Search Results for: office

NETGEAR adds blazing fast 5G WiFi 6 mobile router to Nighthawk lineup

NETGEAR adds blazing fast 5G WiFi 6 mobile router to Nighthawk lineup

NETGEAR®, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTGR), the provider of award-winning connected products designed to simplify and improve people's lives, has expanded its unlocked 5G mobile router lineup with the launch of the NETGEAR Nighthawk® M3 Mobile Hotspot Router (MH3150).NETGEAR, the provider of award-winning connected products designed to simplify and improve people’s lives, has expanded its unlocked 5G mobile router lineup with the launch of the NETGEAR Nighthawk® M3 Mobile Hotspot Router (MH3150). The new product meets the growing demands for accessible and powerful WiFi coupled with advanced security features anywhere, anytime. More →

How Charles Handy changed the way we speak about the workplace

How Charles Handy changed the way we speak about the workplace


Originally published in 2019. There are writers whose language pervades our discourse so extensively that even those who have never heard of them will echo not only their sentiments but also their means of expression. One of these people is Charles Handy, who has just published his latest book 21 Letters on Life and its Challenges at the age of 87. His work resonates to this day and not least because he was so far ahead of the curve in detailing many of the characteristics of modern organisations and the challenges created for everybody by the changing nature of work and business. More →

Measuring and rewarding what people do at work? It’s a rat trap, baby, and you’ve been caught

Measuring and rewarding what people do at work? It’s a rat trap, baby, and you’ve been caught


Life imitates art. Scientists have discovered that lab mice may be conducting their own experiments on us. A paper published in the journal Current Biology speculates that mice seem to be testing their testers. They do this by deviating from simple behaviours such as responding to rewards to work out what might happen. “These mice have a richer internal life than we probably give them credit for,” explained Kishore Kuchibhotla, senior study author and an assistant professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University. “They are not just stimulus response machines. They may have things like strategies.” More →

Do you have leadership paralysis?

Do you have leadership paralysis?

UK firms are bullish about the use of GenAI but their employees are not so certain, according to a new poll. LeadershipThere are so many different theories on how to lead change. Tom Peters says we should not discuss change but organisational revolution (Peters,1991); Chris Argyris talks about change management as flawed advice (Argyris, 1985); Kotter puts forward a top down change transformation process (Kotter, 1995); Beer, Eisnestat and Spectors, discuss a bottom-up process (Eisnestat and Spectors, 1990) and that is just to name a few ways of looking at this aspect of leadership. More →

Turns out people from Gen Z aren’t bone-idle and unambitious after all

Turns out people from Gen Z aren’t bone-idle and unambitious after all

The work ethic of so-called Gen Z is alive and well, according to a new report. And they want to get on at workMore than a third of office employees (37 percent) feel their work ethic has improved over the past 12 months, according to a new study. This is particularly apparent among younger people such as those belonging to so-called Gen Z, as the figure rises to more than half of those aged 18-24 (55 percent) and 25-34 (57 percent). One in five (22 percent) suggest they ‘always go above and beyond’, with the same number saying that they will ‘do whatever needs to be done to deliver’. More →

The challenge for the workplace in 2025: transformation when everybody is already tired of change

The challenge for the workplace in 2025: transformation when everybody is already tired of change

HR leaders say they are navigating workplace transformation at a time when most people say they are already worn out by changeIn 2025, human resource leaders say they will be focusing on navigating the complexities of workplace transformation, at a time when most people say they are already worn out by change. This is one of the key findings from the Gartner HR Priorities Survey [registration] of over 1,400 HR leaders from 60 countries and a range of industries. The report highlights five pivotal areas—leader and manager development, organisational culture, strategic workforce planning, change management, and HR technology—as central to driving change in an evolving business landscape. More →

