Search Results for: people

The workplace is no longer about presence. It’s now all about the experience

The workplace is no longer about presence. It’s now all about the experience

a high-performing workplace is no longer solely defined by building efficiency or space effectiveness, it is also measured by the workplace experience — or, how employees feel about the spaceThe Gensler Research Institute has announced the findings from its Global Workplace Survey 2024, offering what it says are fresh insights into the future of work. The comprehensive global study shifts the focus from employee presence in the office to workplace performance. The core argument presented in the report is that a high-performing workplace is no longer solely defined by building efficiency or space effectiveness, it is also measured by the workplace experience — or, how employees feel about the space. More →

We need a cultural revolution in the way we talk about women’s health

We need a cultural revolution in the way we talk about women’s health

Recent advancements in workplace inclusivity, focused on flexible working arrangements, parental leave, neurodiversity, and gender equality, have set the stage for the next significant corporate challenge: improving attitudes towards women’s health in the workplaceRecent advancements in workplace inclusivity, focused on flexible working arrangements, parental leave, neurodiversity, and gender equality, have set the stage for the next significant corporate challenge: improving attitudes towards women’s health in the workplace. Human Resources leaders are pivotal in driving this necessary cultural shift. Consider the fact that about three-quarters of people, regardless of gender, believe menopause could impact career progression into senior roles. And that almost a quarter of women in tech experiencing menopausal symptoms have delayed or cancelled promotion plans. Clearly there’s some work to do here. More →

Senator Group’s Colin Mustoe honoured with lifetime achievement award

Senator Group’s Colin Mustoe honoured with lifetime achievement award

The Furniture Makers’ Company, the City of London livery company and charity for the furnishing industry, has presented Colin Mustoe MBE with a Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the office furniture sector of the British furnishing industry. The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented annually to a leader who has devoted their life to the furtherment of the furnishing industry and left an indelible mark on the trade. More →

Mastering GenAI: how to bridge skills gaps and boost employee confidence

Mastering GenAI: how to bridge skills gaps and boost employee confidence

The introduction of GenAI in the workplace means this skills gap is set to expandSix in ten employees will require training before 2027 according to the World Economic Forum, which estimates that the talent shortage will exceed 85 million people by 2030. The introduction of GenAI in the workplace means this skills gap is set to expand. In Udemy’s recent Global Learning & Skills Trends Report, we found that there are three key learning and skills trends for 2024. Firstly, we are seeing that companies are increasingly looking to hire based on skills rather than formal qualifications like degrees, as these hires more closely align with long-term strategic goals and are better equipped to upskill existing teams. More →

The Great Resignation has given way to The Big Stay, says the CIPD

The Great Resignation has given way to The Big Stay, says the CIPD

The luxury belief that was  the so-called Great Resignation, appears to be over, even if you assume it ever existed.The luxury belief that was  the so-called Great Resignation, appears to be over, even if you assume it ever existed. Workers are increasingly staying put in their current jobs and more employers are holding steady on staffing levels as the labour market slows, according to the CIPD’s latest Labour Market Outlook report. The survey shows more than half (55 percent) of employers are looking to maintain their current staff level – the highest level since winter 2016/17. The CIPD’s new report, based on a quarterly survey of 2,009 employers, also cites data from the ONS vacancy survey and analysis on turnover from the Labour Force Survey, with all indicators pointing to lower staff attrition in 2024 and trends returning to pre-pandemic levels. More →

We must embrace AI for sustainable workforce transformation

We must embrace AI for sustainable workforce transformation

Some say AI will take on “80 percent of the jobs that exist today”, but history has shown that technological advancements have consistently led to the creation of new job rolesEach technological revolution has gotten faster; and the era of Artificial Intelligence is accelerating at an unprecedented rate—an intimidating prospect, given Musk’s recent prediction of AI surpassing human intelligence. Some say the tech will take on “80 percent of the jobs that exist today”, but history has shown that technological advancements have consistently led to the creation of new job roles, elevating the standard of living and improving overall productivity. More →

Wellworking recognised as one of the UK’s Best Places to Work

Wellworking recognised as one of the UK’s Best Places to Work

Wellworking, an award-winning UK supplier of home and office furniture and specialist in workplace wellbeing, has been recognised as one of The Sunday Times Best Places to Work 2024. This prestigious nationwide workplace survey celebrates Britain’s top employers, and highlights where employee happiness and wellbeing is prioritised. More →

How to personalize customer service correspondence via email

How to personalize customer service correspondence via email

Alt text: A woman sitting at a cafe, listening to one of the people inside talk about customer service correspondence via email.

Personalised customer service is no longer just a bonus; it’s a necessity in today’s market. With the digital space being the new frontier for customer interactions, emails have become a significant part of maintaining strong customer relations. Crafting email correspondence that feels personal and attentive can distinguish your brand and foster lasting customer loyalty. Keep reading to find out how personalization can transform your approach to customer service via email. More →

IN Magazine Supplement: internal communications for hybrid working cultures

IN Magazine Supplement: internal communications for hybrid working cultures

hybrid working supplementOne of the many important talking points of The Great Workplace Conversation and the widespread adoption of hybrid working over the past three years has been how we talk about change. Whenever anybody refers to people ‘returning to work’, they can expect to be corrected by somebody else pointing out that most people never stopped working during the various lockdowns. They’d stopped going into work. In the same way, people are increasingly likely to point out that the office and the workplace are often two different things. Words matter. Precision matters. Shared ideas matter. Engagement matters. More →

While AI revolutionises the workplace, employees take charge and companies scramble

While AI revolutionises the workplace, employees take charge and companies scramble


A new study claims to reveal a new dynamic unfolding in the workplace: a rush towards AI adoption driven by employees, even as companies struggle to keep paceA new study claims to reveal a new dynamic unfolding in the workplace: a rush towards AI adoption driven by employees, even as companies struggle to keep pace. The 2024 Annual Work Trend Index from Microsoft and LinkedIn titled AI at work is here. Now comes the hard part highlights one particular finding: 79 percent of leaders believe AI is crucial for staying competitive, yet 60 percent worry their companies lack a proper plan. This leadership gap is creating a situation where employees are taking matters into their own hands. More →

Peace and quiet at work? Here are ten of the best and most far out solutions

Peace and quiet at work? Here are ten of the best and most far out solutions


Any survey that sets out to establish what people believe cuts their productivity and annoys them most about their workplace invariably throws up the same result; the noise and distractions generated by other people. So it will come as no surprise to learn that the same surveys usually find that employees believe that peace and quiet and freedom from distractions is the most important factor when it comes to getting some decent work done. More →

Beware the workplace mouse trap

Beware the workplace mouse trap

Life imitates art part 94. Scientists have discovered that lab mice may be conducting their own experiments on us. A paper published in the journal Current Biology and summarised here, speculates that mice seem to be testing their testers. They do this by deviating from simple expected behaviours such as responding to rewards to work out what might happen. More →