Search Results for: jobs

Working parents yearn for more flexibility in their jobs

Working parents yearn for more flexibility in their jobs

over three quarters (77 percent) of working parents remain passionate about their job, but in a bid to establish more flexibility in their working lives, nearly 9 in 10 (88 percent) would be interested in more part time or flexible opportunitiesResearch commissioned by the Department for Education’s Teach in Further Education campaign claims to set out the top three factors working parents consider when looking for a job. Work life balance came out on top (70 percent), while flexible working hours (43 percent) and a job where they can use their existing skills (26 percent) also ranked highly. More →

Generative AI will affect two thirds of jobs, but most people shouldn’t lose them

Generative AI will affect two thirds of jobs, but most people shouldn’t lose them

Around two thirds (66 percent) of jobs are considered “highly” or “moderately” exposed to Generative AI, according to the AI at Work Report from job site IndeedAround two thirds (66 percent) of jobs are considered “highly” or “moderately” exposed to Generative AI, according to the AI at Work Report from job site Indeed. The report claims finds that all US jobs listed on the firm’s website – from truck driver to software engineer – have skills that can be carried out or augmented by Generative AI. However, only 1 in 5 (19.8 percent) of jobs are considered “highly” exposed to the technology, showing that while it can learn to do tasks within a specific job, ‘GenAI’ is unlikely to fully replace many jobs. More →

Workplace generations express different demands of their jobs

Workplace generations express different demands of their jobs

A report from interior design and fit-out business Claremont claims that firms are having to work increasingly hard to address the needs and priorities of different workplace generationsEven though people who belong to so-called Generation Z are often described as digital natives, it is actually ‘Baby Boomers’ who are most focussed on workplace technology, a new poll claims. The report from interior design and fit-out business Claremont claims that firms are having to work increasingly hard to address the needs and priorities of different workplace generations. It claims that Baby Boomers (born 1946 to 1964) want better technology in the office to help them be more productive. They also want more face-to-face collaboration and team spirit more than any other generation. More →

Four in ten workers do not feel secure in their jobs

Four in ten workers do not feel secure in their jobs

Companies are in danger of losing top talent due to lack of flexible workingAlmost four in 10 workers (38 percent) do not feel secure in their jobs, as lay-offs across industries continue to bite, claimsthe ADP Research Institute’s People at Work 2023: A Global Workforce View. Feelings of job insecurity are highest among the young. According to the survey of over 32,000 workers in 17 countries, half (50 percent) of Gen Z (those in the 18–24-year-old age bracket) say they don’t feel secure in their job. This is double the proportion of over 55s who say the same (24 percent). More →

Around a quarter of jobs will shift over the next five years, WEF report claims

Around a quarter of jobs will shift over the next five years, WEF report claims

Almost a quarter of jobs are expected to switch in the next five years according to a new report from the World Economic ForumAlmost a quarter of jobs are expected to switch in the next five years according to a new report from the World Economic Forum. Its Future of Jobs Report for 2023 suggests that employers anticipate 69 million new jobs to be created and 83 million eliminated among the 673 million jobs corresponding to the dataset, a net decrease of 14 million jobs, or 2 percent of current employment. The data is an extrapolation of data from 803 employers employing around 11 million people. More →

Generative artificial intelligence set to boost GDP but could affect 300 million jobs

Generative artificial intelligence set to boost GDP but could affect 300 million jobs

The latest developments in generative artificial intelligence could replace the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobsThe latest developments in generative artificial intelligence could replace the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs, a report by investment bank Goldman Sachs claims. The authors suggest that the technology could replace around a quarter of the work tasks carried out in the US and Europe but may also mean new jobs and a productivity boom. The report claims that the tech could increase total annual value of goods and services produced globally by 7 percent. More →

More than one in three Americans fear artificial intelligence could take their jobs

More than one in three Americans fear artificial intelligence could take their jobs

A survey of 3,000 employees across the United States has shed light on the extent to which workers are concerned about the growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on their job securityA survey of 3,000 employees across the United States has shed light on the extent to which workers are concerned about the growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on their job security. The research, carried out by, claims that just over 1 in 3 (35 percent) Americans are worried about the possibility of AI making their professions redundant. More →

People will leave jobs that don’t align with their values, author claims

People will leave jobs that don’t align with their values, author claims

Pay and benefits are no longer the only critical factors in deciding where to work, with a majority citing their employers’ values (80 percent) and commitment to the environment (76 percent) and social equality (75 percent) as key criteria, claims a survey commissioned by advocate and author Paul Polman. More →

Cost of living driving employees to seek new jobs or more help from employers

Cost of living driving employees to seek new jobs or more help from employers

A large majority (84 percent) of employees are experiencing stress and anxiety due to the cost-of-living crisis, yet two-thirds of employers aren’t offering any financial or emotional supportA large majority (84 percent) of employees are experiencing stress and anxiety due to the cost-of-living crisis, yet two-thirds of employers aren’t offering any financial or emotional support. This is the key claim in a new report from Workhuman which suggests that employees across the UK are struggling with the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, with 62.5 percent considering leaving their current job if their employer doesn’t recognise their financial struggles or does nothing to support them. The survey of 1,000 full-time employees across the UK also claims that 77 percent of employees said their employer could be doing more to support them financially and emotionally through the current crisis. More →

Growing numbers of young people feel alienated by jobs market

Growing numbers of young people feel alienated by jobs market

New research from City & Guilds suggests that the odds are being stacked against young people’s futures and career aspirations – particularly the most disadvantaged. Following a trend of chronically high youth unemployment, the poll of 5,000 18-24-year-olds living in the UK claims that 13 percent are currently unemployed (not in work or studying) and a further 3 percent are economically inactive – equating to approximately 859,000 young adults out of work and education across the UK. More →

People who are proactive at work find their jobs more meaningful

People who are proactive at work find their jobs more meaningful

Being proactive at work is key to finding your job meaningful, a new study from ESSEC Business School suggests. According to the research, undertaken by Karoline Strauss, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at ESSEC Business School, proactivity at work and job meaningfulness are linked, especially when employees are otherwise unsure about the impact their tasks will have. More →

Hard up workers look to second jobs, side hustles and help from current employers

Hard up workers look to second jobs, side hustles and help from current employers

hard up workers and second jobsNine in ten UK employees have, or would be interested in a second job, as the COVID-19 pandemic and cost of living crisis sees hard up workers keen to increase incomes and turn hobbies into enterprises according to a poll in Benenden Health’s ‘Workforce of the Future’ report. It claims that almost one in three employees in the UK currently have a second occupation (29 percent), with half of these taking up their additional role during the pandemic. Meanwhile, another survey, from Culture Amp claims that six out of ten employees in the UK believe that their employers should help with the rising cost of living. More →