Search Results for: flexible

A guide to contact lens care and safety in the workplace

A guide to contact lens care and safety in the workplace

Besides eyeglass wearers, the 3.9 million contact lens wearers in the UK must also take into account proper care and hygiene as they meet visual demands in the workplaceTo enable workplaces to evolve and adapt to employees’ changing needs, office provider Mindspace conducted the Employee Wellbeing Data Report in 2023. Findings indicate that around 90 percent or 9 in 10 employees value wellbeing facilities and offerings in the workplace, thus making this factor influential when choosing an employer. Meanwhile, 82 percent expect support from their employers when it comes to maintaining work-life balance, overall revealing the increasing value employees place on their physical and mental health and wellbeing. More →

We need to stop paying lip service to the issue of workplace wellbeing

We need to stop paying lip service to the issue of workplace wellbeing

Many people feel their employers are guilty of ‘wellness washing’, the practice of paying lip service to wellbeingIn the wake of Mental Health Awareness Week last month, now is a brilliant opportunity to take stock of impactful employee wellbeing initiatives. Many people feel their employers are guilty of ‘wellness washing’, the practice of paying lip service to wellbeing. However, the benefits of impactful wellbeing initiatives are clear – 89 percent of employees who have wellness programmes at work report being more engaged and happy within their roles. Taking a subjective approach by catering to employees’ needs can be transformational for employee satisfaction and, in turn, boost retention. More →

Two thirds of working parents considering quitting because of childcare costs

Two thirds of working parents considering quitting because of childcare costs

More than two-thirds (70 percent) of working parents in the UK have quit or are considering quitting their job due to lack of affordable childcare optionsMore than two-thirds (70 percent) of working parents in the UK have quit or are considering quitting their job due to lack of affordable childcare options, according to a new poll from Remote. The research explores the financial and mental impact return to office mandates and a lack of flexible hours has on parents, as well as outlining the consequences of what the report calls  the ‘Working Parents Crisis’ on the UK’s workforce shortages.   More →

London office market sees sharp decline in leasing activity

London office market sees sharp decline in leasing activity

The London office leasing market kicked off 2024 with a significant downturn, according to a new report from Devono.The London office leasing market kicked off 2024 with a significant downturn, according to a new report from Devono. After a strong end to 2023, leasing activity plummeted by 45 percent in the first quarter, with only 2.3 million sq ft of space leased. This falls short of the 5-year average for Q1 and marks the lowest total since late 2022. The report attributes the decline to a combination of economic factors, including a recent recession and rising inflation. Businesses are cautious about committing to new office space in this uncertain climate. More →

As sickness absence rises, firms indulge in ‘wellbeing washing’

As sickness absence rises, firms indulge in ‘wellbeing washing’

A new survey claims to reveals a potential gap between perception and reality when it comes to wellbeing initiatives, which the report labels 'wellbeing washing'A new survey commissioned by law firm Winckworth Sherwood suggests there has been a shift in workplace culture, with a majority of both employers (86 percent) and employees (69 percent) agreeing it’s more acceptable to take time off for illness, especially mental health issues. However, the survey also reveals a potential gap between perception and reality, which the report labels ‘wellbeing washing’. While employers say improved productivity is the main reason they offer wellness programs, some employees may be sceptical. The survey claims that only half of employers actually offer practices considered most effective for mental health, such as fair pay (51 percent), flexible work options (49 percent), and what the study calls “good work” (55 percent), which likely refers to manageable workloads and positive work environments. More →

Four simple ways to embrace neurodiversity in the workplace

Four simple ways to embrace neurodiversity in the workplace

Around a fifth of people have some form of neurodiversity, so it's essential that the workplace is as welcoming as possible It is thought that up to 20 percent of the UK population is neurodivergent and while many companies now are more educated on the need for diversity, many still have some way to go to adapt their workplaces both culturally and physically to ensure these individuals feel they are truly supported, valued, respected and able to the excel in their role. Sadly, a recent study by Birkbeck found that 65 percent of employees with a form of neurodiversity fear discrimination at work, despite companies increasingly recognising the need for inclusivity. More →

