Search Results for: environment

Siemens, Enlighted, and Zumtobel Group partner to advance smart building solutions

Siemens, Enlighted, and Zumtobel Group partner to advance smart building solutions

Siemens and Enlighted, a  property technology company owned by Siemens, announce a strategic partnership with Zumtobel Group, the lighting provider, to advance the adoption of smart building technologies

Siemens and Enlighted, a  property technology company owned by Siemens, announce a strategic partnership with Zumtobel Group, the lighting provider, to advance the adoption of smart building technologies including intelligent IoT lighting, setting new standards for efficiency and sustainability in building operations worldwide. At the core of the partnership lies the technical integration of Enlighted’s industry-leading smart sensors into Zumtobel Group’s lighting portfolio, both under Zumtobel and Thorn brands. More →

Business leaders struggling to navigate rapid change, report claims

Business leaders struggling to navigate rapid change, report claims

Amidst volatile markets and the rapid technological transformation taking place with AI, business leaders are at an inflection point as they attempt to navigate both new and existing challengesAmidst volatile markets and the rapid technological transformation taking place with AI, business leaders are at an inflection point as they attempt to navigate both new and existing challenges – and it’s taking a toll on executive tenure. According to a new survey conducted by LHH, a talent advisory and solutions company, executives across various industries and countries are grappling with formidable challenges, with technological advancements taking centre stage in their concerns. The survey, titled View from the C-Suite: Bridging the executive gap, reveals some of the key insights and recommendations for senior executives as they begin 2024. More →

Two in five architects say they are already using AI on projects

Two in five architects say they are already using AI on projects

New research by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) suggests that 41 percent of UK architects are already using artificial intelligence (AI) on at least the occasional projectNew research by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) suggests that 41 percent of UK architects are already using artificial intelligence (AI) on at least the occasional project, and of those, 43 percent think it has made the design process more efficient. The RIBA AI report includes the findings of a survey asking architects how they are using and plan to use AI. In the next 2 years, 54 percent of architects expect their practice to use AI, and 57 percent think it will improve efficiency in the design process. However, this ambition this doesn’t yet seem to be matched by investment, as 69 percent say their practice has not invested in AI research and development, and only 41 percent expect their practice to invest. More →

People overestimate their ability to handle unknown situations

People overestimate their ability to handle unknown situations

New research suggests that people tend to be overconfident in their ability to handle unknown situations, which has implications for business and entrepreneurship. A team of international researchers has shared findings on what they describe as overconfident behaviour, which can lead to negative outcomes in business and personal decision-making. Professor Mohammed Abdellaoui, lead researcher and professor at HEC Paris, and colleagues including Han Bleichrodt from the University of Alicante, Spain, and Cédric Gutierrez from Bocconi University in Italy, revealed that our own attitudes to uncertainty play a role in how we assess our own abilities. More →

Young people should be the main focus of mental health efforts (and your chance to use free flexible workspace for a day)

Young people should be the main focus of mental health efforts (and your chance to use free flexible workspace for a day)

Young people are now more likely to experience a common mental disorder (CMD) than any other age group – a complete reversal compared to two decades ago when they were least likely to. And the economic consequences are greatest for those whose poor mental health comes alongside poor educational outcomes, with one-in-three young non-graduates with a CMD currently workless, according to new Resolution Foundation research. More →

Growing number of firms tracking activity of remote workers

Growing number of firms tracking activity of remote workers

Nearly half of enterprises are collecting data on the hours of remote workers, with another33 percent planning to do so in futureNearly half of enterprises (44 percent) are collecting data on the working hours of remote workers, with an additional 33 percent planning to do so in future, according to a new report from Kinly, The company’s Trusted Connections 2024 study surveyed 425 enterprise AV professionals working in the UK, Germany, Nordics, and the Netherlands. It suggests that 65 percent of enterprises are encouraging staff to install Internet of Things (IoT) devices into their homes, while a third (33 percent) are also investing in analytics platforms to monitor remote workers. More →

The hybrid working office: ushering in a new era for the workspace

The hybrid working office: ushering in a new era for the workspace

The increased adoption of hybrid working has led to a significant change in the way that people view a workplaceLife after COVID has led to a significant change in the way that people view a workplace. Working from home on a regular basis has become typical, not ad hoc or as required. Commuting five days a week to attend an office is no longer the norm and on the whole is no longer demanded – rather, we have seen organisations adopt hybrid working. This has meant the rationale for a physical office workspace has come under considerable scrutiny. Some organisations have gone as far as being completely remote and have released all office real estate. More →

Memories of the Office Age 

Memories of the Office Age 

memories of the office ageNo author uses the built environment like J G Ballard. In his 1975 novel High-Rise, the eponymous structure is both a way of isolating the group of people who live and compete inside it and a metaphor for their personal isolation and inner struggles. Over the course of three months, the building’s services begin to fail. The 2,000 people within, detached from external realities in the 40-storey building, confronted with their true selves and those of their neighbours, descend into selfishness and – ultimately – savagery.  More →

We need to talk about loneliness

We need to talk about loneliness

From a business perspective, loneliness can be something that is often overlooked, particularly with the growing trend of hybrid workingLast year the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that loneliness is a pressing global health threat. Research has shown that it poses the same health risk as 15 cigarettes a day. According to the ONS, between January and February 2024, one in four adults in the UK reported feeling lonely. The government estimates the cost of severe loneliness per person is roughly £10,000 per year as a result of its impact on wellbeing, health and productivity. From a business perspective, this issue can be something that is often overlooked, particularly with the growing trend of hybrid working. In a connected workplace, employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to contribute their best. More →

Thoughts of hybrid working should now turn to productivity and trust

Thoughts of hybrid working should now turn to productivity and trust

The impact of hybrid working models on productivity and employee wellbeing, especially in light of last year's unprecedented spike in sick days, is an important issueBusinesses now face the huge challenge of managing office returns and addressing the underlying generational divides and mistrust that have surfaced as a result of the pandemic years. With the Office for National Statistics (ONS) having released new data on UK productivity levels that show productivity remains sluggish, the impact of hybrid working models on productivity and employee well-being, especially in light of last year’s unprecedented spike in sick days, is an important issue. More →

Less than a week to go before the Workspace Design Show opens its doors

Less than a week to go before the Workspace Design Show opens its doors

In just a few days the eagerly-awaited Workspace Design Show, the trade show that brings together the UK workplace interiors community, will open its doors.In just a few days the eagerly-awaited Workspace Design Show, the trade show that brings together the UK workplace interiors community, will open its doors. Held at London’s Business Design Centre, handily placed in the heart of Islington, from 27-28 February 2024, the event offers attendees the chance to explore the latest industry trends, see the latest products, and find inspiration in the thought-provoking talks programmes. More →

New studies show need for tougher regulation on air quality, says British Safety Council 

New studies show need for tougher regulation on air quality, says British Safety Council 

Exposure to even the smallest amounts of particulate matter and poor air quality can have profound and lasting impacts on human healthThe British Safety Council has responded to two new studies by researchers at Harvard University, which found that exposure to even the smallest amounts of harmful particulate matter can have profound and lasting impacts on human health. The announcement also addresses the regulation of air quality and the new lower limits on air pollution set by the European Union (EU). You can see the full studies here and here. More →