About Jennifer Bryan

Jennifer Bryan is a published author, speaker and Director of Change and Leadership, who has worked with nearly 40 different organisations across multiple industries.  She is also a Non Executive Board Member of the ACMP (Association of Change Management Professionals) UK Chapter.  She believes in helping people - in whatever capacity she can - by making sure people are thought of first, last and throughout change projects and programmes. She has created a unique leading change framework, the ABChange Model, and uses her commercial insight to help lead people in change. Jennifer is author of Leading People in Change – A practical guide

Posts by Jennifer Bryan:

The change we need: hearing women and embracing curiosity in the workplace

The change we need: hearing women and embracing curiosity in the workplace

The conversation around women in the workplace is one of both logic and emotion, writes Jennifer Bryan.The conversation around women in the workplace is one of both logic and emotion. Objectivity is often the aim, but personal experiences—whether overt or subtle—shape the way we engage with this issue. The truth is, for much of history, the world was built by men, for men. While progress has been made, deeply ingrained structures and biases remain, making gender equality in professional spaces more challenging than it appears on the surface. Even those who actively strive for fairness and inclusion are not immune to falling into unintentional biases. We all have blind spots. Whether due to upbringing, societal conditioning, or subconscious norms, even the most well-intentioned individuals—men and women alike—sometimes perpetuate behaviours that contribute to exclusion rather than inclusion. Recognizing this is the first step toward meaningful change. More →

When it comes to business change, persistence eats resistance for lunch

When it comes to business change, persistence eats resistance for lunch

People’s favourite word in change is RESISTANCE.  We seem to not be able to talk about it enough.  The problem is that many times, the thought of resistance stops us from doing something because we are either afraid of it or just don’t want to deal with it and this causes big problems for us as leaders in our businesses. Whenever there is change, there will be resistance, that is a given.  Why – because it is human and natural to resist any change, whether that be positive or negative.  If I or someone else said to you “You have the winning lottery ticket!” your first reaction would be to dis-believe, which is a form of resistance. More →

Do you have leadership paralysis?

Do you have leadership paralysis?

UK firms are bullish about the use of GenAI but their employees are not so certain, according to a new poll. LeadershipThere are so many different theories on how to lead change. Tom Peters says we should not discuss change but organisational revolution (Peters,1991); Chris Argyris talks about change management as flawed advice (Argyris, 1985); Kotter puts forward a top down change transformation process (Kotter, 1995); Beer, Eisnestat and Spectors, discuss a bottom-up process (Eisnestat and Spectors, 1990) and that is just to name a few ways of looking at this aspect of leadership. More →

The science and art of change management

The science and art of change management


change management, like potentially most professional roles, is actually split into two halves with one being science and the other being artWith all the talk about generative AI, the impact it will have on people, businesses and industries, I started to think what will be the impact on change management and particularly the role of a change professional? And I realised that change management, like potentially most professional roles, is actually split into two halves with one being science and the other being art. The science element is made up of the products that one can typically see/point to, like a change plan, stakeholder map, training plan, etc.  Whereas the art element is made up of what you can see as well, but only if you take the time to observe and notice the impact it has on environments, people, productivity, retention rates, etc. because it involves the people side of change. More →

A new renaissance in leading change at the most disruptive time in history

A new renaissance in leading change at the most disruptive time in history

We need to seek answers that are not the status quo or at least go beyond the status quo when it comes to leading changeLast January, we talked about the three biggest disrupters of our time: technology, UN sustainability goals, and societal shifts. These three disrupters have put us at a cultural crossroads we have not experienced for 100 years. As a result, we need to think differently when it comes to decisions about leading change. The world will not look, feel or be the same in 10 years time – we will not interact and live the same as we do now. The world will be very very different. According to Dex Hunter Torricke, “The next 10 years are going to be the most disruptive we have ever experienced.” More →

What is the role of a change manager?

What is the role of a change manager?

There seems to be a constant debate as to when a change manager should join a project based on the perceptions of what a change manager does. Many change managers feel they are brought onto a change programme only once the programme/project team realise they need to start communicating to the business about the change. The fact of the matter is that although communication is a key element of generating change, it is not the sole element or what enables change to happen. You can literally have thousands of communications of all different kinds from emails, posters, videos and townhalls, to name a few, but none of this will mean that change will actually occur. More →

A lightbulb moment about mental health and managing change

A lightbulb moment about mental health and managing change

Resilience is often discussed as that aspect of mental health and coping, which is paramount to the ability to spring back during adverse circumstancesAccording to the British Medical Association, the rates of mental illness have been steadily increasing in adults and at an even higher rate for children and young people over the past five years here in the UK. Resilience is often discussed as that aspect of mental health and coping, which is paramount to the ability to spring back during adverse circumstances. More →

The three biggest disruptors of our time

The three biggest disruptors of our time

When we look at the context for change, we many times just look internally at what we think needs to change for whatever reason and then set about making that happen. Rarely do we think about what is going on for the people within the organisation and just how ready they and the organisation itself are for the actual change and the disruptors that underly it. Are there the right people, systems, processes, etc in place to support the change or are there a number of elements that will hinder it?  Not to mention the fact there will be a number of external elements that could and will also either help or hinder the change one way or another. More →

Is there ever a genuinely good or bad time for change?

Is there ever a genuinely good or bad time for change?

There are two questions that seem to plague quite a lot of people:  is there a good or bad time for change and is there a good or bad change?There are two questions, regarding change, that seem to plague quite a lot of people:  “is there a good or bad time for change and is there a good or bad change?” Now it may seem the answers would be quite straight forward, but probably as no surprise the actual answer is “it all depends”. That is because change is about people and we all know there is no formula for people, so it is impossible to give a formulaic, straight forward answer. More →

What are the main issues that stop people embracing change?

What are the main issues that stop people embracing change?

Taking a people centric approach means looking at resistance to change through a different lens.Many times we talk about resistance – the resistance to change – how we manage it, the reluctance of having to deal with it, the disruption it causes either positively or negatively.  But rarely do we talk about why people are resisting – what is driving the resistance. More →

Do you have a crystal ball when it comes to leading change?

Do you have a crystal ball when it comes to leading change?

You don't need to know everything or even where you'll end up when embarking on a process of change, says Jennifer BryanIf you think about a change that is happening to you, in some way, right now – how are you feeling?  Are you feeling scared, anxious, worried or happy, excited, looking forward to it?  The same thing happens with a workplace change.  Some people like the old ways of working because they are use to them, feel comfortable, they don’t have to think about it.  Whereas others are looking forward to the new ways of working, as they think they are exciting, new and different. More →

Do you walk or talk people centric change for success?

Do you walk or talk people centric change for success?

People centric changeIn previous articles, I shared that there is a McKinsey report that states that 75 percent of the organisations that were listed at the time on the S&P would no longer exist by 2025 – they would either merge, be bought out or go bankrupt.  This all means that organisations have to change and adapt or die. That is now less than 2 years away, so some organisations are now gone, some are struggling and some have adapted. With that said, organisations can no longer afford to get change wrong – they have to get it right and right now. And one way of doing this is to focus on people centric change. More →