Search Results for: pandemic

A brief history of the working week

A brief history of the working week


The conversation about how we change the working week has centred on determining rigid times and places of work. But there is another wayThere’s a lot to be said for not being slaves to the clock and the screen. Ironically, the way we measure time has its roots in a famous instance of daydreaming. The story goes that in 1583 a young student at the University of Pisa called Galileo Galilei was daydreaming in the pews while his fellow students were dutifully reciting their prayers. He noticed that one of the altar lamps was swaying back and forth and even as its energy dissipated, the arc of each swing slowed so that each took the same amount of time as the last, measured against his own pulse. More →

European banks are over-valuing commercial property, ECB report suggests

European banks are over-valuing commercial property, ECB report suggests


An analysis by the European Central Bank (ECB) has raised concerns that several of the Euro zone's leading banks may be inflating the value of commercial propertyAn analysis by the European Central Bank (ECB) has raised concerns that several of the Euro zone’s leading banks may be inflating the value of commercial property, potentially obscuring the true state of their loan portfolios in a sector that is facing significant challenges. The analysis suggests that some banks are failing to properly account for the steep downturn in the commercial property market, which has been severely impacted by higher borrowing costs and weakened demand as businesses adjust to the post-pandemic economic landscape. More →

Is this last orders for the post-work drink?

Is this last orders for the post-work drink?


The traditional post-work drink may be falling from favour as a shift in attitudes means people increasingly prefer daytime social gatherings, a new poll claimsThe traditional post-work drink may be falling from favour as a shift in attitudes and working culture means people increasingly prefer daytime social gatherings, a new poll claims. Employers are being encouraged to move away from pub outings as a means of socialising, instead fostering “inclusive and healthy workplace cultures” that cater to employees who don’t drink alcohol or work remotely. As four different generations now share the workplace, new expectations around employee health and wellbeing are emerging, according to the survey commissioned by the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD). More →

Remote work is holding back innovation, study claims

Remote work is holding back innovation, study claims

Remote work and 'hybrid working' models may greatly enhance employees' work-life balance, but new research suggests they might also be stifling innovationRemote work and ‘hybrid working’ models may greatly enhance employees’ work-life balance, but new research suggests they might also be stifling innovation. The study, led by economists from the University of Essex and the University of Chicago found that employees who worked in a hybrid model were less likely to come up with innovative ideas compared to their colleagues who always worked in the office. Additionally, employees working entirely from home tended to produce lower quality ideas than those who consistently worked in the office. More →
Chancellor to accelerate the sale of public buildings to plug budget gap

Chancellor to accelerate the sale of public buildings to plug budget gap

Chancellor Rachel Reeves is set to announce significant measures aimed at reducing government spending and optimising public sector assets including public buildingsIn an effort to tackle the fiscal challenges and balance the UK’s budget, Chancellor Rachel Reeves is set to announce significant measures aimed at reducing government spending and optimising public sector assets including public buildings, today. Reeves will lay out her plans in her first major speech as chancellor, where she will highlight what she describes as a £20 billion gap in government spending, attributing it to the economic mismanagement of the previous government. More →

People and firms are shifting away from remote work, survey suggests

People and firms are shifting away from remote work, survey suggests

One of the most prominent findings from the report is the pronounced decline in both the practice and preference for remote workThere has been a recent significant shift in working habits and preferences among employees in the post-pandemic landscape, according to the fourth Commuter Census from Mobilityways. One of the most prominent findings from the report is the pronounced decline in both the practice of and preference for remote work. The survey of 10,325 participants suggests that 40 percent of people no longer engage in any form of remote work, despite a mere 15 percent of employees expressing a preference for this arrangement.  Only 26 percent of respondents would consider working from home as an alternative to their current commuting routine, marking a significant 42 percent drop from the previous year. More →

Getting the long term unemployed back into work will transform the economy, says Government adviser

Getting the long term unemployed back into work will transform the economy, says Government adviser

