Search Results for: future of work

Flexible offices market in Central London continues to thrive

Flexible offices market in Central London continues to thrive

London flexible officesA new report from Office Freedom claims that Central London is enjoying continued growth in demand for flexible offices, with no sign of slowing. Flexible workspaces have seen a dramatic increase in recent years, with Central London seeing particular interest for flex spaces.  The London’s growing flex appeal report takes a detailed look at Central London flexible workspace trends. More →

Exploring life at the new Siemens Campus in Zug

Exploring life at the new Siemens Campus in Zug

Siemens SparkWhen it comes to creating an office to call home, all of the usual challenges are magnified by several degrees for a company like Siemens. It can’t afford to skimp on the building’s services, green credentials, integrated technology and all-round smartness then hold meaningful conversations on the same subjects with its clients. So, the new Siemens Campus in the Swiss town of Zug has to showcase the best the firm has to offer as well as delivering for the people who work there. More →

Poor interpersonal skills are a worry for small businesses

Poor interpersonal skills are a worry for small businesses

The negative impact that poor interpersonal skills can have on growing companies has been highlighted by a new survey of 500 small business owners. The research by Tempo suggests the main effects of bad people skills in the workplace are losing a client or customer, receiving complaints from co-workers and a decrease in productivity, each of which was cited by about a third of respondents.

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Car of 2050 will be a hub for meetings on the go

Car of 2050 will be a hub for meetings on the go

car of 2050By 2050, cars will be completely driverless, electric and kitted out for hosting business meetings on the go, a report has claimed. Instead of a driving seat, there will be seats facing inwards and a screen for delivering presentations and making conference calls. The predictions in Auto Trader’s Car of the Future report are based on the forecasts of futurologist Tom Cheesewright and a survey of more than 2000 drivers to identify features that would be popular with consumers. More →

Technology jobs fall by half in six months

Technology jobs fall by half in six months

technology jobsA new analysis of the UK’s job market claims there were 52 percent fewer available jobs listed for professionals with technology skills at the end of 2019, compared to six months earlier. Accenture’s UK Tech Talent Tracker analysed data from LinkedIn’s Professional Network. This shows 78,000 job vacancies advertised that require skills in emerging technologies, down from 162,000 last June. This decrease was driven by a 64 percent reduction in the number of advertised jobs for data analysts. More →

New EU AI strategy focuses on ethics

New EU AI strategy focuses on ethics

AIThe European Commission has put forward a strategy to promote the development of AI and robotics while putting people first and defending European values and rights. The strategy acknowledges that AI can open up new opportunities for businesses and bring solutions to challenges such as climate change. However, it aims to address the social, legal and ethical impact of new technology. More →

Curiosity killed the stat: why we should avoid becoming slaves to data

Hands up. How many of you spend much/most of your time peddling data, charts and other fact-based information? And how much time do you spend challenging yourself, learning new ideas, indulging your curiosity and feeling a sense of surprise and fulfilment? And finally how much of the inquisitive, itchy child do you feel your job appeals to rather than the “only- 30-more-years-of-wage-slavery-if-I’m-lucky” mindset?

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Aloof bosses should change their job title to chief elusive officer

Aloof bosses should change their job title to chief elusive officer

aloof bossesThe bosses of many of Britain’s biggest businesses are so disengaged from their workers and the company hierarchy so embedded, that they should start calling themselves Chief Elusive Officers. That is the key finding of a survey of companies across western and northern Europe and North America into what employees think of their chief executives carried out by HR software firm Unit4. More →

Mental health benefits of time in nature valued at £4.5 trillion globally

Mental health benefits of time in nature valued at £4.5 trillion globally

Mental healthTime spent in the great outdoors is worth abour£4.5 trillion a year in the improved mental health of people, according to results published by a team of researchers from Griffith University’s School of Environment and ScienceCentre for Work Organisation and WellbeingEnvironmental Futures Research InstituteGriffith Business School and School of Medicine.   More →

Over half of UK small firms lack high speed internet

Over half of UK small firms lack high speed internet

high speed internetUK SMEs are facing a serious digital dilemma, with three in five operating their business without a high speed internet connection. This finding, from Bionic’s Business Efficiency Index (registration), is part of an overall picture of the UK’s small business community struggling to keep pace with tech acceleration; small minorities have modern payment methods or access to e-commerce channels. 57 percent of SMEs do not have high-speed internet, and under one in ten businesses (9 percent) plan to invest in access in the near future. More →

Demand for commercial property in London continues to put upward pressure on rent

Demand for commercial property in London continues to put upward pressure on rent

London commercial propertyFollowing sustained levels of leasing activity throughout the year, JLL has calculated that over 10.7m sq ft of office space in central London has been transacted so far in 2019 and with over 3m sq ft currently under offer, has suggested that take-up is on track to total 11.6 m sq ft at year-end – which is ahead of the 11.5m sq ft of space that was leased in 2018.  Both the City and West End commercial property markets are expected to see take-up levels broadly echo last year’s totals. More →

New generation prefer technology to face-to-face negotiation

New generation prefer technology to face-to-face negotiation

Digital negotiationYounger decision makers are increasingly relying on technology such as emails, video conferencing and WhatsApp in negotiations with suppliers, rather than speaking to them face-to-face, new research from Barclaycard Payments has claimed. Despite supplier negotiation being regarded as an ‘art’ by seven in 10, many said it will increasingly be conducted digitally over the next five years (68 percent). More →