After repeated failures, what you are told to go away and do
Bleeding edge – What you get from banging your head on the desk in frustration with your co-workers
Boiling the ocean – What the intern feels she’s doing when being made to prepare hot drinks for a board meeting
Seat at the table – Musical chairs for the irrelevant
Buy-in – Bribing a colleague to do the work you can’t be bothered to
CFO – A person in a race to the bottom line
COO – Chief Obfuscation Officer
Chinese wall – What you cite to avoid having to deal with awkward internal comms issues
Town hall – A place CEOs go to in order to patronise the workforce
Cross–training – Sending Bob from Finance to shadow the sales guys so you don’t have to deal with his body odour
De-layering – Having one less filling in your sandwich from Pret
Big Data – A great opportunity to make up for an even greater lack of insight
Deep dive – What you’re told someone is going to do before they fail to set aside enough time
Dialogue – Verbal diarrhoea suffered by focus groups
Disenfranchise – The fate of Blockbuster
Dovetail – What you see right before the bird craps on you
Due Diligence – All the stuff you then ignore
Facetime – Time spent with your head in your hands in frustration after another pointless meeting
Facilitation – A cologne that smells of scented pens
Fishbowl – Customer insight that you ignore until the fish dies and has to be flushed down the toilet
Full optics – Setting up the bar the night before the annual sales conference
Going forward – Direction of travel for a business with regressive management practices
Hacking – The kind of cough you hear in a meeting when someone suggests an employee engagement programme
Human capital – The CFO’s chess set
Ideation – The differentiation of ideas thought up by consultants versus things you could have come up with yourself
Lean in – Getting closer to the toilet bowl to throw up after hearing the CEO speak at the latest Town Hall
Low hanging fruit – Where you feel you’ve been kicked after your latest pay review
Lunch and learn – An opportunity to do the former at the expense of the latter
Prayer meeting – What happens right after you’ve submitted a proposal to the client
Matrix organisation – A business where the CEO tries to subdue dissent by taking the job titles off the org charts
Holocracy – An optical illusion used to disguise your Taylorist leanings
Meritocracy – An organisation in which mediocrity rises to the top
Move the dial – A term used by the kind of person whose only real responsibility in the office is to adjust the AC controls
Offline – Code for something you don’t want to discuss in front of a superior or client
Onboarding – The first three hours in a new job where you sit in a windowless room and read reams of company policy manuals
Organic growth – The unidentifiable thing left in the back of the communal fridge
Peer review – Your co-workers get together to highlight your shortcomings
360 degree review – A performance review that makes your head spin
Presenteeism – The whip round for whoever celebrates their birthday this week
Powerpoint – A presentation by management to demonstrate their superiority
Scope creep – The person who moves the goalposts hallway through a project
Reverse-engineering – Dissecting a failed project in an attempt to find someone to blame
SME – The smartest guy who’s never in the room when the decisions get made
Strategic planning – Navel gazing by people who get paid more than you do
Simon Heath is a freelance illustrator and commentator on workplace and facilities management issues and was formerly Head of Operations, Global Workplace Strategies at CBRE. For more of Simon’s worldly, wise and witty writing on all things work and workplace, visit his blog https://workmusing.wordpress.com.
March 11, 2014
A field guide to workplace terminology (part 2)
by Simon Heath • Comment, Facilities management
Continuous improvement – What you say you’re doing to excuse repeated cock-ups
Diversity – A differing of views over whether to introduce quotas in the board room
Divergent thinking – Coming up with a stupid idea right after someone says “There’s no such thing as a stupid idea”.
Emotional intelligence – The art of never showing your feelings at work
110 percent – The inverse amount of humility required for a job in sales
Honest and open – The type of chat that results in a written note on your employee record
Reach out – Having to finally talk to that person you’ve been studiously avoiding
Telework – They tell ‘im, ‘e works.
Anonymize – Taking your name off of a project update that paints you in a bad light
Ready, aim, fire – Instructions to HR from the CEO for the latest round of employee negotiations
At the end of the day – That which never arrives in modern business
Baked-in – The feeling you get after too many cupcakes at an HR meeting
Balls in the air – Left hanging after a car park conversation
Bandwith – The CEO’s waistline after a long lunch meeting
Baseline – The minimum effort you can put in and still get away with it
Best practice – After repeated failures, what you are told to go away and do
Bleeding edge – What you get from banging your head on the desk in frustration with your co-workers
Boiling the ocean – What the intern feels she’s doing when being made to prepare hot drinks for a board meeting
Seat at the table – Musical chairs for the irrelevant
Buy-in – Bribing a colleague to do the work you can’t be bothered to
CFO – A person in a race to the bottom line
COO – Chief Obfuscation Officer
Chinese wall – What you cite to avoid having to deal with awkward internal comms issues
Town hall – A place CEOs go to in order to patronise the workforce
Cross–training – Sending Bob from Finance to shadow the sales guys so you don’t have to deal with his body odour
De-layering – Having one less filling in your sandwich from Pret
Big Data – A great opportunity to make up for an even greater lack of insight
Deep dive – What you’re told someone is going to do before they fail to set aside enough time
Dialogue – Verbal diarrhoea suffered by focus groups
Disenfranchise – The fate of Blockbuster
Dovetail – What you see right before the bird craps on you
Due Diligence – All the stuff you then ignore
Facetime – Time spent with your head in your hands in frustration after another pointless meeting
Facilitation – A cologne that smells of scented pens
Fishbowl – Customer insight that you ignore until the fish dies and has to be flushed down the toilet
Full optics – Setting up the bar the night before the annual sales conference
Going forward – Direction of travel for a business with regressive management practices
Hacking – The kind of cough you hear in a meeting when someone suggests an employee engagement programme
Human capital – The CFO’s chess set
Ideation – The differentiation of ideas thought up by consultants versus things you could have come up with yourself
Lean in – Getting closer to the toilet bowl to throw up after hearing the CEO speak at the latest Town Hall
Low hanging fruit – Where you feel you’ve been kicked after your latest pay review
Lunch and learn – An opportunity to do the former at the expense of the latter
Prayer meeting – What happens right after you’ve submitted a proposal to the client
Matrix organisation – A business where the CEO tries to subdue dissent by taking the job titles off the org charts
Holocracy – An optical illusion used to disguise your Taylorist leanings
Meritocracy – An organisation in which mediocrity rises to the top
Move the dial – A term used by the kind of person whose only real responsibility in the office is to adjust the AC controls
Offline – Code for something you don’t want to discuss in front of a superior or client
Onboarding – The first three hours in a new job where you sit in a windowless room and read reams of company policy manuals
Organic growth – The unidentifiable thing left in the back of the communal fridge
Peer review – Your co-workers get together to highlight your shortcomings
360 degree review – A performance review that makes your head spin
Presenteeism – The whip round for whoever celebrates their birthday this week
Powerpoint – A presentation by management to demonstrate their superiority
Scope creep – The person who moves the goalposts hallway through a project
Reverse-engineering – Dissecting a failed project in an attempt to find someone to blame
SME – The smartest guy who’s never in the room when the decisions get made
Strategic planning – Navel gazing by people who get paid more than you do