Looking for a job now as savage an experience as a dating app

Nearly two thirds of people say they find looking for a job a negative experience with almost a quarter saying that the process is 'soul-destroying'Nearly two thirds of people say they find looking for a job a negative experience with almost a quarter saying that the process is ‘soul-destroying’, according to a new poll from HiBob. The survey also suggests that three in five (58 percent) UK professionals have been ghosted by a prospective employer during the interview process, with two in five (39 percent) having been ghosted more than once. The report concludes that the recruitment process could be becoming as savage as online dating, where four in five single people say they have experienced ghosting. 

Against what the report claims is the backdrop of a skills shortage and difficulty attracting new talent, more than half (57 percent) of UK professionals declare that a lack of communication is the biggest red flag that gives them a negative impression of an employer during the hiring process. Additional warning signs when looking for a job include a disorganised or unprepared interview process (56 percent), the job description being misaligned with the actual role (48 percent) and excessive – four or more – rounds of interviews (46 percent).

According to the poll, almost a third of UK workers (31 percent) find waiting to hear the outcome of an interview the least enjoyable part of the hiring process because it is lengthy and drawn out (23 percent). As a result, two fifths (41 percent) are unlikely to accept a job if they are left with a negative impression from their interview experience.


A tempting trifecta

The three practices that give employees a positive impression are clear communication throughout the interview process (61 percent), a prompt follow-up after the interview (57 percent) and providing a clear overview of the role and growth opportunities (50 percent). The top two things employees would change about the hiring process are clearer communication (45 percent) and faster timelines from application to final outcome (45 percent).

Beyond the traditional elements that create positive hiring experiences, more than one in ten UK workers said that being paid for their time at interviews (12 percent) and being provided with free transportation and accommodation for in-person interviews (11 percent) would create a positive hiring experience.


The negative online viral spiral

With much of our lives lived online and the proliferation of social media and websites dedicated to reviews of companies, Brits are emboldened to share their negative hiring experiences with almost half (48 percent) believing it is acceptable for these to be shared online. As a result, the risk of negative reviews regarding the hiring experience is rapidly increasing for employers.

This culture of sharing hiring experiences on social media could leave companies exposed and have an impact on their success in recruiting top talent, as one in ten (10 percent) UK professionals say reading about negative experiences would always deter them from applying. Further, more than a quarter (27 percent) say reading about negative experiences would make them hesitant to apply to a company when job hunting.