Search Results for: economy

UK workers feeling more optimistic on state of global economy than the PM

UK workers feeling more optimistic on state of global economy than the PMDavid Cameron has begun the week with dire warnings on the fragility of the global economy, but UK workers are (or were) feeling more optimistic. According to an annual report, there’s been a significant uplift in optimism, stability and dynamism, compared to the same time last year. The Workforce View 2014/15 by ADP, which measures the views and attitudes of more than 2,500 UK workers, suggests that the positive economic outlook reported so far in 2014/15 has filtered down to employees. The study shows that more than three quarters of workers (77%) now feel optimistic about their next 10 years at work, up from 64 per cent in 2013 and just 59 per cent in 2012. Over a quarter (26%) of respondents went further, saying they are ‘very optimistic’ about the years ahead – double the figure reported just one year ago (13%). Workers say they are more confident about job security (36 per cent), feel that career opportunities are growing again (35%) and sense the economy is improving, thereby benefiting their careers (32%). More →

Majority of UK SMEs believe technology can help rebalance the economy

North south divideThe UK’s small and medium sized businesses believe that the regional divide in the economy can be bridged to a large extent by technology, according to a new report from Brother UK. According to the report, Regional Attitudes to Growth and Competitiveness, carried out in conjunction with Cardiff University and based on a survey of 600 SMEs around the country, over half (57 percent) believe technology was the key driver of their region’s competitiveness and only one in ten say the competitiveness of their region has declined since the start of the recession. Over two thirds (71 percent) believe technology can improve regional competitiveness and slightly more (73 percent) believe it’s possible to service customers and clients across multiple regions efficiently from their current location. The survey also claims that because each company spends an average of 244 working days a year on business travel and the UK has the second highest annual business travel spend of any Western European nation, despite its comparatively small size, many firms are turning to technology to enhance their competitiveness.

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Happiness and wellbeing more important to people than economy

International Happiness DayWhatever their opinion on yesterday’s Budget, the vast majority of Britons think levels of happiness and wellbeing matter more than the size of the economy. In a YouGov poll commissioned to mark today’s United Nation’s International Day of Happiness, a majority (87%) of UK adults were found to prefer the “greatest overall happiness and wellbeing”, rather than the “greatest overall wealth” (8%), for the society they live in. And despite the Conservative Party’s much lampooned attempts to appeal to working class people who they presume enjoy bingo and beer, this majority was found to be broadly consistent across all regions, age groups and social classes. LSE economist and co-founder of Action for Happiness, Lord Richard Laya says the results show that more priority should be given to mental health and wellbeing. More →

Mental illness costs the UK economy £70 billion each year, claims OECD

DepressionAccording to a new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), issues related to mental health cost the UK around £70bn every year in lost productivity, benefit payments and spending on healthcare. The OECD’s Mental Health and Work report is an international initiative which has already produced reports over the last year exploring related issues in Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and now the UK. Forthcoming reports are due later this year for Australia, Austria and the Netherlands. The new UK report calls for employers to adopt better policies and practices to help people cope with mental health issues.

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As economy picks up, change management is greatest employment challenge

As economy picks up, implementing change is greatest management challenge in coming year

The latest figures from the Office of National Statistics show that the unemployment has fallen to 7.6 per cent, its lowest rate in more than three years, and the signs are that employers can plan for the future with renewed confidence. In a poll conducted at the recent Chartered Management Institute’s National Annual Conference, 74 per cent of managers said market conditions for their business are currently more conductive for growth than they were last year. Their biggest management challenge in the coming year will be implementing change initiatives, with other priorities being: coordinating business development activities; getting the best performance out of their team; achieving results with fewer resources; internally promoting their department as a value-adding business partner; and managing and bringing through star performers.

