Search Results for: people

If firms want people to ‘return to office’, they should offer a better experience

If firms want people to ‘return to office’, they should offer a better experience

A new report from the British Council for Offices (BCO) argues that if employers want their staff to 'return to office', they need to approach the workplace in the same way they would their customers by creating spaces that offer experiences workers actively seek outA new report from the British Council for Offices (BCO) argues that if employers want their staff to ‘return to office’, they need to approach the workplace in the same way they would their customers by creating spaces that offer experiences workers actively seek out. The report, titled Towards Experience Utopia, claims to serve as a comprehensive guide for creating optimal working environments that integrate the best aspects of both remote and in-office work. Commissioned by the BCO Occupiers Group, which includes major employers like NatWest, PwC, Deloitte, and Goldman Sachs, the report highlights how the shift towards hybrid working has transformed the expectations of employees. More →

Is retirement no longer an option for many people? This report thinks so

Is retirement no longer an option for many people? This report thinks so

More than two-thirds of UK adults believe that retirement in their 60s will soon be a thing of the pastMore than two-thirds of UK adults believe that retiring in their 60s will soon be a thing of the past, according to new research from Canada Life. The findings, released in the company’s inaugural Life100+ report [promotional content], claims to highlight shifting expectations as people prepare for longer lifespans, with retirement plans and financial security becoming major concerns. More →

Nearly two thirds of people say they couldn’t make it through a work day without looking at their phone

Nearly two thirds of people say they couldn’t make it through a work day without looking at their phone

A new poll from instantprint claims only around a third (39 percent) of respondents think they could make it through the day without looking at their phone.A new poll from instantprint claims only around a third (39 percent) of respondents think they could make it through the day without looking at their phone. This means nearly two in five workers think they could stay focused and avoid their phones entirely, which is an impressive display of self-discipline in an era where we are constantly connected. According to the survey , one-third of respondents (33.33 percent) said they check their phones every time a notification appears, whether it’s a message, social media alert, or app update. More →

People think AI will help automate mundane tasks but worry about unintended consequences

People think AI will help automate mundane tasks but worry about unintended consequences

UK & Irish businesses and employees are eager to use AI to automate mundane processes, but reluctance to disturb mission critical systems hampers changeA  new poll from Ricoh Europe claims that people in both the UK and Ireland say they are are keen to use AI to automate workflows to improve productivity and job fulfilment, but the implementation of these systems is being hampered by their concerns about disrupting what are described as mission-critical operations. More →

GenAI will change the nature of work and encourage people to spend more time working together

GenAI will change the nature of work and encourage people to spend more time working together

UK chief executives see implementing Generative AI (GenAI) as an opportunity to change the nature of work and create highly skilled workforces without reducing the number of jobs in the marketUK chief executives see implementing Generative AI (GenAI) as an opportunity to change the nature of work and create highly skilled workforces without reducing the number of jobs in the market, according to KPMG’s 10th annual CEO Outlook survey. KPMG surveyed more than 1,300 CEOs around the world – 150 in the UK – in July and August, revealing that two thirds of UK CEOs (65 percent and 76 percent globally) see GenAI as a positive disruptor with 68 percent (65 percent globally) agreeing that GenAI remains a top investment priority. More →

One in four people have turned down a job because they hated its office environment

One in four people have turned down a job because they hated its office environment

Almost a quarter (23 percent) of people say that they have turned down a job because they didn’t like the office environment, according to a new pollAlmost a quarter (23 percent) of people say that they have turned down a job because they didn’t like the office environment, according to a new poll. This rose to almost a third (32 percent) for 18 – 24-year-olds indicating the need for a high-quality office environment for the younger generation. Geographically, workers in the capital are most likely to pass on a job based on the office surroundings, with a third (32 percent) of London based workers admitting to declining a role for this reason. More →

