July 13, 2013
UK government falling behind in plans to modernise its workplaces
The UK government has conceded that it is falling significantly behind in its plans to create a modern workplace involving a more flexible working environment for public sector employees. The plans were outlined in the Civil Service Reform Plan a year ago with the aim to create a “decent working environment for all staff, with modern workplaces enabling flexible working”. However, a report released this week by Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude confirms that the plans are now rated red, meaning they are significantly delayed or off track and that there is now a great deal of work that needs to be done to meet the stated aims of the plan. While some departments have made good progress, there is little cross-government work to meet the demands of the Government’s commitment.
The progress report identifies one of the underlying reasons as a lack of resources which has led to problems in specific areas such as skills development, private sector secondments, involvement of HR in implementation, modernising the workplace and shared services. The next key stage as the Government tries to get its plans back on track comes in September when a finalised implementation plan will be handed to a new team to execute.
The progress report claims that changes in the modernisation of workplaces would be effective by late 2013 with IT issues set as a priority. Flexible working guidelines will be published in the autumn and, once agreed, staff will be issued with passes that enable them to work in different buildings and locations.
Flexible working trials on this basis will begin during 2014, with the Cabinet Office set to be an exemplar department.
August 8, 2013 @ 12:17 pm
We have observe a raft of co/re-locations in the public sector, shared services etc. This has delivered a great many ‘new’ workplace settings but has it given us modernisation? Considering the 3P’s or the 3W’s if you prefer ~ the Workplace is more modern (up to date in style/products and such), the Workflow is absolutely better supported by IT leaps . . . the Workforce ~ can they be modernised?
Perhaps we will see greater engagement – in time. We hear this from some leading work place designers/consultants . . . ‘eventually, it (the human capital) will find it’s own level ~ like a water table. The staff will mature into the new worksetting and its wonderful new tools and toys.’
Mature. Modernise. Maybe.
September 26, 2013 @ 11:28 am
Agility is what is really needed not just freeing people to do the same work in different times and places but also to enable people to innovate, think and work differently. IT is one of the key enablers to free the shackles but mindset change – of the individual, amangement and the organisation itself – is also key to embracing agile working. Guidelines are helpful to encourage changed behaviours but often guidelines are seen as “cages” limting the required innovation. Exemplar champions and stories are a better way of promoting what the organisation needs to embed into its culture.