The Internet and a pile of turtles that goes all the way down

The Internet and a pile of turtles that goes all the way down

alan_turingIn his 1998 book A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking relates the following anecdote: “A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the centre of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy. At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: “What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise.” The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, “What is the tortoise standing on?” “You’re very clever, young man, very clever,” said the old lady. “But it’s turtles all the way down!” 

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How Charles Handy changed the way we speak about the workplace

How Charles Handy changed the way we speak about the workplace


Originally published in 2019. There are writers whose language pervades our discourse so extensively that even those who have never heard of them will echo not only their sentiments but also their means of expression. One of these people is Charles Handy, who has just published his latest book 21 Letters on Life and its Challenges at the age of 87. His work resonates to this day and not least because he was so far ahead of the curve in detailing many of the characteristics of modern organisations and the challenges created for everybody by the changing nature of work and business. More →

Do you have leadership paralysis?

Do you have leadership paralysis?

UK firms are bullish about the use of GenAI but their employees are not so certain, according to a new poll. LeadershipThere are so many different theories on how to lead change. Tom Peters says we should not discuss change but organisational revolution (Peters,1991); Chris Argyris talks about change management as flawed advice (Argyris, 1985); Kotter puts forward a top down change transformation process (Kotter, 1995); Beer, Eisnestat and Spectors, discuss a bottom-up process (Eisnestat and Spectors, 1990) and that is just to name a few ways of looking at this aspect of leadership. More →

These are very early days in our relationship with Generative AI

These are very early days in our relationship with Generative AI

The future of Generative AI in the workplace isn’t about replacing humans – it’s about enhancing what we do best.The launch of ChatGPT in late 2022 marked a milestone moment for artificial intelligence, bringing what was once a niche technology firmly into the mainstream. Suddenly, AI and especially Generative AI, wasn’t just the prerogative of data scientists and tech developers. It was a feature in everyday conversations, a presence in business strategies, and a catalyst for innovation across industries. In the months since, platforms like Gemini and Perplexity have emerged, pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve while expanding its role in the workplace. More →

Life science interiors: here’s how to create a petri dish for scientific breakthroughs

Life science interiors: here’s how to create a petri dish for scientific breakthroughs

The design of life science interiors is crucial for fostering scientific breakthroughs by balancing precision, functionality, and collaboration. Life science research has grown exponentially in recent years, driving an increasing demand for specialised laboratory spaces. These facilities – including wet labs, dry labs, and their supporting infrastructure – all serve a unique purpose. Like a Petri dish providing the perfect environment for scientific experiments, life science interiors need to balance precision with functionality. When designed well, they create the ideal conditions for innovation, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas. More →

That conversation about hybrid working? Same as it ever was

That conversation about hybrid working? Same as it ever was

The term hybrid working may only have been in widespread use for a few years, but the ideas behind it stretch back decadesRecently I wrote a short article based on a 1993 Architects’ Journal interview with IBM’s then design manager of property, Peter Wingrave. It reminded me how discussions about new ways of working – now including that neologism hybrid working – have been a constant throughout my career. In that interview, Wingrave is quoted as saying: “I think there are interesting times ahead for offices. We are already seeing the slow breakdown of the traditional office which people come to in the morning and leave at night…We would like our offices to catch the social spirit of an old gentleman’s club; you just pop in when you need to. You get more out of people that way… we’re lucky if our marketing areas are ever 40 per cent occupied … It’s crazy to build, run, heat, light and decorate a building as if people were there when 60 per cent of the time you know they are not”. More →

Where are the iconic office furniture products of yesterday?

Where are the iconic office furniture products of yesterday?

A new image of Bauhaus students from 1927 raises interesting questions about the design of office furnitureLate last year, this image went viral on social media. It is of a group of Bauhaus design students from around 1927. They are called Martha Erps, Katt Both and Ruth Hellos. The full image (reproduced below) shows them with legendary office furniture designer Marcel Breuer, who Erps would later marry. The story of the photograph can be found here. On social media, though, the standard response from people of a certain vintage – my vintage admittedly – is to suggest that they were last seen supporting Echo and the Bunnymen at the Barrowland Glasgow in 1984.  More →

Four honest impressions of Orgatec 2024

Four honest impressions of Orgatec 2024


Here are four of my impressions of Orgatec 2024. Spoiler alert: Orgatec is big. It's the furniture that got small

I’ve been going to Orgatec in Cologne since 1992. It has always been one of the twin global behemoths of office design shows. The other being NeoCon in Chicago. Over that time, I’ve seen it dwindle significantly in size, if not relevance. It is held every two years, which means it can offer a better snapshot of current thinking about offices than an annual show might. The last show, two years ago, was still hungover from the pandemic (2020 was cancelled) so this year’s event was, in a way, the first chance to see how things stand in whatever era we might now be in. More →

How commercial property owners can boost revenues and occupancy in light of the Autumn Budget

How commercial property owners can boost revenues and occupancy in light of the Autumn Budget

The Autumn Budget is anticipated to introduce a series of tax increases that could directly impact commercial property ownersThe Autumn Budget is anticipated to introduce a series of tax increases that could directly impact commercial property owners, including changes to capital gains tax (CGT), national insurance contributions, and business rates. These changes could have a ripple effect across the property market, influencing both investment decisions and tenant demand. These are the key areas of concern for commercial property owners. More →

The rise of the part time office opens up a new frontier for market growth

The rise of the part time office opens up a new frontier for market growth

The part-time office offers companies the ability to rent office spaces on a part-time basis, writes David RawlenceAs businesses, large and small, continue to adapt to post-pandemic realities, the demand for flexible working solutions continues to surge. The part-time office offers companies the ability to rent office spaces on a part-time basis—often for just one to three days a week— whilst opening a unique opportunity for occupiers, landlords, operators, and investors. More →

Navigating misconduct in the workplace: a lawyer’s perspective

Navigating misconduct in the workplace: a lawyer’s perspective

Recently, Lloyd’s of London has been in the news because it has proposed significant steps to address the notorious levels of misconduct in its sectorLloyd’s of London has been in the news because it has proposed significant steps to address the notorious levels of misconduct in its sector, as well as tackling bad behaviour across its network. With the Worker Protection Act coming into force on the 26 October 2024, which stipulates new proactive duties on employers to take ‘reasonable steps’ to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace, precautions taken by Lloyds may have been triggered by the new duties from this Act – but have opened the floor to several questions, including how do we measure misconduct in third party situations generally? And what falls in this remit? More →

Employers need to be proactive to address problem of sexual harassment at work

Employers need to be proactive to address problem of sexual harassment at work

In today's evolving workplace landscape, the issue of sexual harassment at work and the work-related environment remains a pressing concernIn today’s evolving workplace landscape, the issue of sexual harassment at work and the work-related environment remains a pressing concern for employers and employees alike. Recent surveys have shed light on the pervasive nature of this problem, revealing that a significant portion of workers continue to experience sexual harassment at work not only from colleagues, but also from third parties such as suppliers, customers and patients. As new legislation approaches, it’s imperative for employers to take reasonable anticipatory steps to prevent sexual harassment at workplace to improve workplace culture, the organisation from expensive and damaging claims and its workforce from such abhorrent conduct. More →