The importantance of women’s friendships in the workplace

friendshipsThe company of your work friends can make a long day fly by, with many of us finding long lasting friendships in the workplace. To find out more about how much people love their colleagues, Rovva conducted a survey of 1,000 workers across the UK.

The survey claims that, on average, UK employees have just over four friends at work. The data showed that men have more friends at work than women, with men having 4.5 friends on average, compared to 4 for women.



But how key are work friends to enhancing the workplace?

Women are more likely to believe that work friendships are important (69 percent) than men (64 percent). In fact, this is highlighted by the data, as women are more likely to stay in touch with work friends from previous jobs, staying friends with old colleagues for six and a half years on average.

Meanwhile, men maintain their work friendships for slightly less time, averaging at five and a half years. Three-quarters of those surveyed said that they hang out with their work friends, with men (73 percent) socialising slightly less than women (77 percent).

Starting a new job in the pandemic puts up barriers to making these friendships in the first place, with social distancing making it difficult to spend time with colleagues.

Survey results highlighted this difficulty, as just under half of those questioned said they have made friends at their new workplace during the pandemic (45 percent). Men have found it slightly easier (47 percent) compared to women (42 percent).

Social distancing has played a huge part in the overhaul of office life, with new starters struggling to make friendships and old colleagues finding it difficult to keep the friendship exciting online.

Overall, the research highlighted that going out for lunch was the most missed work activity, with 35 percent saying so. While 32 percent said that out-of-work socialising events such as work drinks were the thing they missed the most.

Men are missing work activities slightly less than women, as the data suggests that 43 percent of women are missing socialising over lunch the most, compared to just 26 percent of men. Many of us are also missing those quick chats with our work besties, in the corridor, or whilst making a coffee.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]”We know that friendships really enhance the workplace for many people”[/perfectpullquote]

Rovva asked survey participants what kind of things they chat about with their coworkers. The results claim that women are more likely to confide in their work friends than men, about things such as work, family, health, friendships and relationships. Even sensitive topics such as mental health and finances. In fact, women are 64 percent more likely to talk about relationships, and 54 percent more likely to talk about mental health.

Jon Abrahams from Rovva, said: “We know that friendships really enhance the workplace for many people. Work lunches, activity days out and even just a quick chat in the office kitchen can really boost our moods during the work day.

“We’re not surprised to see that people have found it more difficult to make friendships in the workplace during the pandemic. After seeing the results of our research, we hope that more people can find the time to get to know their colleagues better, creating long lasting friendships.”

Image by pen_ash