April 24, 2020
Parents struggle to balance working from home with home schooling
Job board, CWjobs has released new research which claims parents are struggling with anxiety and stress as a result of having to home-school their children whilst they are working from home during lockdown. While previous research from the firm claimed that 80 percent of IT decision makers believe remote working would increase productivity in their business, productivity gains right now are unlikely for parents as they face an additional challenge: the balance of working from home and educating their children in light of continued school closures.
The wellbeing of the family unit is being put to the test during this period of lockdown, and many parents are anxious about the future. Over two thirds (68 percent) feel stressed about having to work from home as well as look after their children. Longer-term, 81 percent of parents also worry about how long the lockdown will continue for and the affect it will have on their jobs, as well as their children’s education.
For those having to home-school their children, 71 percent reported they find it most difficult to set – and stick to – a routine. 70 percent said their children simply don’t listen to them, and 61 percent admit that sibling dynamics may be suffering, as they can’t control or stop their children from arguing.
Can’t teach, won’t teach
With the start of the new school ‘term’ now underway, over three quarters (79 percent) of parents are concerned about their children’s education. Two thirds (63 percent) admit they find it difficult to understand their children’s schoolwork and can’t actually teach them the set curriculum. The concern is highest (85 percent) for those with children between 7 and 13 years of age.
70 percent of parents find it a challenge to keep their children entertained and supervised, so parents are having to be more adaptable with their schedules and rely on online tools to help them through the working/teaching day. Technology is helping to ease the pain of quarantine, allowing parents to multitask their work, as well as educate and entertain their kids through the use of various online tools and platforms.
Despite the national struggles of lockdown, there are a few positives to be gleaned from the crisis. As work life, home life and school life blur into one, over three quarters (78 percent) of parents say that the situation has united them and brought their family closer together.