Search Results for: jobs

Our false memory of work in 2019 is stopping us from having better conversations

Our false memory of work in 2019 is stopping us from having better conversations

We have taken the editorial decision to ignore the tedious, endless toing and froing between so-called return to office mandates and remote work. As much as we can, anyway.We have taken the editorial decision to ignore the tedious, endless toing and froing between so-called return to office mandates and remote work. As much as we can, anyway. It doesn’t appear to be going anywhere and it is driven by two noisily motivated factions who seem unable or unwilling to shift their position by the smallest amount. It is a very 21st Century conversation. More →

Quarter of people think different attitudes to tech can drive workplace tensions

Quarter of people think different attitudes to tech can drive workplace tensions

According to a new poll from Capterra, just over a quarter of UK employees feel that a variety of preferences for technology can cause tensions in the workplaceAccording to a new poll from Capterra, just over a quarter of UK employees feel that a variety of preferences for technology can cause tensions in the workplace, especially between different generations. The survey also suggests there is a need for more collaboration and open communication when choosing workplace software. More →

UNESCO study reveals evidence of regressive stereotypes in LLMs

UNESCO study reveals evidence of regressive stereotypes in LLMs

To coincide with International Women’s Day, a UNESCO study revealed worrying tendencies in Large Language models (LLM) to produce gender bias, as well as homophobia and racial stereotyping.  Women were described as working in domestic roles far more often than men – four times as often by one model – and were frequently associated with words like “home”, “family” and “children”, while male names were linked to “business”, “executive”, “salary”, and “career”. More →

The sector responds to the Spring Budget

The sector responds to the Spring Budget

Yesterday’s Spring Budget included a number of announcements that affect the various people, place and technology professions in the UK. These include a cut in National Insurance, pension fund reforms, support for working parents, AI, helping people back in to work and more. You can see the Government’s own summary here. The various industry sectors have been quick to respond to the announcements. You can see what some people have had to say below, in no particular order. More →

Get tech right to tackle worker burnout and digital overwhelm

Get tech right to tackle worker burnout and digital overwhelm

Burnout is a complicated problem, and an important one for business leaders to address. There is no ‘silver bullet’ solution, but technology is one thing that organisations would be wise to get right.Recent data from Vitality found that the average employee works but underperforms during an average of 50 days a year due to burnout, stress, and insomnia – costing the UK economy £138bn. This corroborates findings from our own Work Innovation Lab which revealed that 4 in 10 UK employees say that their organisations are currently experiencing ‘a high rate’ of burnout. Concerningly, executives often don’t spot these problems until they’ve already taken a toll. More →

Three-quarters of women experience health problems at work, but line managers aren’t trained to support them 

Three-quarters of women experience health problems at work, but line managers aren’t trained to support them 

The majority of women in the workplace have experienced health problems at work (74 percent) yet there is a lack of support available to help them, according to new data from Simplyhealth. In the new research, women reported generally higher rates of being affected by health issues than men in the workplace, with around four-in-ten (37 percent) reporting experiencing anxiety last year compared to just 26 percent of men. Women were also twice as likely to report having migraines (20 percent, compared to just 10 percent of men) and more women reported experiencing back pain (29 percent vs 25 percent) and muscle pain (18 percent vs 14 percent) than men.? More →

Hybrid working helps women into senior management roles

Hybrid working helps women into senior management roles

The widespread adoption of hybrid working has opened the door for women to apply for senior positions within their companiesThe widespread adoption of hybrid working has opened the door for women to apply for senior positions within their companies, according to a new report released ahead of International Women’s Day. IWG’s 2024 report Advancing Equality: Women in the Hybrid Workplace, based on research among more than 1,000 female hybrid workers, found that flexible working had allowed over half (53 percent) to pursue promotions or apply for more senior roles  – which, in an encouraging move for advancing equality, rises to more than three in five (61 percent) of women from minority backgrounds. For almost three quarters (73 percent) of women in minority groups, flexible working has opened up new opportunities that they would not have had otherwise. More →

People have lost trust in AI already, and aren’t keen on innovation more generally

People have lost trust in AI already, and aren’t keen on innovation more generally

The Edelman Trust Barometer claims to expose a rift that has become a factor in the polarisation of societies on the issues of AI, innovationThe 2024 edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer claims to expose a rift on the subjects of AI and innovation that has become a new factor in the polarisation of societies. Respondents, by nearly a two-to-one margin, feel innovation is being poorly managed; this is true across age groups, income levels, and gender, and in both developed and developing countries people are more likely to say innovation is poorly managed than well managed. Innovations have also become politicized, especially in Western democracies where right leaning individuals are far more likely than those on the left to reject them; the biggest differences between those on the right and left are in the U.S. (41 points), Australia (23 points), Germany (20 points), and Canada (18 points). More →

Finding the spark of creativity in the routine and boredom of every day

Finding the spark of creativity in the routine and boredom of every day

Every day, after a leisurely breakfast in bed and the opening of his post, Roald Dahl would wander down his garden to the grubby little hut crammed with personal paraphernalia he had created. There he would sharpen the six yellow pencils that were always by his side while he worked, settle into an armchair, put his feet up on an old suitcase filled with logs, place an American yellow legal pad of paper onto a makeshift board on his lap and work for two hours. More →

Quarter of people have now used or tried AI in the workplace

Quarter of people have now used or tried AI in the workplace

A new report from the Workforce Lab at Slack sets out to explore how office-based workers think about AI and how they are using it in their jobs.A new report from the Workforce Lab at Slack sets out to explore how office-based workers think about artificial intelligence and how they are using it in their jobs. The poll of 10,000 people suggests that  the adoption of AI tools in the workplace accelerated by 24 percent over the last quarter, with one in four office-based workers reporting they have tried out the tech for work as of January 2024, compared with  one in five as of September 2023. And 1 in 3 desk workers have used automation tools in their job. More →

Two in five architects say they are already using AI on projects

Two in five architects say they are already using AI on projects

New research by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) suggests that 41 percent of UK architects are already using artificial intelligence (AI) on at least the occasional projectNew research by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) suggests that 41 percent of UK architects are already using artificial intelligence (AI) on at least the occasional project, and of those, 43 percent think it has made the design process more efficient. The RIBA AI report includes the findings of a survey asking architects how they are using and plan to use AI. In the next 2 years, 54 percent of architects expect their practice to use AI, and 57 percent think it will improve efficiency in the design process. However, this ambition this doesn’t yet seem to be matched by investment, as 69 percent say their practice has not invested in AI research and development, and only 41 percent expect their practice to invest. More →

University of Warwick receives £1.25 million to research how AI could change the market for real estate

University of Warwick receives £1.25 million to research how AI could change the market for real estate

The University of Warwick has received a £1.25 million donation to launch the FutureFinance.AI Research Group that could transform the way the world purchases, sells, rents and handles real estate over the next five yearsThe University of Warwick has received a £1.25 million donation to launch the FutureFinance.AI Research Group that could transform the way the world purchases, sells, rents and handles real estate over the next five years. Based in the Gillmore Centre for Financial Technology at Warwick Business School, the new Research Group will draw interdisciplinary scholars and thinkers from across the world to redefine and innovate the financial and property technology landscape. More →