Search Results for: wellbeing

Growing number of firms tracking activity of remote workers

Growing number of firms tracking activity of remote workers

Nearly half of enterprises are collecting data on the hours of remote workers, with another33 percent planning to do so in futureNearly half of enterprises (44 percent) are collecting data on the working hours of remote workers, with an additional 33 percent planning to do so in future, according to a new report from Kinly, The company’s Trusted Connections 2024 study surveyed 425 enterprise AV professionals working in the UK, Germany, Nordics, and the Netherlands. It suggests that 65 percent of enterprises are encouraging staff to install Internet of Things (IoT) devices into their homes, while a third (33 percent) are also investing in analytics platforms to monitor remote workers. More →

We need to talk about loneliness

We need to talk about loneliness

From a business perspective, loneliness can be something that is often overlooked, particularly with the growing trend of hybrid workingLast year the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that loneliness is a pressing global health threat. Research has shown that it poses the same health risk as 15 cigarettes a day. According to the ONS, between January and February 2024, one in four adults in the UK reported feeling lonely. The government estimates the cost of severe loneliness per person is roughly £10,000 per year as a result of its impact on wellbeing, health and productivity. From a business perspective, this issue can be something that is often overlooked, particularly with the growing trend of hybrid working. In a connected workplace, employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to contribute their best. More →

Thoughts of hybrid working should now turn to productivity and trust

Thoughts of hybrid working should now turn to productivity and trust

The impact of hybrid working models on productivity and employee wellbeing, especially in light of last year's unprecedented spike in sick days, is an important issueBusinesses now face the huge challenge of managing office returns and addressing the underlying generational divides and mistrust that have surfaced as a result of the pandemic years. With the Office for National Statistics (ONS) having released new data on UK productivity levels that show productivity remains sluggish, the impact of hybrid working models on productivity and employee well-being, especially in light of last year’s unprecedented spike in sick days, is an important issue. More →

EHRC publishes new guidance on menopause in the workplace

EHRC publishes new guidance on menopause in the workplace

New guidance on menopause in the workplace, setting out employer’s legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010, has been issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)New guidance on menopause in the workplace, setting out employer’s legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010, has been issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). Many women report experiencing negative impacts of menopausal symptoms in the workplace, with some even feeling compelled to leave their jobs as a result. Research shows that one in ten women surveyed who have worked during the menopause have left their jobs due to symptoms, while two thirds of working women between the ages of 40 and 60 with experience of menopausal symptoms said they have had a mostly negative impact on them at work. However, very few workers request workplace adjustments during this time, often citing concerns about potential reactions. More →

New studies show need for tougher regulation on air quality, says British Safety Council 

New studies show need for tougher regulation on air quality, says British Safety Council 

Exposure to even the smallest amounts of particulate matter and poor air quality can have profound and lasting impacts on human healthThe British Safety Council has responded to two new studies by researchers at Harvard University, which found that exposure to even the smallest amounts of harmful particulate matter can have profound and lasting impacts on human health. The announcement also addresses the regulation of air quality and the new lower limits on air pollution set by the European Union (EU). You can see the full studies here and here. More →

One in five neurodivergent employees say they have experienced harassment or discrimination at work

One in five neurodivergent employees say they have experienced harassment or discrimination at work

One in five neurodivergent employees surveyed (20 percent) have experienced harassment or discrimination at work because of their neurodivergence, according to new research from the CIPDOne in five neurodivergent employees have experienced harassment or discrimination at work because of their neurodivergence, according to new research from the CIPD, working with corporate neuroinclusion training specialists Uptimize. Neurodiversity refers to natural differences in human brain function and behavioural traits. It’s estimated that as many as 20 percent of people may be neurodivergent in some way, an umbrella term that can include those with autism, dyslexia, or ADHD. However, despite this potential figure, support and awareness of neurodiversity is lacking in many UK workplaces. More →

Insight weekly: What working from home is doing to you + New issue of IN magazine + The fear of the penalty kick

Insight weekly: What working from home is doing to you + New issue of IN magazine + The fear of the penalty kick

Insight Weekly includes a round up of the best stories and commentary from the past seven days. It includes free premium content including features, podcasts, supplements and a link to the digital edition of IN Magazine. In this issue:  your experience of working from home might improve your wellbeing – and might not; facilities managers are the goalies of the workplace; the new issue of IN; and a chat over a G&T with the one and only Antony Slumbers.  You can subscribe to this and our magazines here. More →

Not everybody has the same experience of working from home so firms need to manage people better

Not everybody has the same experience of working from home so firms need to manage people better

A new meta-analysis published in the Journal of Occupational Health suggests that a one size fits all approach to working from home is best avoided, as the outcomes for people in terms of their productivity and wellbeing can vary enormouslyA new meta-analysis published in the Journal of Occupational Health suggests that a one size fits all approach to working from home is best avoided, as the outcomes for people in terms of their productivity and wellbeing can vary enormously. The research, led by Charlotte Hall of Kings College London and the UK Health Security Agency, advises that employers should retain flexibility but be aware of the complex impact of remote work on different people. More →

State-of-the-art European weather centre headquarters in Reading given go-ahead

State-of-the-art European weather centre headquarters in Reading given go-ahead

The UK Government has been granted planning permission to develop a new cutting-edge headquarters for the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) at the University of Reading. Construction of ECMWF’s modern, accessible, and highly sustainable headquarters is scheduled to start towards the end of this year and completion is expected in Autumn 2026, after Wokingham Borough Council approved the development at its February 2024 Planning Committee. More →

Why changing with the seasons is key to the all-weather workplace

Why changing with the seasons is key to the all-weather workplace

Building in flexibility within workplace strategy and office design is a way to ensure working environments remain a magnetic destinationLove it or hate it, weather chat is part of Britain’s day to day – yet in the world of work it’s not just casual small talk. In fact, the seasons have a real impact on how we feel and perform. The change in seasonal characteristics influences what employees need from where they work. Looking after employee wellbeing and putting individuals in the best position to be productive at work means different things throughout the year. Building in flexibility within workplace strategy and office design is a way to ensure working environments remain a magnetic destination that support people all year round…but what does this type of flexibility look like? More →

Workspace Design Show reveals a raft of thought-provoking features for 2024

Workspace Design Show reveals a raft of thought-provoking features for 2024

This year's edition of the Workspace Design Show (27-28 February 2024, Business Design Centre, London) will once again present an impressive array of featuresThis year’s edition of the Workspace Design Show (27-28 February 2024, Business Design Centre, London) will once again present an impressive array of features, ranging from an immersive forest stage to an interactive lighting installation, which bring together some of the industry’s leading designers, architects and built environment partners. We’ve been given an exclusive early look at what we can expect to see at this year’s design extravaganza.   More →

Most firms don’t have AI guidance in place for internal comms

Most firms don’t have AI guidance in place for internal comms

Over two-thirds (71 percent) of organisations do not provide guidance on when, where or how to use AI for internal communicationsOver two-thirds (71 percent) of organisations do not provide guidance on when, where or how to use AI for internal communications, according to Gallagher’s 2023/24 State of the Sector report [registration]. Furthermore, the study, which drew insights from more than 2,300 communication and HR leaders across 56 countries, claims that 1 in 10 communicators (13 percent) were unsure if their organisation was using AI. More →