Search Results for: people

Right now, GenAI mostly produces cheap grey goo for a perpetual present

Right now, GenAI mostly produces cheap grey goo for a perpetual present

The main effect of GenAI right now is to reproduce stuff that is more or less indistinguishable from what already exists at no cost to businessesI keep hearing that Generative AI will unleash human creativity. Based on the contents of my inbox, I can tell you that is not yet the case. It is increasingly full of GenAI generated press releases and comment pieces that consist of a small amount of gibberish, a larger quantity of stuff that reads likes it’s been written by a non-native speaker, and an even larger amount of bland, clichéd C0nTeNt.    More →

We need to stop paying lip service to the issue of workplace wellbeing

We need to stop paying lip service to the issue of workplace wellbeing

Many people feel their employers are guilty of ‘wellness washing’, the practice of paying lip service to wellbeingIn the wake of Mental Health Awareness Week last month, now is a brilliant opportunity to take stock of impactful employee wellbeing initiatives. Many people feel their employers are guilty of ‘wellness washing’, the practice of paying lip service to wellbeing. However, the benefits of impactful wellbeing initiatives are clear – 89 percent of employees who have wellness programmes at work report being more engaged and happy within their roles. Taking a subjective approach by catering to employees’ needs can be transformational for employee satisfaction and, in turn, boost retention. More →

We only have to look at the natural world to boost our mental health

We only have to look at the natural world to boost our mental health

A new study shows that you don’t have to actually be in nature to reap the reward to your mental healthIt is becoming increasingly clear that spending time in nature can benefit our mental health and wellbeing. But a new study shows that you don’t have to actually be in nature to reap the rewards. Simply directing your gaze towards natural elements, even in the middle of a city, can enhance wellbeing. Our paper, published in the journal People and Nature, used eye-tracking technology to explore how focusing on natural versus man-made elements affects mental health. More →

Britain is no longer a nation of shopkeepers, but it is divided by the work we do

Britain is no longer a nation of shopkeepers, but it is divided by the work we do

An analysis of workforce data suggests that the work people do in different parts of the UK varies enormously, especially compared to LondonFollowing last week’s news that the fastest growing job category in the US isn’t necessarily the one you’d expect, a new report from HR software provider Ciphr, based on ONS data, claims to identify which jobs are the most disproportionately common in each part of the UK. The report analyses the latest regional employee estimates for over 370 occupations to find out which work roles (with at least 5,000 full-time employees) appear to be more concentrated, or over-represented, in some places more than others. More →

Workplace conflict makes daily life a misery for millions. But there is hope

Workplace conflict makes daily life a misery for millions. But there is hope

People who experience conflict in the workplace have lower job satisfaction and are more likely to experience poorer mental and physical health, according to the CIPD Good Work Index 2024.People who experience conflict in the workplace have lower job satisfaction and are more likely to experience poorer mental and physical health, according to the CIPD Good Work Index 2024. The CIPD’s latest report showed a quarter (25 percent) of UK employees – an estimated eight million people – have experienced workplace conflict in the past year. Among those who reported at least one form of conflict, the most common forms were: being undermined or humiliated at work (48 percent), being shouted at or having a heated argument (35 percent), verbal abuse or insult (34 percent) or discriminatory behaviour (20 percent). More →

What happens to work when the machine stops?

What happens to work when the machine stops?

Newton at work

In 1909, E M Forster – not exactly known for a body of work replete with dystopian fiction – published a novella called The Machine Stops. You can read it here but the story describes a future in which people live below ground, in isolation but with all their needs met by an omnipresent Machine (you can see where this is going). More →

How Gulliver’s Travels predicted AI and our attempts to make sense of it all

How Gulliver’s Travels predicted AI and our attempts to make sense of it all

Gullivers Travels includes a description of a machine that woks very like modern AI systems, and with the same drawbacksGulliver’s Travels is one of those books we assume we know. But what we tend to recall is some stuff about Lilliput, giants, talking horses and possibly something about scientists trying to extract sunbeams from cucumbers. It’s really about one man’s descent into disillusion with the human race. It is acerbic, occasionally tediously detailed, and offers insight into some aspects of the human condition, which makes it timeless. More →

Dear [employee]…Great job!  Why AI may not give you the warm and fuzzies

Dear [employee]…Great job!  Why AI may not give you the warm and fuzzies

Gratitude is one of the most underutilised yet most appreciated rewards within the workplace. So why get an AI to say thanks for you?I recently completed an ‘Artificial Intelligence Essentials’ course, designed to introduce me to the world of AI tools and help me become more productive and efficient in my work. As someone who is borderline-obsessed with AI and undertaking every AI course going, I couldn’t sign up quickly enough. Also, I confess, I am a total sucker for all things ‘perfect planner’, be that journal or software; any talk of productivity tools and I’m in. More →

GenAI is already driving down demand for freelancers

GenAI is already driving down demand for freelancers

New research from Imperial College, Harvard and the German Institute for Economic Research looks at the impact of GenAI technologies on the demand for freelance creative professionals The demand for freelancers working in writing, and coding related jobs has dropped by 21 percent since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, according to new research by Imperial College Business School, Harvard Business School and the German Institute for Economic Research. This research paper, Who is AI Replacing? The Impact of Generative AI on Online Freelancing Platforms, looks at the impact of GenAI technologies on the demand for creative professionals who work on an hourly basis for different clients. More →

What is the role of a change manager?

What is the role of a change manager?

There seems to be a constant debate as to when a change manager should join a project based on the perceptions of what a change manager does. Many change managers feel they are brought onto a change programme only once the programme/project team realise they need to start communicating to the business about the change. The fact of the matter is that although communication is a key element of generating change, it is not the sole element or what enables change to happen. You can literally have thousands of communications of all different kinds from emails, posters, videos and townhalls, to name a few, but none of this will mean that change will actually occur. More →

Forget Cannes. Commercial property sector hits the North to great effect

Forget Cannes. Commercial property sector hits the North to great effect

Away from London and Cannes, the commercial property sector is holding meaningful forward looking conversationsAn hour or two on the train from that part of the UK that gets talked about most and much better optics for local authorities to chase private investment than the South of France, little wonder the UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum (UK REiiF) proved so popular this year. Over 13,000 attendees descended on Leeds for three days in May this year, a figure all the more remarkable when considering the event only started in 2022 with nearly 4000 attendees, which it nearly doubled the following year. Back to 2024 then and housing was a strong focus but that’s not to say some interesting stories from the commercial property sector didn’t also arise. More →

A brief history of the future of work

A brief history of the future of work

The future of work has always existed but never arrives. It is best seen as a way of thinking about current and emerging issues The past few years and our current predicaments should serves as a reminder of that tragic, unchangeable feature of the human condition, best expressed by Kierkegaard, that we are doomed to live our lives forwards but only understand them backwards. Retrospect is particularly important when we look back on sudden, large changes that knock us off our normal path. It’s important to remember this as we continue to grapple with the nature of the present and future of work in the wake of the pandemic. More →