Search Results for: economic

CPA: UK construction activity will fall in 2013

The UK’s Construction Products Association (CPA) has today reported that it expects overall construction activity in the UK to fall by around 2 per cent this year, with most of the decline attributed to a greater than 5 per cent drop in commercial projects. Particularly concerning is the fact that the Government’s austerity measures with regard to public sector investment have not been offset by an increase in private sector activity. However these figures still represent an improvement on the 9 per cent fall of 2011.  More →

Tall buildings continue to flourish in Gulf and Asia

The ongoing economic downturn hasn’t much dampened enthusiasm for erecting tall buildings according to a review for 2012 carried out by the Chicago based Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitats. Although the number completed in the last year fell from 82 in 2011, there were still 66 buildings taller than 200 metres opened in 2012, the third most in history. Because some projects were delayed for one reason or another, activity is expected to pick up again this year and next.  More →

Only one in five FDs see suppliers as strategic partners

Only one in five finance directors see their suppliers as ‘strategic partners’, according to a survey of finance leaders in the UK and Ireland carried out by Expense Reduction Analysts (ERA). The report also revealed that 77 per cent of companies work on a short term basis when procuring products and services and resort to a defensive cost-cutting mentality when money is tight. More →

Global sustainable real estate securities fund announced

A global sustainable property fund that invests in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) and other publicly traded property companies that meet environmental and social sustainability criteria, has been launched by US real estate investment firm European Investors Incorporated (EII). The focus will be primarily on global equities of companies involved in the ownership, management, development and financing of commercial and residential properties that strive to meet sustainability requirements.
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It pays to check the green credentials of manufacturers

Generation from Knoll

Generation from Knoll

There is a theory that when companies talk about issues such as corporate social responsibility they are doing so because it helps them to achieve their business goals. This is the coldly rational thing to do according to people like free market guru Milton Friedman who argues that companies should not actively pursue altruistic ends unless that pursuit is ultimately in the interest of their shareholders. As Friedman puts it: ‘Hypocrisy is virtuous when it serves the bottom line. Moral virtue is immoral when it does not’.

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Coalition’s mid-term review given green thumbs down


The government may have reiterated its commitment to the green agenda in its Mid Term Review, which was published this week, but green groups remain resolutely unimpressed by its overall environmental record. Summarising the Coalition’s green initiatives so far, including the trebling of support for low carbon energy up to 2020 and the encouragement of green investments through the Green Investment Bank, the review stated: “We promised to be the greenest government ever, and we will fulfil that commitment.” More →

UK construction hits new low as service sector shrinks

Graph Down ArrowThe three little words nobody wanted to hear at the start of 2013 are triple dip recession. Yet even as the US managed to avoid its own fiscal cliff at the turn of the year, two reports raised fresh fears that the UK’s recovery would be postponed for a while yet. According to the Markit/CIPS Purchasing Managers’ Index, UK construction hit a six-month low as the sector dropped from an index of 49.3 in November to 48.7 in December. This is well below the index of 50 which indicates a contraction in activity. Meanwhile another report from Markit/CIPS reported an unexpected fall in the UK’s service sector. More →