Third of people hide their use of workplace AI from employers

Third of people hide their use of workplace AI from employers

35 percent of workers admit to using workplace AI covertly to do tasks they were supposed to do themselves and didn’t tell their boss aboutA new poll from Access Group claims that 35 percent of workers admit to using workplace AI covertly to do tasks they were supposed to do themselves and didn’t tell their boss about, posing questions about the security of AI in the workplace. This figure jumps to 55 percent among 18-29 year-olds, with over a quarter (26 percent) confessing they’ve done this ‘many times’. In contrast, only 14 percent of over-60s admit to having used AI to gain an advantage. More →

Life science interiors: here’s how to create a petri dish for scientific breakthroughs

Life science interiors: here’s how to create a petri dish for scientific breakthroughs

The design of life science interiors is crucial for fostering scientific breakthroughs by balancing precision, functionality, and collaboration. Life science research has grown exponentially in recent years, driving an increasing demand for specialised laboratory spaces. These facilities – including wet labs, dry labs, and their supporting infrastructure – all serve a unique purpose. Like a Petri dish providing the perfect environment for scientific experiments, life science interiors need to balance precision with functionality. When designed well, they create the ideal conditions for innovation, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas. More →

The new digital issue of Works magazine would look just dandy on your screen

The new digital issue of Works magazine would look just dandy on your screen


The new digital issue of Works magazine is available for you here.

The new digital issue of Works magazine is available for you here. In this issue: we report from Orgatec with mixed feelings; we have four project stories from Toronto, Salford and London; interviews with Karim Rashid and Oskar Zieta; consider how the 21st Century Office has its roots in 20th Century Holland; ask where all the furniture icons went; profile Future Designs; and all the regular commentary, company news and features you need.  More →

That conversation about hybrid working? Same as it ever was

That conversation about hybrid working? Same as it ever was

The term hybrid working may only have been in widespread use for a few years, but the ideas behind it stretch back decadesRecently I wrote a short article based on a 1993 Architects’ Journal interview with IBM’s then design manager of property, Peter Wingrave. It reminded me how discussions about new ways of working – now including that neologism hybrid working – have been a constant throughout my career. In that interview, Wingrave is quoted as saying: “I think there are interesting times ahead for offices. We are already seeing the slow breakdown of the traditional office which people come to in the morning and leave at night…We would like our offices to catch the social spirit of an old gentleman’s club; you just pop in when you need to. You get more out of people that way… we’re lucky if our marketing areas are ever 40 per cent occupied … It’s crazy to build, run, heat, light and decorate a building as if people were there when 60 per cent of the time you know they are not”. More →

University staff love to connect on campus, but also value time working from home

University staff love to connect on campus, but also value time working from home

A new survey reveals distinct trends in campus work culture and the growing preference for in-person interactions among academic staff, coupled with a desire to continue working from home when needed.A new report from Hassell, the 2024 Education Futures Survey, explores how hybrid working is reshaping the needs and expectations of Australian university staff. Based on responses from 300 university employees and a benchmark group of 500 office workers, the survey reveals distinct trends in campus work culture and the growing preference for in-person interactions among academic staff, coupled with a desire to continue working from home when needed. More →

Economic and political uncertainty continue to dampen commercial property market sentiment

Economic and political uncertainty continue to dampen commercial property market sentiment

The outlook for the European commercial property market is cautiously optimistic despite growing geopolitical uncertainty and concerns about economic growthThe outlook for the European commercial property market is cautiously optimistic despite growing geopolitical uncertainty and concerns about economic growth, with London, Madrid and Paris emerging as the standout performers, according to a new report by PwC and the Urban Land Institute (ULI). The report – Emerging Trends in Real Estate Europe 2025 outlines how market players believe ‘a new normal’ is emerging as valuations have come down and interest rates regain some level of predictability in a market characterised by higher inflation and interest rates, and geopolitical and economic uncertainties. This led to more than 80 percent of survey respondents expecting business confidence and profits to stay the same or rise in 2025, with around half predicting increases in both. More →