He argues that this approach is essential to address the unsustainable welfare costs associated with the long term unemployed and to mitigate the "toxic" reliance on immigrationThe rising costs of welfare and the country’s increasing dependency on immigration have become significant concerns, prompting a call for reform from a prominent government health adviser. Alan Milburn, a former health secretary, has emphasised the need for individuals with long-term illnesses and others stuck in a cycle of long term unemployment to actively seek employment. He argues that this approach is essential to address the unsustainable welfare costs associated with the long term unemployed and to mitigate the “toxic” reliance on immigration for the workforce. More →

If you offer people universal basic income, they work less but have more choice, study finds

If you offer people universal basic income, they work less but have more choice, study finds

A new study from the Open Research Lab found that while unconditional cash transfers such as universal basic income slightly reduced employment rates and work hours, they increased the financial stability and agency of recipientsA new study from the Open Research Lab found that while unconditional cash transfers such as universal basic income slightly reduced employment rates and work hours, they increased the financial stability and agency of recipients. People were 2 percent less likely to be employed and worked 1.3 fewer hours weekly but had higher incomes when including the cash transfers. The financial support allowed individuals to pursue education, caregiving, health improvements, and more meaningful work. Overall, cash transfers provided recipients with the flexibility to make employment decisions aligned with their personal goals and circumstances. More →

Accelerating the rise of the adaptable office

Accelerating the rise of the adaptable office

The growth of the adaptable office is one of the most obvious responses to the growing appetite for flexible working and agile property strategiesThe introduction of the Flexible Working Act is another sign that the concept of the ‘workplace’ has undergone a significant transformation. These shifts in work patterns, office usage and approach are all having dramatic knock-on impacts when it comes to the future of the physical infrastructure of the nation’s office environments, and the investor communities behind them. The growth of the adaptable office is one of the most obvious responses to the growing appetite for flexible working and agile property strategies. More →

Increase in social media use and ‘doomscrolling’ could affect mental health and productivity in Gen-Z workers

Increase in social media use and ‘doomscrolling’ could affect mental health and productivity in Gen-Z workers

doomscrollingNuffield Health’s 2024 ‘Healthier Nation Index’ – a survey of 8,000 UK adults has highlighted how the young workforce is more social media obsessed than ever before. The study claims that social media use has increased for Gen-Z, with 16-24-year-olds spending over two hours a day doomscrolling on social media apps like TikTok, Instagram and Facebook per day (129 minutes), which is a seven percent increase and nearly ten minutes more a day than they were last year (119 minutes). This is four times the daily recommended amount for improved wellbeing. More →

The city and the office have much to teach each other

The city and the office have much to teach each other

It’s common to hear people say that the boundaries between the traditional workplace and the outside world have become blurred but it might be closer to the truth to say that in a growing number of cases they have been eradicated and that the evolution of cities and offices is informed by a two way exchange of DNA. Whatever you might hear, these times are far from unprecedented. History has lessons for us both in terms of how we view the events of 2020 and how we might respond to them, including how we progress as a species and make our lives and the world a better place. In 1832, there was an epidemic of cholera in the UK’s towns and cities. In those with a population of 100,000 or more life expectancy was just 26 years. The reasons for this were picked up on by a government official called Edwin Chadwick as a member of the Poor Law Commission.   More →

Four day work week campaigners launch new project in wake of successful pilot

Four day work week campaigners launch new project in wake of successful pilot

Campaigners advocating for a four day work week are gearing up for a fresh pilot project aimed at promoting flexible working practices.Campaigners advocating for a four day work week are gearing up for a fresh pilot project aimed at promoting flexible working practices. The initiative is set to launch in November, with participating companies currently being invited to sign up. The findings from this project will be presented to the government in the summer of 2025. The push for a four-day working week, notably with no reduction in pay, has gained significant traction in recent years, particularly following the Covid-19 pandemic which reshaped workplace expectations. In 2022, a previous UK pilot saw 61 companies participate, and 54 of them continued the practice a year and a half later. Similar initiatives have also been conducted in Germany, Portugal, Spain, and Iceland. More →