Majority of IT managers think AI is coming for people’s jobs

Majority of IT managers think AI is coming for people’s jobs

Sixty-eight per cent of UK based managers believe AI will take more jobs than it creates and only 20 percent think AI will be a net job creator. The global average is 57 percent and 27 percent respectively.Two thirds of UK organisations say they are prioritising AI in their IT and customer service thinking, according to a new poll from 8×8. As a result they are starting to assess the roles and working hours of employees. The Future of Work: 2030 Vision Report [registration], surveyed the opinions of over 400 IT and Customer Experience (CX) managers. It looks into the projected makeup of the global workforce in 2030, organisations’ technological priorities between now and then, and the current and future challenges they may face. More →

Two thirds of people struggle to disconnect from work

Two thirds of people struggle to disconnect from work

A new poll claims that two-thirds of workers feel powerless to disconnect and fully manage the blurred boundaries between work and life, leading to stress, burnout, and anxiety.A new poll claims that two-thirds of workers feel powerless to disconnect from work to fully manage the blurred boundaries between work and life, leading to stress, burnout, and anxiety. On average, this results in five days of sick leave per employee each year. The UK government’s planned ‘Right to Switch Off’ for employees is just the beginning for organisations aiming to tackle the negative effects of ‘unboundaried’ work on both businesses and employees. According to the report titled The Work-Life Boundary Gap – Why it Matters and How to Fix it [registration], published by Protime UK, work-life balance is critical for overall wellbeing. The report, based on a survey of 2,000 UK employees, found that 93 percent of respondents believe maintaining this balance is vital. However, 67 percent of employees feel they are unable to fully switch off or maintain their own work-life boundaries. More →

Want to hold on to people? Pay them enough

Want to hold on to people? Pay them enough

In spite of all the chatter about the so-called Great Resignation whether people decide to stay with an employer still largely depends on payIn spite of all the chatter about the so-called Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting, whether people decide to stay with or leave an employer still largely depends on whether they think they are paid enough. According to a new poll from SD Worx, pay remains the number one reason employees will stay with a company or leave. For the report, SD Worx surveyed 5,000 businesses and 18,000 employees in 18 countries across Europe, including the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Belgium. More →

Third of people would like workplace AI ban, half feel jobs are insecure

Third of people would like workplace AI ban, half feel jobs are insecure

A new poll from CYPHER Learning claims that one in three workers would like to see AI banned from the workplace, while nearly half express concern that AI poses a threat to their future job securityA new poll from CYPHER Learning claims that one in three workers would like to see AI banned from the workplace, while nearly half express concern that AI poses a threat to their future job security. The study, suggests that women, workers over the age of 55, and those in clerical or manual labour roles feel most at risk. The survey of 4,543 workers across the US, UK, and Mexico found that AI is reshaping job roles, with 63 percent of respondents reporting that AI technologies has already changed the skills required for their jobs. More than half of those surveyed (52 percent) believe that AI will either completely transform or have a major impact on their roles within the next two years. As a result, 38 percent of workers anticipate the need for retraining due to job obsolescence, and almost half (45 percent) are worried about their future job security. More →

Most people don’t feel that workplace conflict is resolved at their firm

Most people don’t feel that workplace conflict is resolved at their firm

Just over a third of employees (36 percent) who experienced workplace conflict in the past year feel it has been fully resolvedOnly around a third of employees feel the conflict they experienced at work has been fully resolved, according to a new poll from the CIPD.  According to the survey, eight in 10 (81 percent) employers feel they are doing enough to prevent and manage bullying and harassment at work, but just over a third of employees (36 percent) who experienced workplace conflict in the past year feel it has been fully resolved. More →

Most firms have little to no idea how people get their work done

Most firms have little to no idea how people get their work done

The report suggests that nearly half of organisations (45 percent) do not conduct "employee journey mapping," leaving them uninformed about how digital friction -the difficulties people have working with technology - affects people's ability to perform tasks at workMany companies remain unaware of how their employees’ digital workplace experiences impact productivity, according to a new report by Scalable Software [registration]. The report suggests that nearly half of organisations (45 percent) do not conduct “employee journey mapping,” leaving them uninformed about how digital friction -the difficulties people have working with technology – affects people’s ability to perform tasks at work. The report claims that this limits their understanding of the challenges people face when working with tech. More →