How you can help us to understand and shape the future of office design in Europe

The results will help workplace professionals across the continent to better understand how they can optimise their own workplaces, office design and work culturesAfter four years, The Great Workplace Conversation continues apace as we try to understand the threats and opportunities presented by the shift in the way we think about the way we work in the wake of the pandemic. Now you can help us to understand the forces at work in this shift by taking part in a short survey we have developed in partnership with our friends at the Workspace Design Show. The results will help workplace professionals across the continent to better understand how they can optimise their own workplaces, office design and work cultures.

The survey, Workplace Insights 2025: Trends, Technology, and Tomorrow, is a  collaboration between the Workspace Design Show, Workplace Insight, IN and Works Magazine.

Your expertise and experience is crucial in helping us build a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape. By participating, you’ll be contributing to a report that will inform and influence key decisions in office design, interiors, furniture, and solutions. This report and its findings will be made available for the general public and policy makers to access, download, and read. It is intended to provide a snapshot on the best current thinking, while also helping to shape the future of office design in the UK, Europe and beyond.

A few things to note:

• We understand how busy you are, so please take the survey at your own pace. You can skip questions that are not relevant to you.
• All responses will be kept confidential and will only be used for research purposes.
• The survey should take only around fifteen minutes to complete.


As a token of our appreciation, all participants will be the first to receive a summary of the survey findings, which will provide valuable insights into the industry’s direction. Thank you in advance for your contribution.

Image: Sedus