Rigid return to office mandates and fixed places of work are backfiring

Rigid return to office mandates and fixed places of work are backfiring

A new study by Great Place To Work claims that forcing employees back to the office with so-called return-to-office mandates can have negative consequencesA new study by Great Place To Work claims that obliging employees back to the office with so-called return-to-office mandates and restricting their choice of work location can have negative consequences for the business. The report based on a survey of 4,400 US workers, claims to reveal a strong correlation between work location flexibility and positive employee experiences. Compared to those without a choice, employees with control over their work environment are three times more likely to want to stay with their company, and significantly less likely to become disengaged – a trend that has been referred to as “quiet quitting.” They’re also more likely to put in extra effort, foster good relationships with their managers, and feel their workplace fosters a healthy psychological and emotional environment. More →

Two-fifths of people have their time at work strictly monitored

Two-fifths of people have their time at work strictly monitored

A controlling and inflexible leadership style is making UK employees feel powerless and devalued, according to a poll. The findings suggest that 41 per cent of U.K. employees have their working time strictly monitored with 39 per cent admitting that leaders are always watching whether they’re on task during work hours. Around 53 per cent say they are given freedom in how they accomplish their work, and when workplace flexibility is provided, it’s all too often given to a limited number of job roles or ‘favourite employees’. More →

‘The Big Stay’ – it’s time to invest in employees, not to cut costs 

‘The Big Stay’ – it’s time to invest in employees, not to cut costs 

The Great Resignation is over. That’s according to the latest Labour Market Outlook report from the CIPD, as reported by Workplace Insight. But we could have told you this was simply a post-Covid correction in any case. Data from the report shows 55 percent  of employers are looking to maintain their current headcount, while analysis of turnover from the ONS Labour Force Survey points to lower staff attrition in 2024. Declining staff turnover is being dubbed The Big Stay. More →

People less likely to evaluate peers negatively if facing evaluation themselves

People less likely to evaluate peers negatively if facing evaluation themselves

New research from ESMT Berlin finds that individuals strategically select the colleagues they evaluate, and the evaluation they give, based on how they want to be perceivedNew research from ESMT Berlin finds that individuals strategically select the colleagues they evaluate, and the evaluation they give, based on how they want to be perceived. Linus Dahlander, professor of strategy and Lufthansa Group Chair of Innovation at ESMT Berlin, alongside colleagues from Purdue University and INSEAD, investigated the impact of how people evaluate peers based on the behaviours of Wikipedia members, for which peer evaluations are transparent. More →

Remote work boom creates risk of professional isolation, study finds

Remote work boom creates risk of professional isolation, study finds

Researchers from the US have concluded that remote work can make people feel isolated and at risk of burnoutWhile the pandemic ushered in a wave of remote work with benefits for both employers and employees, a new study warns of a hidden risk: professional isolation. Researchers from Colorado State University found that remote employees experiencing isolation reported feeling less engaged and more depleted at work, potentially leading to burnout. The study published in the Journal of Business and Psychology, surveyed 445 participants across two points in time. It measured professional isolation, schedule flexibility, and the level of support supervisors provided for work-life balance.

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Third of businesses investing in GenAI, but employees increasingly concerned about redundancy

Third of businesses investing in GenAI, but employees increasingly concerned about redundancy

UK firms are bullish about the use of GenAI but their employees are not so certain, according to a new pollOver a third of UK employers are bullish about AI investment despite serious workforce uncertainty. New research shows that 35.3 percent of employers are actively investing in GenAI while 40.4 percent plan to increase their use of the technology, to support the workplace, according to a new poll from SD Worx. The findings suggest there is a surprisingly buoyant business outlook for AI adoption at a time when the UK government begins to craft new legislation to regulate AI. The move on regulation comes as the competition watchdog expresses increased concerns about the industry. However, despite businesses betting big on AI investment, similar enthusiasm isn’t shared by employees, with 30 percent of UK workers fearing their roles will be made redundant as a result of GenAi. More →