Search Results for: net zero carbon

Circularity is now essential in the delivery of net zero buildings

Circularity is now essential in the delivery of net zero buildings

net zero buildingThe UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has published new insight into the positive impact circular thinking can have in delivering whole life carbon reductions and value creation across construction projects. The study, ‘How Circular Economy Principles can impact carbon and value‘ seeks to increase understanding within the built environment sector of how circularity can support reductions in whole life carbon in achieving net zero. It also seeks to enable project decision-makers and key built environment stakeholders to strengthen the business case for implementing circularity. More →

Calls for tax measures to speed up decarbonisation of commercial property

Calls for tax measures to speed up decarbonisation of commercial property

decarbonising commercial propertyIn its response to a consultation on the reform of capital allowances, the British Property Federation urges the Government to increase tax relief for capital expenditure on building projects that support the Government’s net zero and levelling-up ambitions and introduce a new tax credit system similar to that which applies to Research & Development spending. Buildings are responsible for around 30 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in the UK and reaching net zero by 2050 will require significant capital investment in new types of building, building techniques and new technologies to improve the energy efficiency of domestic and commercial property. More →

Net zero climate pledges of major companies hide their true intentions

Net zero climate pledges of major companies hide their true intentions

net zero climate pledge failThe headline climate pledges of 25 of the world’s largest companies in reality only commit to reduce their emissions by 40 percent on average, not 100 percent as suggested by their “net zero” and “carbon neutral” claims, according to a new analysis. These are the findings of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor released today, conducted by NewClimate Institute in collaboration with Carbon Market Watch. It evaluates 25 major companies – operating across different sectors and geographies – to determine the transparency and integrity of their headline climate pledges. More →

Councils can meet net zero targets with help of building renovation

Councils can meet net zero targets with help of building renovation

Public Sector Estate and net zeroThe UK Green Building Council (UKGBC), together with the World Green Building Council, several European Green Building Councils, Climate Alliance and the Buildings Performance Institute Europe, has published a framework to support cities and local authorities to measure the impacts and wider benefits of building retrofit as a way of meeting their net zero targets. More →

Government publishes Net Zero guidance for buildings

Government publishes Net Zero guidance for buildings

net zeroA new guide to decarbonising public sector buildings and creating a net zero public estate has been launched by the Cabinet Office. The authors of The Net Zero Estate Playbook claims it will ensure consistent approaches, such as using solar panels, LED lighting and greener building materials, are applied across public buildings as they help decarbonise Britain’s largest property portfolio. More →

Real estate players join forces with Urban Land Institute to fast-track decarbonisation

Real estate players join forces with Urban Land Institute to fast-track decarbonisation

real estateThe Urban Land Institute (ULI) has kicked off a new project in partnership with several major real estate organisations – including Allianz Real Estate, Catella, Hines, Redevco and Schroders Capital – that will support the built environment in Europe on its urgent journey to carbon neutrality. More →

Built environment sector lacks clarity around its carbon emissions

Built environment sector lacks clarity around its carbon emissions

environmentAccording to new research, the majority (58 percent) of built environment professionals believe the sector is already doing enough to tackle its carbon impact, despite the built environment contributing 36 percent of total global energy-related CO2 emissions, and the most recent available data highlighting that CO2 from operational energy use of buildings reached its highest level yet in 2019. More →

Net zero 2050 claims questioned by building performance analysts

Net zero 2050 claims questioned by building performance analysts

Glasgow net zeroA new report expresses scepticism about the UK government’s current net zero strategy for the country’s buildings, with 69 percent of built environment professionals doubting its feasibility. The research, published in the City of Tomorrow report by building performance analysts IES, found that more than half (51 percent) of those working in the sector believe that net-zero 2050 is only achievable with further legislative action. One in 10 think that the current plan is not ambitious enough, and 8 percent think it’s not realistic. More →

Net zero target will be missed by over half of organisations, claims report

Net zero target will be missed by over half of organisations, claims report

missing net zeroJust 41 percent of UK organisations are on track to meet the Government’s target for net zero carbon emissions by 2050, according to new research released by Dr Chris Brauer, Goldsmiths, University of London in partnership with Microsoft. The findings suggest strong ambition and strategic vision on sustainability within UK organisations, but most leaders are struggling to translate that intent into action, with almost three quarters (74 percent) described as having “one foot in and one foot out” on sustainability. More →

To hit net zero, sustainable tech investments need to increase tenfold

To hit net zero, sustainable tech investments need to increase tenfold

Net zero reportA large increase in investment in breakthrough technologies such as hydrogen-based fuels, bioenergy and carbon-capture storage solutions is needed to hit the global goal of net zero emissions by 2050. To scale these technologies and take them to market, at least a tenfold increase in investment is needed, according to the How to Finance Industry Net-Zero report. Released by the World Economic Forum and Oliver Wyman, the report outlines how to address the supply-and-demand-side gap and take these technologies to the next level. More →

Businesses call on Government to put net zero and nature at the heart of planning system

Businesses call on Government to put net zero and nature at the heart of planning system

net zeroMore than 100 business leaders have written to the Prime Minister calling for the net zero transition, nature’s recovery, and climate resilience to be at the heart of the UK’s new planning system. More →

WorldGBC details built environment progress to achieving net zero

WorldGBC details built environment progress to achieving net zero

net zeroWorldGBC has launched the latest annual Advancing Net Zero Status Report, which highlights leadership action from the Green Building Council (GBC) global network towards achieving total sector decarbonisation. More →