Search Results for: Gen Z

CIBSE announces new future focussed building performance project

CIBSE announces new future focussed building performance project

CIBSE has launched Building Performance Reimagined, a project aimed at transforming the landscape of building engineering and sustainabilityCIBSE has launched what it claims is a ground-breaking initiative titled Building Performance Reimagined [registration], a project aimed at transforming the landscape of building engineering and sustainability. Commissioned by CIBSE and researched by Arup, the Building Performance Reimagined project diverges from conventional engineering paradigms. Rather than focusing solely on system sizing, maintenance or controls, the initiative takes a holistic, future-oriented perspective on building performance. More →

What’s so wrong with being slaves to the rhythm of the working week?

What’s so wrong with being slaves to the rhythm of the working week?

we need to rethink our attitude to the working week, and that shouldn’t mean replacing one rigid approach with anotherOne of the most familiar ways we measure time has its roots in a famous instance of daydreaming. The story goes that in 1583 a young student at the University of Pisa called Galileo Galilei was daydreaming in the pews while his fellow students were dutifully reciting their prayers. He noticed that one of the altar lamps was swaying back and forth and even as its energy dissipated, the arc of each swing slowed so that each took the same amount of time as the last, measured against his own pulse. More →

Why AI is not getting the green light for sustainability

Why AI is not getting the green light for sustainability

We think of digital solutions such as AI as being more sustainable and eco-friendly. Nothing could be further from the truthWe might think of online and digital solutions such as AI as more sustainable and eco-friendly. We have email signatures reminding us to think before hitting print and are encouraged to send e-cards with seasonal greetings to save the trees. Our overall preference to switch to all things online means that we rarely question, or even consider, the environmental impact of our computers. It’s also how the truly enormous impact of AI has, thus far, stayed off our radar. More →

3 Days of Design proves we don’t know what we’re doing

3 Days of Design proves we don’t know what we’re doing

We don't know what we're doing. That was what we all learnt about sustainability at last week's 3 Days of Design in CopenhagenWe don’t know what we’re doing. That was what we all learnt about sustainability at last week’s 3 Days of Design in Copenhagen as Denmark’s capital city played host once more to this increasingly influential European Design event. Timed, as it is, in the same week as Chicago’s Neocon, and following on from Milan’s enormous and well-renowned Salone, not even intermittently inclement weather could disguise the noticeably larger audience drawn to Copenhagen this year. More →

Ultrafabrics celebrates 25th anniversary with new and improved bio-based Volar Bio collection

Ultrafabrics celebrates 25th anniversary with new and improved bio-based Volar Bio collection

Ultrafabrics proudly commemorates its 25th anniversary of excellence in the industry with the reintroduction of its Volar Bio collection which now has a 66 percent mix of recycled, rapidly renewable and bio-based content – a remarkable achievement in sustainable innovation. More →

British Council for Offices Chief Executive Richard Kauntze to step down in summer 2025

British Council for Offices Chief Executive Richard Kauntze to step down in summer 2025

After soon-to-be 25 years of serving as Chief Executive for the British Council for Offices, Richard Kauntze will be stepping down in summer 2025. His successor will be appointed by the BCO Presidential Team in due course. More →

Supporting young cancer survivors in the workplace

Supporting young cancer survivors in the workplace

The growing number of people, especially young people, working with cancer creates a new challenge for HR leaders: are their organisation adequately supporting employees facing cancer? And what truly constitutes best practice in this context?Cancer rates in under-50s have surged by 24 percent since 1995, despite common misconceptions that it primarily affects older generations. With this alarming increase, more young professionals are being diagnosed and returning to the work in the midst of their treatment and recovery. The growing number of people, especially young people, working with cancer creates a new challenge for HR leaders: are their organisation adequately supporting people? And what truly constitutes best practice in this context? More →

Workspace Design Show triumphs again: get ready for two spectacular shows in London and Amsterdam

Workspace Design Show triumphs again: get ready for two spectacular shows in London and Amsterdam

Workspace Design Show continues to innovate, expanding its diverse portfolio of exhibitors for the London and Amsterdam 2025 showsWorkspace Design Show continues to innovate, expanding its diverse portfolio of exhibitors for the London and Amsterdam 2025 shows, and will feature Umbrella Furniture (pictured) as the lead partner for the talks areas at the 2025 London edition, designed by Gensler and Ryder Architecture. Launched in 2021, Workspace Design Show is a firmly established highlight of the global workplace event calendar. Bringing together world-class design and manufacturing industry excellence, the 2025 editions, which take place in London (26 – 27 Feb) and Amsterdam (5 – 6 Nov), feature a stunning line-up of brands, including König + Neurath, Ahrend, Interface, Tarkett, Kettal, Bisley, and Interstuhl. More →

Younger people put far less emphasis on flexible working than older colleagues

Younger people put far less emphasis on flexible working than older colleagues

Demand for flexible working options surged during the pandemic but has since become less important to people, according to ADP Research Institute’s People at Work 2024: A Global Workforce ViewDemand for flexible working options surged during the pandemic but has since become less important to people, according to ADP Research Institute’s People at Work 2024: A Global Workforce View [registration]. Overall, the survey of  nearly 35,000 people in 18 countries suggests flexible working hours are important to 25 percent of workers, while 15 percent value flexible locations. Workers of all ages and in all regions rank flexibility of location below salary, job security, work enjoyment and career progression. In Europe, only 14 percent of respondents favour flexible location, a slightly smaller share than in Asia Pacific (15 percent), Latin America (15 percent), and North America (17 percent). More →

Save the Knowledge Worker – insights and strategies for remote-work success

Save the Knowledge Worker – insights and strategies for remote-work success

Kolekti’s new Save the Knowledge Worker reportUndoubtedly, the remote work revolution is in full swing. But it’s messy. Kolekti’s new Save the Knowledge Worker report found a colossal 96 percent of workers desire some form of remote work, and one in three employees is willing to quit if forced to return to the office full-time. And yet, which business leader can say their organisation has perfected the strategy for remote work? Most are still experimenting, tinkering, and tweaking. Even the end destination may be unclear for some. More →

People are increasingly comfortable with – and scared of – AI

People are increasingly comfortable with – and scared of – AI

The sentiments of employees around the world about AI and GenAI are evolving significantly, but cautious optimism endures, with 42 percent reporting confidence about the technologies’ impact on their work, compared to 26 percent at around this time last year. However, anxiety about the technologies is also on the rise, by 5 percentage points, and 49 percent of regular users believe their job may disappear in the next ten years, a view shared by only 24 percent of workers who do not use them. More →

Creative ways to save money for your startup

Creative ways to save money for your startup

Starting a startup is exciting, but the hard reality of limited finances may rapidly dampen the excitement

Starting a startup is exciting, but the hard reality of limited finances may rapidly dampen the excitement. Being a founding member means that you are familiar with the difficult chore of running every penny to meet your needs.  However, suppose you could think creatively, that is, outside the box, and find unusual approaches to cutting costs without compromising development or quality. Bootstrapping genius is not only a requirement in today’s fast-paced startup scene, but also a mark of honour. More →