The change we need: hearing women and embracing curiosity in the workplace

The change we need: hearing women and embracing curiosity in the workplace

The conversation around women in the workplace is one of both logic and emotion, writes Jennifer Bryan.The conversation around women in the workplace is one of both logic and emotion. Objectivity is often the aim, but personal experiences—whether overt or subtle—shape the way we engage with this issue. The truth is, for much of history, the world was built by men, for men. While progress has been made, deeply ingrained structures and biases remain, making gender equality in professional spaces more challenging than it appears on the surface. Even those who actively strive for fairness and inclusion are not immune to falling into unintentional biases. We all have blind spots. Whether due to upbringing, societal conditioning, or subconscious norms, even the most well-intentioned individuals—men and women alike—sometimes perpetuate behaviours that contribute to exclusion rather than inclusion. Recognizing this is the first step toward meaningful change. More →

Will AI really lighten the load to reduce burnout and improve our wellbeing?

Will AI really lighten the load to reduce burnout and improve our wellbeing?

The idea of AI being able to lift some of the daily administrative burden off employees is appealing as a measure against burnout. But will it work?When speaking to leaders about the integration of AI into their businesses, one positive repeated to me in every conversation is ‘AI will lighten the load’. Workplace wellbeing is a recognised priority, with most businesses and organisations seeking to minimise stress and burnout and, ultimately, reduce costly sickness absence. The idea of AI being able to lift some of the daily administrative burden off employees is appealing and it’s certainly a large part of the sales pitch of AI tech suppliers. But will it work? More →

Brain rot is the word of the year and we only have ourselves to blame

Brain rot is the word of the year and we only have ourselves to blame

In December, ‘brain rot’ was announced as the word or phrase of the year 2024 according to the Oxford University Press. And right on time, we had the viral story of the hawk tuah girl meme coin rug pull to prove it. If you don’t know what any of that means, then do yourself a favour by not finding out. I do know and feel as if something meaningful and important has been cauterized from my brain for ever to make way for it. More →

Outdated offices are sabotaging ‘return to office’ policies

Outdated offices are sabotaging ‘return to office’ policies

The debate over whether to return to the office or sustain a remote team has become one of the most significant workplace discussions in recent yearsThe debate over whether to return to office work or sustain a remote team has become one of the most significant workplace discussions in recent years. Companies are struggling to balance remote and in-office work, yet strict return-to-office (RTO) mandates are failing to deliver the intended results. While many assume the COVID-19 pandemic was the advent of hybrid work models, in reality, many businesses had already begun adopting flexible work arrangements before the pandemic accelerated the shift to remote working. More →

Employment law five years after COVID: what’s changed?

Employment law five years after COVID: what’s changed?

As we approach five years since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it’s a good opportunity to look back on the impact it had on the UK workplace and employment lawAs we approach five years since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it’s a good opportunity to look back on the impact it had on the UK workplace and employment law. The pandemic was a seismic event for the workplace, but did it fundamentally change employment law in the UK? While COVID brought emergency measures such as furlough, the legal framework underpinning employment has remained largely intact. What has shifted, however, is the prominence of certain legal rights and protections for the employee —especially around health and safety, flexible working. More →

We may think we are pretty aware of the effects of AI. But posterity may draw different conclusions

We may think we are pretty aware of the effects of AI. But posterity may draw different conclusions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the world around us at breakneck speed, unlocking opportunities we could not have even imagined a few years ago. But with its potential comes an immense set of challenges. How we handle this transformation will define the future of our workplaces, economies, and societies. Recent events, including Trump’s revocation of Biden’s executive order addressing AI risks, Labour’s ambitious plans to integrate AI across the UK, and Facebook’s unsettling U-turn on content moderation, highlight the urgent need for businesses to take an ethical, informed, and responsible approach to AI adoption. More →

When it comes to business change, persistence eats resistance for lunch

When it comes to business change, persistence eats resistance for lunch

People’s favourite word in change is RESISTANCE.  We seem to not be able to talk about it enough.  The problem is that many times, the thought of resistance stops us from doing something because we are either afraid of it or just don’t want to deal with it and this causes big problems for us as leaders in our businesses. Whenever there is change, there will be resistance, that is a given.  Why – because it is human and natural to resist any change, whether that be positive or negative.  If I or someone else said to you “You have the winning lottery ticket!” your first reaction would be to dis-believe, which is a form of resistance. More →

We need to address the UK’s creative skills shortage 

We need to address the UK’s creative skills shortage 

With the right investments in skills, tools, and training, the UK can continue to lead the world in creativity and cultural influenceThe UK’s creative industries, from film and television to the dynamic video game sector, are cultural flagships and economic cornerstones. Valued at £125 billion annually, the creative industries are named one of the UK government’s eight growth-driving sectors in its Industrial Strategy. Yet, a significant obstacle looms over their continued success: a persistent and growing skills shortage. This gap threatens to stifle innovation and global competitiveness, particularly in the booming video game industry. More →

A break in the workspace-time continuum

A break in the workspace-time continuum

The fracturing of time and place underlies every one of the great workplace issues of our time. Everything that springs from this – the where, when, how, what and why of work – is defined by the shattering of any fixed idea we may once have had of a time and a place to work. Because the challenge to these traditional ideas is now so inextricably linked in our minds with new technology, we might often  forget that people have been asking questions about how we can get the most out of each day for thousands of years. Tempus fugit after all, and as a consequence we’ve always known that how we spend our days is how we spend our lives. More →

Forget all the talk of Blue Monday; work is still (largely) good for us

Forget all the talk of Blue Monday; work is still (largely) good for us

blue mondaySo here it is. Blue Monday. Today. Officially the most depressing day of the year. We say ‘officially’, but like the idea of ‘Body Odour’ its common usage hides the fact that it was originally created as part of a PR campaign, in this case one for Sky’s travel channel in 2005. The whole idea of Blue Monday is couched in a pseudo-mathematical equation which includes factors like the weather, levels of debt, time since Christmas, low levels of motivation and, apparently, an unspecified variable known simply as ‘D’. More →

We still display status in office design, but in new and subtle ways

We still display status in office design, but in new and subtle ways

There was a time, not so long ago, that one of the most important factors to consider when designing an office was the corporate hierarchy. The office was once the  embodiment of the corporate structure. In Joanna Eley and Alexi Marmot’s 1995 book Understanding Offices, quite a lot of space is dedicated to the idea of the ‘space pyramid’, which means simply that the higher up the organisation you were, the more space you were allocated and the better your furniture and surroundings. Even then, the idea of office design as a signifier of dominance was starting to wear thin, as the authors acknowledge. Ostentatious displays of status were already seen as somewhat gauche, but they were to be fatally undermined by the technological advances to come.

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Here’s how to support neurodivergent employees at work

Here’s how to support neurodivergent employees at work

Neurodivergent employees can offer many benefits to businesses. Employers should focus on retaining this talentBusinesses have much to gain from neurodivergent employees. According to a recent Deloitte report “teams with neurodivergent professionals in some roles can be 30 percent more productive than those without them”. Benefits of neurodivergent individuals to the workplace – according to the CIPD, range from “problem-solving, to creative insights and visual spatial thinking.” More →