Search Results for: skills

People are increasingly comfortable with – and scared of – AI

People are increasingly comfortable with – and scared of – AI

The sentiments of employees around the world about AI and GenAI are evolving significantly, but cautious optimism endures, with 42 percent reporting confidence about the technologies’ impact on their work, compared to 26 percent at around this time last year. However, anxiety about the technologies is also on the rise, by 5 percentage points, and 49 percent of regular users believe their job may disappear in the next ten years, a view shared by only 24 percent of workers who do not use them. More →

Creative ways to save money for your startup

Creative ways to save money for your startup

Starting a startup is exciting, but the hard reality of limited finances may rapidly dampen the excitement

Starting a startup is exciting, but the hard reality of limited finances may rapidly dampen the excitement. Being a founding member means that you are familiar with the difficult chore of running every penny to meet your needs.  However, suppose you could think creatively, that is, outside the box, and find unusual approaches to cutting costs without compromising development or quality. Bootstrapping genius is not only a requirement in today’s fast-paced startup scene, but also a mark of honour. More →

People are pushing back against so-called return to office mandates

People are pushing back against so-called return to office mandates

A poll by Skillshub suggests there is a potential clash between firms issuing so-called return to office mandates and people unwilling to give up the flexibility and wellbeing benefits they say they have gained through remote and hybrid workA poll by Skillshub suggests there is a potential clash between firms issuing so-called return to office mandates and people unwilling to give up the flexibility and wellbeing benefits they say they have gained through remote and hybrid work. The survey claims that a significant proportion of UK employees (nearly half – 42.6 percent) are prepared to consider quitting their jobs if forced back to full-time office work. This sentiment extends even to hybrid models with a majority office presence (3+ days a week) – almost a fifth (18 percent) would consider leaving, with a significant number (10.1 percent) strongly considering it. More →

Two thirds of working parents considering quitting because of childcare costs

Two thirds of working parents considering quitting because of childcare costs

More than two-thirds (70 percent) of working parents in the UK have quit or are considering quitting their job due to lack of affordable childcare optionsMore than two-thirds (70 percent) of working parents in the UK have quit or are considering quitting their job due to lack of affordable childcare options, according to a new poll from Remote. The research explores the financial and mental impact return to office mandates and a lack of flexible hours has on parents, as well as outlining the consequences of what the report calls  the ‘Working Parents Crisis’ on the UK’s workforce shortages.   More →

Dear [employee]…Great job!  Why AI may not give you the warm and fuzzies

Dear [employee]…Great job!  Why AI may not give you the warm and fuzzies

Gratitude is one of the most underutilised yet most appreciated rewards within the workplace. So why get an AI to say thanks for you?I recently completed an ‘Artificial Intelligence Essentials’ course, designed to introduce me to the world of AI tools and help me become more productive and efficient in my work. As someone who is borderline-obsessed with AI and undertaking every AI course going, I couldn’t sign up quickly enough. Also, I confess, I am a total sucker for all things ‘perfect planner’, be that journal or software; any talk of productivity tools and I’m in. More →

GenAI is already driving down demand for freelancers

GenAI is already driving down demand for freelancers

New research from Imperial College, Harvard and the German Institute for Economic Research looks at the impact of GenAI technologies on the demand for freelance creative professionals The demand for freelancers working in writing, and coding related jobs has dropped by 21 percent since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, according to new research by Imperial College Business School, Harvard Business School and the German Institute for Economic Research. This research paper, Who is AI Replacing? The Impact of Generative AI on Online Freelancing Platforms, looks at the impact of GenAI technologies on the demand for creative professionals who work on an hourly basis for different clients. More →

Four simple ways to embrace neurodiversity in the workplace

Four simple ways to embrace neurodiversity in the workplace

Around a fifth of people have some form of neurodiversity, so it's essential that the workplace is as welcoming as possible It is thought that up to 20 percent of the UK population is neurodivergent and while many companies now are more educated on the need for diversity, many still have some way to go to adapt their workplaces both culturally and physically to ensure these individuals feel they are truly supported, valued, respected and able to the excel in their role. Sadly, a recent study by Birkbeck found that 65 percent of employees with a form of neurodiversity fear discrimination at work, despite companies increasingly recognising the need for inclusivity. More →

Since the pandemic, people now work six fewer months over the course of their lives

Since the pandemic, people now work six fewer months over the course of their lives

As the UK government warns that the state pension age might need to rise, a new report from the the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) claims that, between 2019 and 2022, people’s work span in the UK fell by 6 months. The report argues that, to enable more people to stay healthy and be in work for longer, the next government should invest more in preventing ill health, supporting people to stay in work and building healthier behaviours. More →

‘The Big Stay’ – it’s time to invest in employees, not to cut costs 

‘The Big Stay’ – it’s time to invest in employees, not to cut costs 

The Great Resignation is over. That’s according to the latest Labour Market Outlook report from the CIPD, as reported by Workplace Insight. But we could have told you this was simply a post-Covid correction in any case. Data from the report shows 55 percent  of employers are looking to maintain their current headcount, while analysis of turnover from the ONS Labour Force Survey points to lower staff attrition in 2024. Declining staff turnover is being dubbed The Big Stay. More →

Generative AI could help UK workers save 19 million hours a week by 2026

Generative AI could help UK workers save 19 million hours a week by 2026

New research from Pearson claims to show the potential of Generative AI to boost workplace productivity by helping UK workers to save '19 million hours a week'New research from Pearson claims to show the potential of Generative AI to boost workplace productivity by helping UK workers to save ’19 million hours a week’ on routine and repetitive tasks. More →

UK economy could get a £550 billion boost from AI by 2035, Microsoft claims

UK economy could get a £550 billion boost from AI by 2035, Microsoft claims

A new report commissioned by Microsoft suggests that the UK economy could see a significant boost of £550 billion by 2035 if the country embraces artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud technologyA new report commissioned by Microsoft suggests that the UK economy could see a significant boost of £550 billion by 2035 if the country embraces artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud technology. The report, titled Unlocking the UK’s AI Potential, claims to highlight several ways the technology can benefit the UK economy. These include increased productivity, improved public services, and the creation of new jobs. More →

People are spending more time in the office, but no sign of a full return for many

People are spending more time in the office, but no sign of a full return for many

Many of the UK’s tech workers are embracing a structured return to spending more time in the office, according to a new report. According to the survey of 2,000 people from Techspace, there has been a ‘notable shift’ towards embracing structured office time, with Monday to Wednesday emerging as the top choices for in-office workdays. The report claims that this preference indicates a growing recognition of the benefits of face-to-face collaboration and a desire for a more traditional office environment. More →