Four key points to consider when creating a digital workplace

Four key points to consider when creating a digital workplace

As the use of digital technologies and data to create new value propositions and operating models becomes more commonplace, workplaces across the world are being affected across sectors, from manufacturing to local government. Almost all areas have been touched by the megatrend, whether from own initiatives or to keep up with competitors. However, Arthur D. Little’s Digital Transformation Study reports that almost 80 percent of companies surveyed were only “digitally adaptive”, with digital efforts limited to products and services at best, and no comprehensive approach to adapting their mind-sets. To help traditional organizations adapt sufficiently to compete with digitally minded start-ups, we have identified four key questions to consider when developing digitalization strategies and the creation of a fully digital workplace.

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The week in seven stories about work, technology and people

The week in seven stories about work, technology and people

Digital addiction: how technology keeps us hooked

Plumber wins gig workers’ rights battle

Why exhaustion is not unique to our overstimulated age

Ten red flags signalling your analytics program will fail

The CEO society and our culture of metric fixation

The bottom line on coworking spaces

It’s time we value our data – as people and society

Seven stories about the workplace to round off your week

Seven stories about the workplace to round off your week

Seven workplace stories that caught our attention over the last week

Seven workplace stories that caught our attention over the last week

Why telling an adult they are a hard worker can backfire

Facebook takes on entire WeWork location on Soho

Are these the world’s best tall buildings?

How one Chinese city is spending more on AI than the EU

Evidence that daylight can make a positive difference in the workplace

Automation is starting the clear the clutter from offices

Considering the merits of universal basic income

Opening the door to a new workplace experience for everybody

Opening the door to a new workplace experience for everybody

workplace experienceThere’s no one way to approach diversity and inclusion initiatives. However, we’re very lucky as fellow professionals involved in creating a great workplace experience for everybody to be able to take an active and vital role in improving the setting for these initiatives. If you work at a company that is embracing diversity and inclusion, what I have set out in this commentary is simply a group of thought starters based on previous experience, pain points, and ways you could easily push forward to make spaces that better accommodate all users. At a time when 69 percent of executives rate diversity and inclusion as an important issue, it’s important for we workplace professionals to take the initiative.

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Artificial intelligence, robots and automation set to transform the office environment

Artificial intelligence, robots and automation set to transform the office environment

In today’s highly digital landscape, tools like AI and machine learning were developed to significantly improve productivity in the workplace. But despite their existence, many companies still trail behind in terms of integrating AI in their office environments. In fact, an article on Workplace Insight previously noted that over a quarter of employers fail to provide staff with digital and flexible tools. Though it is predicted that the next couple of years will see businesses adapt to a human-and-machine environment, organisations still have a lot of catching up to do in terms of digital basics.

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Seven stories to get your week off to a flying start

Seven stories to get your week off to a flying start

Why great employees leave great cultures

Are flexible short term leases the new future?

Four mega-trends for the future of work

The revolution will not be transactionalised

Bjarke Ingels joins WeWork as Chief Architect

The road to automation, the joy of work, and the ‘Jen problem’

How Soho House transformed BBC Television Centre (registration required)

The workplace week in seven stories you should read

The workplace week in seven stories you should read

The need to work less is a matter of life and death

House-hunters resort to commercial property in Madrid

The return of the traditional workplace for tech firms?

Ten million British jobs could be gone in 15 years and no one knows what happens next.

Embracing technology to move facilities management forward

Tiny robots will deliver your lunch, because we hate human interaction

The lapsing of Finland’s universal basic income trial (registration)

Seven workplace stories to round off the week

Seven workplace stories to round off the week

In fairer societies, fewer women enter STEM fields of work

Sexual harassment at work in the era of #MeToo

The impossibility of focusing on two things at once

Robot cities: three urban prototypes for future living

The results of a 2018 global coworking survey

Late risers at increased risk of early death

WeWork to acquire Chinese coworking firm

Seven things that kept us informed and entertained this week

Seven things that kept us informed and entertained this week

Do corporate headquarters still matter?

When a job is no longer enough

Our robot overlords might be delayed

How we can create unique work spaces

Seven technologies remaking the world

Internet workspaces are a psychopathic pit of lies

Possibilities for creating fantastic workplaces

Seven workplace stories that fired up our synapses this week

Seven workplace stories that fired up our synapses this week

Three myths about the future of work and why they’re not true

Chronic fatigue trial results ‘not robust’, new study says

Coworking is the new normal and the stats that prove it

Is mindfulness just hype?

What makes employees happy?

The workplace is killing people and nobody cares

The office sector is failing to keep up with business growth

Image: The Cluster, Melbourne

Seven of the best stories about life, the universe and everything we’ve seen over the past week

Seven of the best stories about life, the universe and everything we’ve seen over the past week

People don’t actually know themselves very well

Some actual facts about the time we spend sitting at work

German workers: satisfied, but not engaged

What skills and behaviours make a good leader effective?

Stephen Hawking’s most dire predictions for the future

The World’s happiest nations, according to the UN

A critique of the dogma of wellbeing

Image: By NASA/Paul Alers [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons