Several factors impact wellbeing of people working from home

Several factors impact wellbeing of people working from home

wellbeingA new study on work-life balance claims that the COVID-19 crisis is a crucial factor – but not the only one – behind low levels of wellbeing among employees working from home. A research team including Professor Ilke Inceoglu, Professor of Organisational Behaviour and HR Management at the University of Exeter Business School, analysed data from 835 university employees, who completed a baseline questionnaire on wellbeing and took a weekly survey. More →

Work really has become much harder during the pandemic

Work really has become much harder during the pandemic

The burden of work, Sisyphus by TitianThe pandemic has seriously altered how we work. According to statistics published by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in September 2020, US$35 trillion (£26 trillion) has been lost globally in labour income. There has also been an estimated loss of 17 percent of working hours worldwide since 2019, with young people and women being hit hardest. And many of those still in jobs are working under very different conditions. More →

Legal and mental health concerns mount as businesses brace for redundancies

Legal and mental health concerns mount as businesses brace for redundancies

redundanciesDespite the last-minute extension of the furlough scheme, new research conducted among UK business leaders claims that great concern remains around making redundancies and in particular the legal risk. The survey of over 440 UK business leaders, conducted by employment law and HR support firm Ellis Whittam, also claims two-thirds (66 percent) believe the prospect of making redundancies has negatively impacted their mental wellbeing. More →

The crisis is making us more authentically human at work

The crisis is making us more authentically human at work

A more human place of workLet the dogs bark, let the kid dance, admit that you are in the basement because your spouse is occupying the kitchen. It takes bravery to let the new reality shine. In previous circumstances, your dog starting to bark like crazy while you are on a work video call with the CEO of a company may have been mortifying. But now, instead, the shared reality of both participants working from home gives employees and employers the chance to gain a little more insight into each other’s lives. More →

Mental health issues in young fathers caused by a lack of support in work and educational settings

Mental health issues in young fathers caused by a lack of support in work and educational settings

young fathersNew research published by Leeds Trinity University and parenting platform DaddiLife claims that young fathers face preventable barriers when accessing education and employment, leaving some in vulnerable positions with an increased risk of facing mental health issues. More →

Younger workers suffer most from remote working, new study claims

Younger workers suffer most from remote working, new study claims

workersStaff need on average three days a week (2.91) in the office to achieve maximum productivity, according to a new study by ISG. In results from the UK-wide “The Power of Place” study examining the future of the workplace, employees believed that spending on average three days a week in the office would be optimal for productivity. When asked how many days they thought would be needed to optimise their wellbeing, workers cited on average over half a day less, 2.34 days per week, in the office. More →

Men and young people more likely to disregard COVID-19 regulations

Men and young people more likely to disregard COVID-19 regulations

Covid-19Men, younger people, and those with conservative political views are less likely to comply with Covid-19 measures such as social distancing, claims new research from BI Norwegian Business School. The findings also claim that detailed instructions on the virus and health behaviours can help increase adherence to Covid-19 measures. More →

Covid-19 is levelling the playing field for disabled workers

Covid-19 is levelling the playing field for disabled workers

two people talking to illustrate the growing number of disabled people in self-employmentAs many of us cope with yet another lockdown, optimism is easy to misplace but, for disabled workers, this could result in monumental change for future employment. On the month commencing the 25th anniversary of the Disability Discrimination Act and the run-up to International Day of Disabled Persons, could this be the final push for change? As we swing in and out of remote-working, whether you love it or loathe it, one thing is abundantly clear – it can be done. Something that the 2 billion people currently living with disabilities have always known. Life can be accessible anywhere if you put your mind to it. More →

Rising job insecurity during pandemic linked to mental distress

Rising job insecurity during pandemic linked to mental distress

InsecurityEmployees facing increased job and financial insecurity at the onset of the pandemic suffered a wave of mental distress, according to research published by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen). Rates of mental distress among employees were 60 percent higher in April than before the pandemic, and 50 percent higher in May, with significant increases both for employees who were furloughed and those who continued at work. More →

Employers should take bullying and harassment at work more seriously

Employers should take bullying and harassment at work more seriously

bullyingA recent report from Culture Shift, claims that almost all (91 percent) of employees across the UK say that knowing their employer takes bullying and harassment complaints seriously is an important factor to their overall happiness at work. One-quarter (25 percent) say their employer could improve its culture and be more inclusive by providing a platform to speak out about bullying and harassment. More →

Mental health continues to deteriorate as a result of the pandemic

Mental health continues to deteriorate as a result of the pandemic

mental health and the black dogMorneau Shepell has published its monthly Mental Health Index report, which claims there is a a consistent trend of negative mental health among Britons at the seven-month mark of the pandemic. The Mental Health Index for October is -13.4, suggesting that Britons’ mental wellbeing continues to be at risk, with declining workplace productivity and the need for support adding to the continuing strain of the pandemic. More →

Burnout, stress and disconnection are now our most urgent workplace mental health issues

Burnout, stress and disconnection are now our most urgent workplace mental health issues

burnoutThis has been a tough year all round, particularly with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to cause seismic shifts in how we live and work. Surveys across various countries indicate that employees are experiencing more feelings of burnout, stress and disconnection as the pandemic is taking a toll on people’s mental health. What’s causing this and what can we do to combat it? More →