June 9, 2014
Workplace Strategy Summit starts this morning with stellar line up of speakers and topics
The world’s foremost workplace conference kicks off this morning and Insight will be there to cover all of it. . Speakers include Franklin Becker, Frank Duffy, Alexi Marmot, Wim Pullen, Ian Ellison, Ziona Strelitz, Andrew Laing, Chris Kane and Simon Allford will address the most important and up to date issues relating to workplace strategy. To coincide with the event, the latest issue of Work&Place will be published before being issued to around 25,000 IFMA members worldwide and made available free online to everybody. The event builds on the success of the first Workplace Strategy Summit held at Cornell University. Updates will be available on Twitter. #IFMAsummit14
May 28, 2014
Money alone isn’t enough to attract and hold on to Gen Y employees
by Jessica Pryce-Jones • Comment, Flexible working, Workplace
The retention of Gen Y employees is key for all organisations. No organisation wants to invest in their next generation of management only to find that they leave, and someone new needs to be trained. But the 20-30 year old workers of Gen Y exhibit a new-found job mobility. Which makes for a ticking time-bomb of potential cost and disruption to their employers. The iOpener Institute has gathered and studied questionnaire responses from over 30,000 professionals across the world, gaining insights into how employers can retain their Gen Y talent. The research clearly shows that while pay and financial rewards are important to Gen Y (i.e. they are not prepared to be under-paid for their work), there is no significant correlation between increased levels of pay and greater talent retention.
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