Search Results for: risk

People seconded from other roles come up with the best ideas

People seconded from other roles come up with the best ideas

Seconded employees - employees temporarily assigned to a different role, organisation, or department - choose more innovative ideas and influence permanent staff to do the sameSeconded employees – employees temporarily assigned to a different role, organisation, or department – develop more innovative ideas and influence permanent staff to do the same, according to new research from ESMT Berlin and published in the Strategic Management Journal. Despite the motivation to select new ideas, individuals and organisations often still reject or overlook them. These ideas can be difficult to understand, risky, and challenging as their inherent uncertainty makes it harder to predict reception and usage. More →

The challenge for fit-out firms is to deliver best value despite supply chain challenges

The challenge for fit-out firms is to deliver best value despite supply chain challenges

Whilst industry supply and demand dynamics may have found a level of equilibrium since the pandemic, geopolitical tensions, economic disruptions, and an unstable domestic policy environment continue to have an impact on the office fit-out marketThe past year has been a challenging one for London’s commercial fit-out market. Whilst industry supply and demand dynamics may have found a level of equilibrium since the pandemic, geopolitical tensions, economic disruptions, and an unstable domestic policy environment continue to have an impact. In tandem with this, the commercial fit-out market is adapting to changing needs; from accommodating hybrid working models to growing demands for sustainability and reuse, the workplaces of today are ever changing. More →

Economies need to cut carbon emissions by 7 percent annually to hit Paris target

Economies need to cut carbon emissions by 7 percent annually to hit Paris target

In the lead-up to the UN’s COP28 climate conference, the world’s largest CEO-led community committed to accelerating the net-zero transition is calling on businesses and governments to further slash global carbon emissions to meet the Paris Climate Agreement goalsIn the lead-up to the UN’s COP28 climate conference, the world’s largest CEO-led community committed to accelerating the net-zero transition is calling on businesses and governments to further slash global carbon emissions to meet the Paris Climate Agreement goals. According to a report by the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders, in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), emissions must be cut back by 7 percent each year from now until 2030 to limit global warming to 1.5°C, as agreed in Paris in 2015. More →

One in ten working mothers quit jobs because of childcare pressures

One in ten working mothers quit jobs because of childcare pressures

The ongoing challenges that come with balancing childcare with work have forced over 249,124 working mothers of children aged 4 or under to leave their employerThe ongoing challenges that come from balancing childcare with work have forced over 249,124 working mothers of children aged 4 or under to leave their employer due to a lack of childcare support, according to new research. The new report from Totaljobs and the Fawcett Society, Paths to parenthood: Uplifting new mothers at work, claims to demonstrate the disproportionate impact childcare responsibilities have on women and their careers. More →

Firms are throwing resources at AI knowing they are likely to fail

Firms are throwing resources at AI knowing they are likely to fail

three quarters of UK businesses are gearing up to invest in AI over the next 12 months without really knowing what they are doingDespite a recent track record of failure when implementing digital strategies, more than three quarters of UK businesses are gearing up to invest in artificial intelligence over the next 12 months without really knowing what they are doing. Nearly three-quarters (73 percent) admit to being ill-prepared for the integration of the technology into their operations, according to new survey. The report [registration] from tech consultancy Infinum  suggests that over two-thirds of UK businesses that invested in digital products over the past five years have faced failure and are about to invest in AI knowing of their own poor track record. More →

Manufacturers have sustainability strategies in place but progress remains slow and patchy

Manufacturers have sustainability strategies in place but progress remains slow and patchy

Two-thirds of board-level executives at UK-based manufacturing companies agree that sustainability is a high priority and a third have decarbonisation plans in place, but according to new research conducted by management consultancy, Vendigital, progress in decarbonising products, processes, and supply chains is patchy at best, and this could cause UK industry to fall behind global competitors in the race to net zero. More →

Bold Founder Caleb Parker to launch space-as-a-service Brave Corporation

Bold Founder Caleb Parker to launch space-as-a-service Brave Corporation

The company says it will target and reposition assets in high demand markets with space-as-a-service led asset management strategiesCaleb Parker, the high profile Founder of Bold has announced the launch of Brave Corporation, a “next generation” real estate company that aims to “bridge the gap between office supply and demand to mitigate the rise of stranded assets amongst the world’s largest asset class”. Brave Corporation will work with investors to “reposition buildings to meet ESG standards and dynamic customer demand” before they risk becoming “stranded”. The company says it will target and reposition assets in high demand markets with space-as-a-service led asset management strategies. More →

Why your business needs to invest in embedded BI

Why your business needs to invest in embedded BI

Alt text: A person working on a computer looking at two screens utilizing embedded BI tools.In this day and age, businesses are constantly searching for strategies to enhance their operational capability. With the advent of technology, numerous tools have emerged that aid companies in achieving a significant edge in the competitive business environment. One such essential tool is embedded business intelligence (BI), which is pivotal in making informed business decisions. Keep reading to learn more about embedded BI. More →

Successful startup founders exhibit similar personality traits, but they rely on variety in teams

Successful startup founders exhibit similar personality traits, but they rely on variety in teams

Successful start-up founders have distinct personality traits and they’re more important to their companies than previously thoughtNew research from the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and the University of Melbourne suggests that start-up founders have distinct personality traits, and they’re more important to the success of their companies than previously thought. While good fortune and circumstances can play a part, new research reveals that when it comes to start-up success, a founder’s personality – or the combined personalities of the founding team – is paramount. More →

Canary in the coal mine: other business districts are watching what happens next for Canary Wharf

Canary in the coal mine: other business districts are watching what happens next for Canary Wharf

Already the symbol of a bygone era, Canary Wharf runs the risk of becoming a relic unless it reinvents itself. And others are watching The first casualties of the already cliched injunction to make offices worth the commute were always going to be the world’s most inaccessible business districts. In the UK the most high profile of these is Canary Wharf, 52 hectares of former wasteland in East London that became a financial powerhouse. Part of the regeneration of the area that began in the 1980s, it became synonymous with the era and with Margaret Thatcher and her reform of the financial services sector. This came to pass even though its most iconic structure One Canada Square was only completed in 1990, shortly after she had left office and shortly before its developer filed for bankruptcy. More →

Employers struggling to keep pace with AI adoption

Employers struggling to keep pace with AI adoption

While the use of AI tools in the workplace is rapidly increasing, many organisations are lagging in providing guidance and training in the use of these technologiesWhile the use of AI tools in the workplace is rapidly increasing, many organisations are lagging in providing guidance and training in the use of these technologies, according to  new survey commissioned by Ricoh Europe. This governance gap comes amidst growing interest within companies to implement automation solutions. The poll of 6,000 workers across Europe, conducted by Opinium, suggests there is a gap between workers’ use of emerging technologies and organisations’ efforts to support and manage that usage. More →

Are the days of landmark corporate headquarters over?

Are the days of landmark corporate headquarters over?

There’s something in the idea that the creation of a bespoke, landmark corporate headquarters is a sign that something has gone wrong - or is about to - for the firm behind it.There’s something in the idea that the creation of a bespoke, landmark corporate headquarters is a sign that something has gone wrong – or is about to – for the firm behind it. I’d first developed or come across this idea when visiting British Airway’s Waterside building in the late 1990s. At the time it was arguably the most talked about office building in the world, lauded for its inbuilt urban landscape, mix of settings and humane, biophilic design features. More →