Search Results for: skills

Open competition launched to find design team for new museum of architecture and design in Helsinki

Open competition launched to find design team for new museum of architecture and design in Helsinki

The Foundation for the Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design, Real Estate Company ADM, the City of Helsinki and SAFA the Finnish Association of Architects have launched an international, open design competition to find a design team for a new 10,050 sq m (GFA) museum building in Helsinki’s South Harbour. The new museum of architecture and design in Helsinki, Finland, is planned to open in 2030 and will combine the Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Museum Helsinki. These institutions were successfully merged in January 2024, and the new museum will retain and grow the staff of both its predecessors. More →

Half of bosses now live in fear that AI could steal their jobs

Half of bosses now live in fear that AI could steal their jobs

Hundreds of UK chief executives believe that artificial intelligence (AI) could steal their job, underlining widespread fears over the technology’s potential to shake up traditional working modelsHundreds of UK chief executives believe that artificial intelligence (AI) could steal their job, underlining widespread fears over the technology’s potential to shake up traditional working models. Nearly half (43 percent) of CEOs said they felt that their job could be at risk due to the technology, according to a new poll from AND Digital. The survey has been published in The CEO Digital Divide: are you accelerating enterprise value or slowing it down [registration], which surveyed 600 global CEOs and was conducted by independent research company Censuswide. More →

Business leaders and employees are not on the same page when it comes to productivity

Business leaders and employees are not on the same page when it comes to productivity

there are significant disconnects between how organisational leaders and their employees and managers view their ability to perform optimally to maximise productivityA new poll of 2,000 people suggests that while 90 percent of business leaders think their performance management process is a success, only 55 percent of employees agree with them. According to the State of Performance Enablement report from Betterworks, there are significant disconnects between how organisational leaders and their employees and managers view their ability to perform optimally and maximise productivity. More →

London Mayor sets out ambitious plans for Capital’s growth and reinvention

London Mayor sets out ambitious plans for Capital’s growth and reinvention

Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, is today launching an ambitious plan aimed at creating 150,000 high-quality, well-paid jobs by 2028. This initiative will be unveiled alongside the shadow chancellor, Rachel Reeves. Reeves will say that a Labour administration intends to reset the relationship between the national government and London, while Khan thinks what is good for London is good for the UK. More →

Policy response will determine if opportunities of AI in the workplace outweigh the risks

Policy response will determine if opportunities of AI in the workplace outweigh the risks

A new OECD report Using AI in the Workplace sets out to sheds light on the multifaceted impact of AI adoption, emphasising both its benefits and potential risksA new OECD report Using AI in the Workplace sets out to sheds light on the multifaceted impact of AI adoption, emphasising both its benefits and potential risks. According to the report, AI can bring significant benefits to the workplace. In the OECD AI surveys of employers and workers, four in five workers say that AI improved their performance at work and three in five say that it increased their enjoyment of work. But the benefits of AI depend on addressing the associated risks. Taking the effect of AI into account, occupations at highest risk of automation account for about 27 percent of employment in OECD countries. More →

Is working from home creating an epidemic of burnout and loneliness? Spacemade has an answer

Is working from home creating an epidemic of burnout and loneliness? Spacemade has an answer

Many people working from home complain of feeling isolated and burnt out. So could a serviced office be the answerSince the pandemic, 69 percent of UK businesses have adopted a hybrid working model offering employees greater autonomy in their working lives. While this flexibility sounds ideal, it has unexpectedly created a work wellness issue, with employers reporting they have seen a 77 percent surge in mental health issues in 2023, vs 44 percent in 2022.  In a recent survey by Statista, 21 percent of workers said that their biggest struggle with working from home was that they had no reason to leave it. More →

A lightbulb moment about mental health and managing change

A lightbulb moment about mental health and managing change

Resilience is often discussed as that aspect of mental health and coping, which is paramount to the ability to spring back during adverse circumstancesAccording to the British Medical Association, the rates of mental illness have been steadily increasing in adults and at an even higher rate for children and young people over the past five years here in the UK. Resilience is often discussed as that aspect of mental health and coping, which is paramount to the ability to spring back during adverse circumstances. More →

Highly organised CEOs can hold back a firm’s flexibility in times of change

Highly organised CEOs can hold back a firm’s flexibility in times of change

CEOs who prioritise planning and organisation can find their skills make them a hindrance to their organisations when it comes to adapting to external changes, according to new research from Durham University Business School. The researchers say that this is because organised CEOs tend to be more rigid in their practices, thus making it more difficult for them to change their ways. The researchers also found that CEOs who are anxious and can get stressed easily also make it difficult for the organisation to adapt quickly. More →

A third of people say they have experienced a toxic manager

A third of people say they have experienced a toxic manager

A third of employees (33 percent) in the UK have experienced a toxic manager at work in the past five years, and over four in ten (41 percent) have left a job due to their dissatisfactionA third of employees (33 percent) in the UK have experienced a toxic manager at work in the past five years, and over four in ten (41 percent) have left a job due to their dissatisfaction with management. The findings are from Corndel’s Workplace Training Report 2024, based on research conducted with 250 HR decision makers at large organisations and 1,000 UK employees. Toxic manager traits defined by the poll  including micromanagement, inflexibility, intimidation, gaslighting colleagues and a deflecting accountability.  More →

AI will leave a lot of people with nowhere to go in the job market

AI will leave a lot of people with nowhere to go in the job market

Non-graduates, 'silver surfers' and those in lower socio-economic brackets will be left behind as AI creates a 'skills glass ceiling'Non-graduates, ‘silver surfers’ and those in lower socio-economic brackets will be left behind as the rise of AI creates a ‘skills glass ceiling’. That’s according to the latest Robert Half Jobs Confidence Index (JCI) – an economic confidence tracker produced in partnership with the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr). The latest iteration of the Robert Half JCI revealed that almost half (45 percent) of the UK workforce is concerned that AI will disrupt their career in the next six to ten years. More →

UK Space Agency announces new headquarters and regional offices

UK Space Agency announces new headquarters and regional offices

The location of the UK Space Agency's new headquarters, the Quad Two building at the Harwell Science Campus’ Space Cluster in Oxfordshire.The UK Space Agency is opening new headquarters in Harwell, Oxfordshire and regional offices in Scotland, Wales and the Midlands as it works to support the space sector across the UK.  According to the government, the expansion will enable the Agency to collaborate more closely with the UK’s space sector, while promoting regional skills and job opportunities to deliver ‘increasingly ambitious missions and capabilities’. As set out in the Space Industrial Plan, the government says it is committed to continuing its support for space clusters across the UK and ‘providing the tools needed to drive collaboration between them and catalyse further investment’. More →

Quarter of working mothers think their career stalled because of parental leave

Quarter of working mothers think their career stalled because of parental leave

over a quarter (27 percent) of working mothers believe that their career progression has slowed as a result of taking parental leave – in comparison to 21 percent of working fathersA new poll from Totaljobs in partnership with the Fawcett Society, suggests that over a quarter (27 percent) of working mothers believe that their career progression has slowed as a result of taking parental leave – in comparison to 21 percent of working fathers. Around 18 percent went as far as to say they had been left out of more exciting work projects. The survey of over 3,000 working parents with at least one child up under the age of four found that a third of working mothers (34 percent) lost confidence in their skills and abilities after returning to work from parental leave. Almost half (48 percent) said this was because the balancing act of juggling work and parenting commitments undermined their confidence. More →