About Neil Franklin

Neil Franklin is Insight's news editor

Posts by Neil Franklin:

Shortage of high-quality data threatens the AI ‘boom’

Shortage of high-quality data threatens the AI ‘boom’

A number of fundamental issues, including a shortage of high-quality data with which to ‘train’ the technology is threaten the AI ‘boom’, according to a new white paper from the Open Data InstituteA number of fundamental issues, including a shortage of high-quality data with which to ‘train’ the technology is threatening the AI ‘boom’, according to a new white paper from the Open Data Institute. The paper Building a better future with data and AI is based on research carried out by the Institute in the first half of 2024. It claims to identify significant weaknesses in the UK’s technological infrastructure that threaten the predicted potential gains – for people, society, and the economy – from the surge of interest in artificial intelligence and its applications. It also outlines the ODI’s recommendations for creating diverse, fair data-centric AI. More →

People and firms are shifting away from remote work, survey suggests

People and firms are shifting away from remote work, survey suggests

One of the most prominent findings from the report is the pronounced decline in both the practice and preference for remote workThere has been a recent significant shift in working habits and preferences among employees in the post-pandemic landscape, according to the fourth Commuter Census from Mobilityways. One of the most prominent findings from the report is the pronounced decline in both the practice of and preference for remote work. The survey of 10,325 participants suggests that 40 percent of people no longer engage in any form of remote work, despite a mere 15 percent of employees expressing a preference for this arrangement.  Only 26 percent of respondents would consider working from home as an alternative to their current commuting routine, marking a significant 42 percent drop from the previous year. More →

Organisations struggle to nurture creativity even though they see it as essential

Organisations struggle to nurture creativity even though they see it as essential

Despite the widespread belief in the importance of creativity, many organisations are struggling to create environments that nurture and encourage innovative thinking.A new report from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, in collaboration with Canva, claims to have uncovered the significant challenges organisations face when it comes to fostering creativity within the workplace. Despite the widespread belief in the importance of creativity, many organisations are struggling to create environments that nurture and encourage innovative thinking. More →

How do you encourage people to spend more time in the office? Find out in our special report

How do you encourage people to spend more time in the office? Find out in our special report

If you want people to spend more time in the office with each other, how do you entice them to do so without making it an obligation?In a world in which people have more choice about how and where to work, how can organisations meet their diverse and ever-changing needs? And how can they attract them to the office without issuing controversial mandates? Some of the UK’s most high-profile workplace, design, property and facilities management experts met recently at the London showroom of MillerKnoll to discuss one of the most vexed questions of recent years. Namely, how do you create workplaces that meet the needs of people who have more choices than ever of how, when and where to work? And its corollary: if you want people to spend more time in the office with each other, how do you entice them to do so without making it an obligation? More →

Office attendance levels continue to rise across Europe

Office attendance levels continue to rise across Europe

Efforts to bring employees back to the office over the past year have generated high degrees of success, according to the 2024 European Office Occupier Survey from CBREEfforts to bring employees back to the office over the past year have generated high degrees of success, according to the 2024 European Office Occupier Survey from CBRE. According to the research, the proportion of companies reporting average building utilisation of 41-80 percent has risen to 61 percent, up from 48 percent in 2023. Conversely, the proportion of companies reporting lower utilisation has fallen, with only a third of companies reporting utilisation of 40 percent or below, compared with nearly half of the companies surveyed last year. More →

People are cautiously optimistic about the impact of AI and other tech

People are cautiously optimistic about the impact of AI and other tech

both employers and employees are optimistic about the impact new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will have on their workplace – even though decision makers feel more optimistic than staffEmployers and staff are optimistic about impact of new technologies, despite uncertainty about safety according to a new British Safety Council survey. The YouGov survey commissioned by British Safety Council among 4018 UK employers and employees claims that both employers and employees are optimistic about the impact new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will have on their workplace – even though decision makers feel more optimistic than staff. More →

