Search Results for: working hours

Over half of UK and US workers still go into work when they are sick

Over half of UK and US workers still go into work when they are sick Over half of UK and US workers still go into work when they’re sick, according to separate surveys from either side of the Atlantic. The US study by Kimberly-Clark Professional found that 59 per cent of people go to work even when they feel ill; with three in 10 saying it was because they were too important to the business operation. In the UK, new YouGov research on behalf of Westfield Health found that exactly the same percentage (59%) of workers turned up despite being unwell because of work commitments; 82 per cent of employees had worked over their contractual hours in the last 12 months and 64 per cent admitted to feeling stressed at work. More →

Many facilities managers not engaging with industry bodies and social media

 Industry bodies and social media are not engaging practising FMs

What were your thoughts on the recent announcement of the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM), Asset Skills, the Facilities Management Association and the Cleaning and Support Services Association agreeing to the concept of forming one single and united body to represent facilities management and support services? I suppose the devil is in the detail and clarification of “agreeing to the concept” is required. Is this going to be a quick process, something that drags on for a lengthy period and what consultation will there be? And that is the crux for me – consultation is where this could all break down. But let’s take a step back and ask how many people work in the sector and how many facilities managers do the organisations involved represent?

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Survey into UK culture of overwork highlights need for better worklife balance

UK culture of overwork highlights need for better worklife balance

A new study is published today which reveals how the UK’s long hour-culture is damaging family life, causing high stress levels, cutting time spent with loved ones and creating an inability to switch off from work. A survey of more than 1,000 working parents throughout the UK, commissioned by health cash plan provider Medicash, found that 83 per cent of working parents feel guilty about the amount of time they spend working, with 50 per cent saying it has a negative impact on relationships with their children, and almost half (45.9%), saying it caused problems in their relationship with their partner and caused them to neglect friends (25%).

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Survey: Work and poor management biggest cause of stress

Stress-300x193Work is the most stressful factor in people’s lives with one in three people (34 per cent) saying their work life was either very or quite stressful – and the top cause (32 per cent) is frustration with poor management. Research commissioned by Mind found work more stressful than debt or financial problems (30 per cent) or health (17 per cent).  However, employees don’t believe that managers are actively tackling causes of stress in the workplace, with only one in five people saying they felt their line manager took active steps to help staff manage stress (22%) or mental health conditions (19%).

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Employee burnout commonplace in third of UK companies


Employee burnout is endemic within a third of UK organisations. According to new research from recruitment specialist Robert Half UK three out of ten (30 per cent) UK HR directors reported high levels of employee burnout, which rises to more than a third (35 per cent) for those in London and the South East and publicly listed companies. Two thirds (67 per cent) of UK HR directors cite “workload” as the primary reason for employee burnout, although this figure rises to three quarters (75 per cent) for large and 73 per cent for public sector companies. More →

Report shows global range of policy on BYOD

BYODA new report from Dell has indicated the differing approaches firms take to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategies around the world.  According to the survey of 1,500 senior IT managers in 10 countries including the US, UK, Spain, Germany, Singapore, India and China, companies in Singapore are the most proactive in using digital rights to manage the dissemination of potentially sensitive company information. Nearly two thirds of respondents in Singapore said their firms focus more on the management of users than devices, an approach seen as the best way of ensuring the benefits of BYOD. More →

Happiness levels in UK workplaces growing, says Government.

smiley faceThe general level of satisfaction in the UK’s workplaces has increased significantly in spite of ongoing economic uncertainty according to a report from the Government published yesterday. The study of more than 21,000 employees, found that job satisfaction levels actually increased in 2012 with a fifth (20 per cent) of employees either ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with all aspects of their job, compared to just 16 per cent in 2004 when the survey last appeared. The report also showed that levels of commitment to individual employers had also increased over the same period, with the proportion of employees who said they shared the values of their organisation up from 55 per cent to 65 per cent. More →

New study reveals link between workaholism and organisational harm

New study reveals link between workaholism and organisational harm

The hidden ethical costs of workaholism have been highlighted in a recent study led by Aston University and University of Leipzig scholarsThe hidden ethical costs of workaholism have been highlighted in a new study led by Aston University and University of Leipzig scholars. Workaholism is an inner pressure to working, that provides a sense of fulfilment but can lead to physical and psychological problems, relationship issues and burnout. The study, published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior, showed that it can interfere with moral self-regulation and subsequent ethical behaviour, particularly in organisations that prioritise bottom-line results and self-interest. More →

A break in the workspace-time continuum

A break in the workspace-time continuum

The fracturing of time and place underlies every one of the great workplace issues of our time. Everything that springs from this – the where, when, how, what and why of work – is defined by the shattering of any fixed idea we may once have had of a time and a place to work. Because the challenge to these traditional ideas is now so inextricably linked in our minds with new technology, we might often  forget that people have been asking questions about how we can get the most out of each day for thousands of years. Tempus fugit after all, and as a consequence we’ve always known that how we spend our days is how we spend our lives. More →

Half of people would quit  their job if they thought their boss were spying on them. (And they are)

Half of people would quit their job if they thought their boss were spying on them. (And they are)

More than half of British employees would quit their job if they were subjected to surveillance whilst working, but more than half of UK bosses say they cannot trust their employees without monitoring them, according to a new poll from ExpressVPN. The new study explores the views and experiences relating to the ‘workplace surveillance’ of 1,000 employees and 1,000 employers in the UK. While physical surveillance through the use of cameras and badge/pass scanners in the workplace is more widely known, the increase in remote working in recent years has driven the rise of online surveillance, according to the report. More →

Poor job quality leaves people exhausted and at risk of ill health

Poor job quality leaves people exhausted and at risk of ill health

A new report from the Institute for Employment Studies warns that poor job quality is significantly affecting people's health and wellbeingA new report from the Institute for Employment Studies warns that poor job quality is significantly affecting worker health, with 1.7 million people in Great Britain reporting work-related ill health in the last year. The research reveals that half of all workers report having to work more hours than contracted or expected – the highest rate in Europe. Rising work intensity and job strain have left around half of the UK workforce regularly exhausted. The impact of ill-health on spiralling economic inactivity is a focus of an anticipated government White Paper looking to tackle the ‘greatest employment challenge for a generation’ and support more people into good work. More →

Turns out people from Gen Z aren’t bone-idle and unambitious after all

Turns out people from Gen Z aren’t bone-idle and unambitious after all

The work ethic of so-called Gen Z is alive and well, according to a new report. And they want to get on at workMore than a third of office employees (37 percent) feel their work ethic has improved over the past 12 months, according to a new study. This is particularly apparent among younger people such as those belonging to so-called Gen Z, as the figure rises to more than half of those aged 18-24 (55 percent) and 25-34 (57 percent). One in five (22 percent) suggest they ‘always go above and beyond’, with the same number saying that they will ‘do whatever needs to be done to deliver’. More →