Search Results for: real estate

Working from home prevalent across Northern Europe, but has no effect on productivity

Working from home prevalent across Northern Europe, but has no effect on productivity


Working from home has become a permanent feature of the European workforce, with notable variations across different regions and citiesA new research briefing from Oxford Economics claims to highlight the sustained prevalence of working from home in Europe, particularly in northern cities, and examines its impact on office real estate markets. According to the briefing, which analyses data through 2023, working from home has become a permanent feature of the European workforce, with notable variations across different regions and cities. More →

UK commercial property market shows signs of recovery, but not for offices

UK commercial property market shows signs of recovery, but not for offices

The United Kingdom's commercial property market is showing signs of a quicker recovery than the rest of Europe, following a challenging two-year period marked by high interest rates and the ongoing re-evaluation of the role officesThe United Kingdom’s commercial property market is showing signs of a quicker recovery than the rest of Europe, following a challenging two-year period marked by high interest rates and the ongoing re-evaluation of the role offices. According to the Green Street Index, the office market continues to be the most sluggish sector. The latest data suggests that both deal volumes and property values in the UK have seen an increase in the first half of 2024. This contrasts with Germany and France, where dealmaking has remained slow and price gains have been more modest. More →

Office attendance levels continue to rise across Europe

Office attendance levels continue to rise across Europe

Efforts to bring employees back to the office over the past year have generated high degrees of success, according to the 2024 European Office Occupier Survey from CBREEfforts to bring employees back to the office over the past year have generated high degrees of success, according to the 2024 European Office Occupier Survey from CBRE. According to the research, the proportion of companies reporting average building utilisation of 41-80 percent has risen to 61 percent, up from 48 percent in 2023. Conversely, the proportion of companies reporting lower utilisation has fallen, with only a third of companies reporting utilisation of 40 percent or below, compared with nearly half of the companies surveyed last year. More →

Book review: Workspace Made Easy

Book review: Workspace Made Easy

Workspace Made Easy by Kursty Groves and Neil Usher offers a step-by- step-guide through the complexities of creating and implement a workplace strategy from first principles through to occupying a space and changing it over timeThere’s a dog-eared, yellowing paperback on my bookshelf called Understanding Offices. Written by Joanna Eley and Alexi Marmot, it dates from 1995. It is a handbook for everybody who needed to know how to develop a workplace strategy during the infant phase of the digital and cultural revolution of the late 20th Century. I used to refer to it all the time, but now it serves mainly as a reminder of how much has changed over the past thirty years, and also how little. More →

The city and the office have much to teach each other

The city and the office have much to teach each other

It’s common to hear people say that the boundaries between the traditional workplace and the outside world have become blurred but it might be closer to the truth to say that in a growing number of cases they have been eradicated and that the evolution of cities and offices is informed by a two way exchange of DNA. Whatever you might hear, these times are far from unprecedented. History has lessons for us both in terms of how we view the events of 2020 and how we might respond to them, including how we progress as a species and make our lives and the world a better place. In 1832, there was an epidemic of cholera in the UK’s towns and cities. In those with a population of 100,000 or more life expectancy was just 26 years. The reasons for this were picked up on by a government official called Edwin Chadwick as a member of the Poor Law Commission.   More →

Bloom Clerkenwell tenants connected via world mobile first from Freshwave

Bloom Clerkenwell tenants connected via world mobile first from Freshwave

All the current tenants at Bloom Clerkenwell in London are now enjoying indoor mobile connectivity from all four mobile network operators (MNOs) thanks to a world first from Freshwave.All the current tenants at Bloom Clerkenwell in London are now enjoying indoor mobile connectivity from all four mobile network operators (MNOs) thanks to a world first from Freshwave. Connectivity infrastructure-as-a-service provider Freshwave’s Omni Network delivers 4G signal from all four operators combined into a single box, something which has never been done before with small cells. It was deployed at Bloom using CommScope’s ONECELL. More →

British Council for Offices Chief Executive Richard Kauntze to step down in summer 2025

British Council for Offices Chief Executive Richard Kauntze to step down in summer 2025

After soon-to-be 25 years of serving as Chief Executive for the British Council for Offices, Richard Kauntze will be stepping down in summer 2025. His successor will be appointed by the BCO Presidential Team in due course. More →

Sound and vision – Nigel Oseland makes himself heard for the IN magazine profile

Sound and vision – Nigel Oseland makes himself heard for the IN magazine profile

Nigel Oseland opens up about people and places for IN Magazine

Interviewing people involves trying to tease out a bit of personal colour. Sometimes I already know what that is or might be. That is certainly the case with Nigel Oseland who I have known for many years, know to be from Wolverhampton and who studied psychology and computer science at Keele University in my home town. He went on to focus on environmental psychology while working at the Building Research Establishment in Watford in the late 1980s and 1990s. More →

A new generation of workplace apps is transforming people’s experience of work

A new generation of workplace apps is transforming people’s experience of work

These days, workplace apps promise a much more sophisticated experience, which can be accessed in the palm of your handDisseminating information about a building to the people who occupy it has come a long way from a basic, intranet desktop interface with warnings about wet floors or notices about charity fundraising. These days, workplace apps promise a much more sophisticated experience, which can be accessed in the palm of your hand. Gartner has a useful definition of workplace apps’ capabilities, stating, “They are used to explore and reserve workspaces, navigate the workplace, find colleagues, plan the best days to attend the workplace, access services and ensure that employees could feel safe in a future post pandemic workplace.” More →

NeoCon announces best of show award winners

NeoCon announces best of show award winners

The winners of the 34th annual Best of NeoCon Awards have been announced at this year’s show at THE MART in Chicago. This year, a total of 126 (!) awards were bestowed upon products in 50 categories for Gold, Silver, Sustainability, Innovation, Business Impact, and the coveted Best of Competition. The winners were selected by a group of 53 architects, designers, specifiers, enterprise clients, facility managers, and top business media who judged the products on-site over the weekend. This year, Momentum Textiles & Wallcovering’s collaboration with British-Nigerian artist Yinka Ilori (main image) received the coveted distinction of Best of Competition—marking the first time a product in the Wall Treatments and Textiles categories took home the top honour. More →

Fiona Cousins appointed new President of CIBSE

Fiona Cousins appointed new President of CIBSE  has announced the appointment of Fiona Cousins as its new President. Fiona, who holds several senior roles at Arup, brings extensive experience and a deep commitment to advancing sustainability and broadening the focus on building performance in the industry. Fiona takes over the presidency from Adrian Catchpole, to whom she extended heartfelt thanks for his contributions, especially in promoting STEM Ambassadors in schools and the certified practice initiatives. These efforts will continue to be a priority according to a statement from CIBSE. More →

What happens to work when the machine stops?

What happens to work when the machine stops?

Newton at work

In 1909, E M Forster – not exactly known for a body of work replete with dystopian fiction – published a novella called The Machine Stops. You can read it here but the story describes a future in which people live below ground, in isolation but with all their needs met by an omnipresent Machine (you can see where this is going). More →