Mediocre offices won’t encourage people to spend more time in them

Mediocre offices won’t encourage people to spend more time in them

Dry, uninspiring offices and long, costly commutes are principal causes for a lack of office-based working, according to a new poll.Dry, uninspiring offices and long, costly commutes are principal causes for a lack of office-based working, according to a new poll. The survey, commissioned by design and fit-out firm Peldon Rose claims that 1 in 3 (34 percent) office-based workers in London have a ‘nightmare journey’ into work each day, which ultimately deters almost half (46 percent) from travelling into the office. For those that do come into the office, more than a third (38 percent) believe their working environment is uninspiring and unfit for purpose. More →

Nearly all CEOs now say they work across different locations

Nearly all CEOs now say they work across different locations

CEOs are leading by example when it comes to hybrid working, with nine in 10 (93 percent) saying they have personally adopted flexible working patternsCEOs are leading by example when it comes to hybrid working, with nine in 10 (93 percent) saying they have personally adopted flexible working patterns according to a new poll. The survey of more than 500 CEOs by International Workplace Group suggests that the vast majority now split their working time between locations. Just 7 percent said they spend five days a week working from a central office. More →

Something for the weekend? Why, if it isn’t the new issue of IN Magazine

Something for the weekend? Why, if it isn’t the new issue of IN Magazine

t's a bit of a bumper issue. The digital edition of the new IN Magazine is available for you here.It’s a bit of a bumper issue. The digital edition of the new IN Magazine is available for you here. Inside you will find: Peggie Rothe of Leesman talking about how to optimise the workplace experience (and why you need t do it); Jo Knight cutting through yet another layer of sustainability BS; Stephanie Fitzgerald grappling with AI; a look back on the new direction for office design heralded thirty years ago by three new products; and a recent look back on Clerkenwell Design Week; a visit to an installation that shows how Sheffield is reinventing itself; a look at what happens when firms monitor staff (they monitor the firm right back); alternatives to our conception of the working day; how firms are building new relationships with remote staff; how Mark Eltringham can’t even be happy reading a book he agrees with; and the final word on the most complained about aspect of work.      More →

CIBSE announces new future focussed building performance project

CIBSE announces new future focussed building performance project

CIBSE has launched Building Performance Reimagined, a project aimed at transforming the landscape of building engineering and sustainabilityCIBSE has launched what it claims is a ground-breaking initiative titled Building Performance Reimagined [registration], a project aimed at transforming the landscape of building engineering and sustainability. Commissioned by CIBSE and researched by Arup, the Building Performance Reimagined project diverges from conventional engineering paradigms. Rather than focusing solely on system sizing, maintenance or controls, the initiative takes a holistic, future-oriented perspective on building performance. More →

Looking for a job now as savage an experience as a dating app

Looking for a job now as savage an experience as a dating app

Nearly two thirds of people say they find looking for a job a negative experience with almost a quarter saying that the process is 'soul-destroying'Nearly two thirds of people say they find looking for a job a negative experience with almost a quarter saying that the process is ‘soul-destroying’, according to a new poll from HiBob. The survey also suggests that three in five (58 percent) UK professionals have been ghosted by a prospective employer during the interview process, with two in five (39 percent) having been ghosted more than once. The report concludes that the recruitment process could be becoming as savage as online dating, where four in five single people say they have experienced ghosting.  More →

Younger people put far less emphasis on flexible working than older colleagues

Younger people put far less emphasis on flexible working than older colleagues

Demand for flexible working options surged during the pandemic but has since become less important to people, according to ADP Research Institute’s People at Work 2024: A Global Workforce ViewDemand for flexible working options surged during the pandemic but has since become less important to people, according to ADP Research Institute’s People at Work 2024: A Global Workforce View [registration]. Overall, the survey of  nearly 35,000 people in 18 countries suggests flexible working hours are important to 25 percent of workers, while 15 percent value flexible locations. Workers of all ages and in all regions rank flexibility of location below salary, job security, work enjoyment and career progression. In Europe, only 14 percent of respondents favour flexible location, a slightly smaller share than in Asia Pacific (15 percent), Latin America (15 percent), and North America (17 percent). More →