Organisations struggle to nurture creativity even though they see it as essential

Despite the widespread belief in the importance of creativity, many organisations are struggling to create environments that nurture and encourage innovative thinking.A new report from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, in collaboration with Canva, claims to have uncovered the significant challenges organisations face when it comes to fostering creativity within the workplace. Despite the widespread belief in the importance of creativity, many organisations are struggling to create environments that nurture and encourage innovative thinking.

The study surveyed over 500 business professionals and found that while 96 percent agree that creative ideas are crucial for an organisation’s long-term success, there is a gap between recognising the value of creativity and effectively harnessing it for business impact.

For the survey, organisations were categorised into three groups based on their ability to identify and implement creative solutions: leaders, followers, and laggards. Leaders, comprising 22 percent of the respondents, were identified as “very successful” in this area. Followers, making up 56 percent, were “somewhat successful,” and laggards, at 22 percent, were “not very successful.”


Key Findings:

  • Workplaces Are Failing to Nurture Creativity: While 91 percent of respondents believe that creative thinking is an essential attribute for employees, more than half of the laggards (58 percent) report that their organisational culture does not reward creative pursuits. In contrast, only 19 percent of leaders share this sentiment.
  • Leadership’s Role in Creativity: Ninety-four percent of respondents agree that having a creative leader enhances the creativity of their team. However, nearly three-quarters of laggards (72 percent) feel that their leaders are not sufficiently engaged in creative thinking to support their teams, compared to only 23 percent of leaders.
  • Generative AI’s Role: Forty-two percent of leaders think that generative AI can significantly enhance creativity within their organisation. These leaders believe AI can automate repetitive tasks, accelerate idea generation, and create content with minimal human intervention. While 47 percent of leaders are using generative AI tools for strategic growth, only 30 percent of followers and 14 percent of laggards are doing so.

Survey methodology: The Harvard Business Review Analytic Services conducted an online survey in November 2023, engaging 542 members of the Harvard Business Review audience. Respondents included individuals familiar with their organisation’s approach to business strategy, problem-solving, and innovation, with 29 percent in executive management or board positions, 31 percent in senior management, 23 percent in middle management, and 17 percent in other roles.