July 19, 2013
FMs must overcome engagement barriers to sustainability implementation
There is overwhelming support for sustainability to be embedded into business operations, but still some challenges in its successful delivery, according to the 7th annual Sustainability in Facilities Management survey from the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM). Of the top five barriers to implementation success, three related to engagement; engagement overall, amongst senior management and middle management. The report also found that many FMs are not targeting the areas of highest priority relating to behaviours or processes which have the highest impact, but tend to focus on technologies. More →
March 21, 2013
Video: how networks of engaged people can achieve more than nations
by Mark Eltringham • Architecture, Comment, Facilities management, Property, Technology, Workplace design
[embedplusvideo height=”157″ width=”230″ standard=”https://www.youtube.com/v/f2k2_dN-REc?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=f2k2_dN-REc&width=230&height=157&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep8069″ /]
In spite of all its flaws, the Internet can empower people to address specific issues in ways that exceed the abilities of nation states. In this energising talk for the Royal Society for the Arts, Don Tapscott, a Canadian businessman and now one of the world’s leading authorities on the impact of technology on people and societies, explores the idea that engaged and connected people can work together to innovate and solve issues that can seem intractable to the world’s governments and international bodies, including the most serious demographic and environmental challenges we all face.