End of Brexit uncertainty boosts London commercial property market

End of Brexit uncertainty boosts London commercial property market

commercial propertyLondon is set for an increase in commercial property investment in 2020 as international investors target the capital’s high-yielding office market, following the decisive 2019 UK General Election result. According to the latest research from Knight Frank, investors have increased the total capital targeting London commercial assets to £48.4bn, a 21 percent rise on 2019 and £2bn higher than 2018. However, with just £2.3bn of buildings for sale, investors will face strong competition, which is expected to drive values higher in 2020. More →

Time to Talk Day: fewer than one in ten would discuss mental health with manager

Time to Talk Day: fewer than one in ten would discuss mental health with manager

Time to Talk DayThree-quarters of UK employees who have experienced a mental health condition believe stigma around the issue has reduced over the past year but the vast majority would still not discuss their condition with their line managers, according to new research. Aviva’s “Health of the Workplace” report, released for Time to Talk Day, suggests that just 9 percent of employees who have had a mental health condition sought help from their line manager, 12 percent would discuss their condition with a work colleague and only 4 percent would talk to HR. More →

UK’s most hated office jargon is a no-brainer

UK’s most hated office jargon is a no-brainer

office jargon‘Touch base’ and ‘no-brainer’ are apparently the most loathed pieces of office jargon in the UK, with ‘outside the box’ and ‘go the extra mile’ following closely behind. According to a survey of 2,000 people by Premier Inn, almost one in five people say they can’t stand one of these four pieces of corporate speak. More →

Flexible working and an always on culture can be bad for health

Flexible working and an always on culture can be bad for health

flexible workingEmployees believe flexible working allows them to do their best work yet they also feel permanent connectivity is damaging their health, an international survey of more than 1,000 workers has suggested. In the study conducted by Quartz Insights in partnership with Citrix Systems, Inc, respondents ranked flexible working as the third most important factor – behind salary and leadership – enabling them to do their best work. However, two thirds also believed the “always on” mentality has a significant negative impact on their health. More →

AI will transform financial services in two years

AI will transform financial services in two years

AINearly two-thirds of financial services leaders expect to be mass adopters of AI in two years compared to just 16 percent harnessing it today, a survey from the World Economic Forum and the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) claims. This is despite fears around AI, with 58 percent of the 150 senior executives surveyed expecting it to worsen discrimination in the sector and the same number expecting privacy breaches to increase. More →

Businesses can fail if employees are over-confident

Businesses can fail if employees are over-confident

confidentSenior employees being too confident about the value of their ideas could be one reason businesses are failing, according to research by the University of Cologne. The study, conducted by Professor Fabian Sting and a team of interdisciplinary co-authors, highlights how choosing the wrong ideas to pursue can lead businesses to make unwise investments and miss out on opportunities, which could threaten their survival. A large part of the problem, it says, is that the person who comes up with the idea overestimates how successful their innovation will be and views their skill or performance as better than it actually is. More →

Worst things bosses have said to employees dealing with cancer

Worst things bosses have said to employees dealing with cancer

It’s not unreasonable for an employee diagnosed with cancer to look to their employer for assistance, but according to one support organisation, many employers handle the situation incredibly tactlessly. To coincide with World Cancer Awareness Day today, RedArc, which provides nurses for employees with serious or long-term health conditions, has issued a list of the worst things people with cancer reported hearing from their managers. Over the past year, its nurses logged statements such as, “Perhaps you should retire”, “You’ve had your treatment now, so you should be fine” and “How long will you be off?” More →

Outdoor workers exposed to 15 percent more pollution than average

Outdoor workers exposed to 15 percent more pollution than average

pollutionOutdoor workers in the capital are exposed to 15 percent more pollution than the average Londoner, new research has claimed. Over six months, the Canairy app developed by King College London gathered data from two groups of Londoners, some mostly working in offices and others mostly working outside. Both groups were exposed to high levels of air pollution but those working outside fared worst, being exposed to air pollution breaching guidelines for NO2, particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) and ozone. Some maximum exposures were nearly two thirds higher than recommended World Health Organisation (WHO) limits. More →

“Top employers” in UK and Ireland announced for 2020

“Top employers” in UK and Ireland announced for 2020

top employersMore than 600 business and HR leaders gathered at London’s Hilton on Park Lane on 30 January 2020 as the Top Employers Institute, an international certifier recognising excellence in employee conditions, revealed its list of certified UK and Ireland top employers for 2020. The host, comedian Ed Gamble, congratulated the 92 certified employers (82 in the UK and 10 in Ireland). There were 10 newly certified organisations, including Reckitt Benckiser, a consumer goods company, clothing and retail brand Puma and Charles Hurst, a Northern Irish new and used vehicle dealer. More →

Mental health benefits of time in nature valued at £4.5 trillion globally

Mental health benefits of time in nature valued at £4.5 trillion globally

Mental healthTime spent in the great outdoors is worth abour£4.5 trillion a year in the improved mental health of people, according to results published by a team of researchers from Griffith University’s School of Environment and ScienceCentre for Work Organisation and WellbeingEnvironmental Futures Research InstituteGriffith Business School and School of Medicine.   More →

Third of people say they will never buy electric vehicle

Third of people say they will never buy electric vehicle

electric vehicleSix in ten new cars must be electric by 2030 yet a third of people have told researchers they won’t ever buy an electric vehicle. The UK government’s current policy is to insist that by 2030, all new cars and vans sold in the UK should be zero-emissions capable – that means battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric or hydrogen. More →

Uber workers cling to “precarious” existence

Uber workers cling to “precarious” existence

UberPolicy makers should resist claims by Uber that its drivers fall into a middle ground between traditional employees and independent contractors, a new study says. The research report, Profits Uber Everything?, by Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, examines Uber’s argument that its drivers are “independent workers” who are, in some respects, like individuals working for others and in other respects are like independent businesses. The company is only trying to establish this new category to exonerate itself of any responsibility for the workers, the researchers claim. More →