August 22, 2013
Work to begin at last on major mixed use development in Leeds City Centre
Work is to begin on the development of the troubled former Lumiere site in the centre of Leeds after it was acquired by new owners. As we reported back in March, planning permission was granted as a way of resurrecting the site for a 195,000 sq. ft. mixed-use scheme including over 130,000 sq. ft. of commercial space, which will at a stroke increase the supply of available office space in Leeds city centre by more than half. The original plans to build Europe’s tallest residential tower on the site fell through in 2008 in the wake of the economic slump. The new Central Square scheme will consist of two new building up to 11 storeys high which will create an initial 130,000 sq. ft. of office space with outline consent for 64,000 sq. ft. for either office or hotel use.
August 13, 2013
Worldwide space standards moving closer to UK norm, claims new report
by Mark Eltringham • Comment, Facilities management, Flexible working, Knowledge, News, Property, Workplace design
Worldwide office space standards are now moving closer to the norm seen in the UK according to a new survey from CoreNet Global. According to the CoreNet survey of real estate managers, the average amount of space per office worker globally has dropped to 150 sq. ft (14 sq.m.) , from 225 sq. ft. (21 sq.m.). This is still well outside the standards from the British Council for Offices Specification Guide which reported a fall to 11.8 sq. m. in 2009 and which will be revised downwards even further with the publication of the new guide which has been promised soon. Even this figure might be seen as high and makes assumptions about the relevance of such space standards given the way some firms now work.
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