About Stephanie Fitzgerald

Dr Stephanie Fitzgerald is an experienced Clinical Psychologist and Health and Wellbeing Consultant. Stephanie is passionate about workplace wellbeing and strongly believes everyone can and should be happy at work. Stephanie supports companies across all sectors to keep their employees happy, healthy, safe and engaged. Follow her on Instagram @workplace_wellbeing 

Posts by Stephanie Fitzgerald:

Will AI really lighten the load to reduce burnout and improve our wellbeing?

Will AI really lighten the load to reduce burnout and improve our wellbeing?

The idea of AI being able to lift some of the daily administrative burden off employees is appealing as a measure against burnout. But will it work?When speaking to leaders about the integration of AI into their businesses, one positive repeated to me in every conversation is ‘AI will lighten the load’. Workplace wellbeing is a recognised priority, with most businesses and organisations seeking to minimise stress and burnout and, ultimately, reduce costly sickness absence. The idea of AI being able to lift some of the daily administrative burden off employees is appealing and it’s certainly a large part of the sales pitch of AI tech suppliers. But will it work? More →

Two students just proved that Meta’s new smart glasses are not rose-tinted

Two students just proved that Meta’s new smart glasses are not rose-tinted

By combining smart glasses with AI and face recognition software, two students have exposed something troublingBe honest, did you smirk a little when everyone was posting their ‘legal’ message to Instagram? You probably saw it doing the rounds, after all it was one of the most viral trends ever posted on the app. Stories were flooded with a message reading “Goodbye Meta Al. Please note an attorney has advised us to put this on, failure to do so may result in legal consequences. As Meta is now a public entity all members must post a similar statement. If you do not post at least once it will be assumed you are okay with them using your information and photos. I do not give Meta or anyone else permission to use any of my personal data, profile information or photos”. More →

Liar liar… the challenge AI has with the truth  

Liar liar… the challenge AI has with the truth  


lets see what experience and qualification AI can bring to the role, before we recruit it into our companiesThe rapid development and integration of AI assistance continues to be mind-blowing. Recently, my phone offered to arrange a birthday get-together for my friend Bruce (a lovely thought, but he’s in Canada and I’m in the UK so it’s unlikely to happen- sorry Bruce!). However, whilst a little geographical confusion doesn’t pose too much of an issue, given it was easy to spot, not all AI mistakes are so transparent. More →

Why AI is not getting the green light for sustainability

Why AI is not getting the green light for sustainability

We think of digital solutions such as AI as being more sustainable and eco-friendly. Nothing could be further from the truthWe might think of online and digital solutions such as AI as more sustainable and eco-friendly. We have email signatures reminding us to think before hitting print and are encouraged to send e-cards with seasonal greetings to save the trees. Our overall preference to switch to all things online means that we rarely question, or even consider, the environmental impact of our computers. It’s also how the truly enormous impact of AI has, thus far, stayed off our radar. More →

Dear [employee]…Great job!  Why AI may not give you the warm and fuzzies

Dear [employee]…Great job!  Why AI may not give you the warm and fuzzies

Gratitude is one of the most underutilised yet most appreciated rewards within the workplace. So why get an AI to say thanks for you?I recently completed an ‘Artificial Intelligence Essentials’ course, designed to introduce me to the world of AI tools and help me become more productive and efficient in my work. As someone who is borderline-obsessed with AI and undertaking every AI course going, I couldn’t sign up quickly enough. Also, I confess, I am a total sucker for all things ‘perfect planner’, be that journal or software; any talk of productivity tools and I’m in. More →

Not luddite dinosaurs but the sensible voice of caution on AI. And you need to listen

Not luddite dinosaurs but the sensible voice of caution on AI. And you need to listen

In my line of work, it is easy to get away with not being au fait with technology. Having previously laughed off my ineptitude saying ‘there’s a reason I work with people not machines!’ I never considered I had a place in the realm of all things IT and computers. Until I discovered AI. More specifically, Deep Neural Networks. With a specialism in Neuropsychology, I was intrigued by a discipline that aimed to recreate that which we barely understand; the human brain. One of my favourite (and most frustrating) realisations when I began studying more than twenty years ago, was that I could dedicate myself to learning about the human brain 24/7 for the rest of my life… and still barely scratch the surface. Yet here was an AI community telling me they could recreate it. I was beyond intrigued and so began my unexpected delve into the world of all things machine learning and I haven’t looked back. More →

Resenteeism. Destructive, contagious and in your workplace right now

Resenteeism. Destructive, contagious and in your workplace right now

Don’t ignore it the phenomenon of resenteeism. It can destroy new initiatives, progression and development in a heartbeat. You measure absenteeism. You are aware of presenteeism. But what are you doing about the new kid on the block – resenteeism? This occurs when employees stay in a job despite being fundamentally unhappy. They don’t want to be at work and when they are there, they actively resent it. Increasingly employees are fed up, across varying sectors, and showing some common threads or ‘symptoms’ of resenteeism. One of the most noticeable, and frustrating for employers, is employees resenting being asked to do their job. More →

The unspoken privilege of wellbeing

The unspoken privilege of wellbeing

Two women talking in a pleasant and well designed office, one on a bench the other a swing, to illustrate the importance of wellbeingI sat in the main hall at a recent conference, listening to the keynote presentation. A Head of HR at a large manufacturing company described the implementation of their wellbeing strategy over the last year. So far, so important. There is no doubt that the conversation around wellbeing has been rightly amplified, as employees are seeking to gain and maintain more life in their work-life balance. However, as I sat there listening, I became uncomfortable. Seriously uncomfortable. Then I became cross. More →

The raging truth about burnout

The raging truth about burnout

burnoutWe’re probably all familiar with an image of burnout. People sitting head in hands, or lying in bed staring at the ceiling, unable to get up and get going in the morning. Burnout is once again a topic of the moment as workplaces are left reeling by the “Great Resignation”, and those that are left behind are struggling to cover the resulting gap in knowledge and resource. More →

Employees don’t have survey fatigue – they are tired of being ignored

Employees don’t have survey fatigue – they are tired of being ignored

An employee survey can offer fantastic insight into the highs and lows of working for your company, and how employees perceive and understand your business culture. These survey responses can allow mangers and leaders to make proactive and positive changes to the business, improve employee engagement and ultimately increase business success. However, research tells us response rates can be as low as five percent. More →

Yoga is not a wellbeing strategy

Yoga is not a wellbeing strategy

Yoga is not a wellbeing strategyOne of the problems facing businesses right now isn’t the so-called mental health pandemic, it’s that no one seems to know what to do about it. The increased focus on employee mental health and wellbeing has seen progressive leaps in the conversation that were unimaginable 10 years ago. Even the most cynical manager has had to concede that the circumstances of the pandemic have raised the profile and importance of taking care of your employees. The reaction is knee-jerk. Companies want to do something about their employees mental health and wellbeing and they want to do it now. Whatever ‘it’ is. The appetite is there, but they can’t find the menu. More →

Your organisation really needs to stop talking about a second pandemic

Your organisation really needs to stop talking about a second pandemic

don't speak of a pandemic that may not happenIt was in the summer of 2020 that conversations about a second pandemic of mental health issues first started. As we began to see and feel our mental health suffering due to the ongoing impact of COVID19, this idea gained momentum and interest within business sectors. This concept has also been leapt upon by health and wellbeing consultants everywhere as they whip up a storm discussing the inevitable wave of mental health issues threatening to engulf our employees in the future. More →