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Long term investment in infrastructure needed to boost UK economy

ConstructionThe UK government should reverse the long term slump in infrastructure investment to boost the economy, according to a new report from the Centre for Economic and Business Research and the Civil Engineering Contractors Association. The report, Securing Our Economy: The Case For Infrastructure, calls for the government to address the decade long £13bn infrastructure construction shortfall and lays out a series of recommendations to reverse the situation. The report claims the UK endures a £78bn GDP ‘black hole’ each year due to the lack of investment and that by investing at the level of other developed economies, the economy could enjoy an additional £100 billion each year by 2026.

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Private sector recruitment to increase, despite fragile economy

Private sector employment

Employers from the private sector intend to hire new staff in the coming months, despite UK businesses not anticipating economic growth in the next two quarters. According to the latest Business Trends report by accountants and business advisers BDO LLP UK businesses’ hiring intentions over the next two quarters, reached 96.0 in March, the highest since August 2011. Peter Hemington, Partner, BDO LLP, commented: “It is encouraging to see improvement in UK businesses’ hiring intentions, particularly in light of the imminent public sector payroll cuts which will add pressure to the unemployment rate.” More →

Consolidation of state properties boosts London economy by £3.5bn

Whitehall,_LondonAccording to a new report from property consultancy Knight Frank into the impact of the Government’s policy of consolidating and improving the management of the public sector estate in London, the economy has been boosted by as much as £3.5 billion. The study has reviewed the results of the work carried out by the Cabinet Office’s Efficiency and Reform Group at 16 properties in central London including the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the Department for International Development, the Land Registry and the Crown Prosecution Service. Many of these sites were seen as dated and have now been redeveloped for use by other organisations. More →

Cabinet for Core Cities looks to reshape the English economy

A newly formed Cabinet of Core Cities met for the first time in Liverpool on Friday, seeking to reshape England and call on the Government to work with it to maximise the economic potential of the regions by creating a more balanced economic structure for the country and develop policies that would create jobs and investment. The cities represent the urban centres of Manchester, Nottingham, Newcastle, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Bristol and Sheffield.

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Cybersecurity and AI are biggest threats to business, say HR leaders

Cybersecurity and AI are biggest threats to business, say HR leaders

New research from BT claims there is widespread anxiety among business leaders in the HR sector regarding the pace of technological change. In fact, 96 percent of HR company directors and executives report suffering from ‘bytemares’ – tech-related stress that’s severe enough to disrupt their sleep – with cybersecurity and AI coming up as the main sources of anxiety. With 74 percent of leaders in the sector agreeing that tech transformation is critical to the survival of their business, tackling this tech anxiety could result in a significant contribution to the growth of both the HR sector and the wider economy. More →

Ultrafabrics launches Pumice. An outdoor performance fabric collection inspired by the ocean

Ultrafabrics launches Pumice. An outdoor performance fabric collection inspired by the ocean

Ultrafabrics, the pioneer in sustainable performance fabrics, unveils Pumice, its latest outdoor performance fabric collection designed to bring the allure of underwater exploration to both indoor and outdoor active living spacesUltrafabrics, the pioneer in sustainable performance fabrics, unveils Pumice, its latest outdoor performance fabric collection designed to bring the allure of underwater exploration to both indoor and outdoor active living spaces. Inspired by the mesmerizing beauty of the ocean’s depths, Pumice blends a refreshed colour palette with unparalleled durability, ensuring it withstands whatever Mother Nature delivers. More →

Chancellor to accelerate the sale of public buildings to plug budget gap

Chancellor to accelerate the sale of public buildings to plug budget gap

Chancellor Rachel Reeves is set to announce significant measures aimed at reducing government spending and optimising public sector assets including public buildingsIn an effort to tackle the fiscal challenges and balance the UK’s budget, Chancellor Rachel Reeves is set to announce significant measures aimed at reducing government spending and optimising public sector assets including public buildings, today. Reeves will lay out her plans in her first major speech as chancellor, where she will highlight what she describes as a £20 billion gap in government spending, attributing it to the economic mismanagement of the previous government. More →