May 2, 2014
New report aims to guide future direction of facilities management
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has published a new report authored by Dr Matthew Tucker of Liverpool John Moores University which aims to help shape the future direction and policy of the facilities management sector in the UK. Balancing the performance scorecard: how to maximise customer feedback in Facilities Management develops a customer performance measurement framework for facilities management based on a range of critical themes which emerged from the vast amounts of qualitative data collected across 23 in-depth interviews with a diverse range of FM professionals. The interview subjects came from both an in-house and outsourced background and across a range of business sectors. The report claims to offer a key set of recommendations to enable facilities managers to maximise their ability to capture customer feedback to improve the provision of space and facilities.
Dr Tucker, who is the Programme Leader in Facilities Management for the Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies Research Institute (BEST) at the School of the Built Environment at Liverpool John Moores University, commented: “The research provides an intriguing insight into one facet of the balanced scorecard of indicators: the customer. It proposes critical themes that should be considered in order to maximise the ability to capture customer feedback for space and service provision in facilities management.”
Dr Tucker has also recently been invited as a Visiting Scholar by the Georgia Institute of Technology, his host institution for the RICS-Fulbright research in the States, where he will be conducting follow up research from some of the recommendations that the report makes.