New air cleaning guidance for reducing Covid-19 spread

New air cleaning guidance for reducing Covid-19 spread

air cleaningTwo new pieces of guidance on reducing COVID-19 transmission through ventilation and air cleaning technologies have been issued by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). More →

Toxicity in the workplace experienced by seventy percent of UK employees

Toxicity in the workplace experienced by seventy percent of UK employees

ToxicityCulture in UK workplaces has come under scrutiny after a recent study claims that seven in ten (70 percent) Brits shared they’ve experienced toxicity in a working environment at some stage of their career. More →

What makes social enterprises work so harmoniously with business?

What makes social enterprises work so harmoniously with business?

Social enterprisesSocial enterprises tackle large-scale social problems by attracting resources and legitimacy from businesses – but social enterprises and businesses have two often contradictory aims; market success and social impact. More →

Brits feel stressed eight days a month, study claims

Brits feel stressed eight days a month, study claims

stressedA new study, commissioned by CIPHR, claims that most British adults (79 percent) feel stressed at least once a month, with the average being eight days a month. More →

Proportion of over 50s in work set to hit record high

Proportion of over 50s in work set to hit record high

The proportion of people over 50 in employment is set to hit 47 percent by 2030, following a 36 percent increase in the absolute number the last two decades, according to a new report from Legal & General Retail Retirement (LGRR) and the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr). More →

Growing health concerns and preference for hybrid work among US employees

Growing health concerns and preference for hybrid work among US employees

employeesEnvoy has released the results from its latest Return to Work report that gauges sentiment among 1,000 US employees who have returned to the workplace within the past year. As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, many companies are wrestling with the decision to postpone reopenings, even as scores of office workers are already back in the workplace. More →

Over half of UK employers say their staff work additional unpaid hours every day

Over half of UK employers say their staff work additional unpaid hours every day

unpaid hoursIn its latest whitepaper, Cendex, part of XpertHR, claims that staff at over half (53 percent) of UK organisations are working additional unpaid hours every day. A quarter (24 percent) of employers put this down to the pandemic and its resultant uptick in remote working, as they believe working from home blurs the line between work life and home life. More →

Hybrid is most popular working set-up, but most would rather be full-time in workplace

Hybrid is most popular working set-up, but most would rather be full-time in workplace

hybrid‘Hybrid’ is the ideal working environment among Brits today, but twice as many workers would like to be 100 percent office-based than work permanently from home, according to the latest research from LifeSearch. More →

Over two-thirds of employers are considering pay cuts for remote workers

Over two-thirds of employers are considering pay cuts for remote workers

pay cutsA new survey by CIPHR claims that over two-thirds (68 percent) of British businesses are contemplating pay cuts for staff who opt to work from home, despite many (53 percent) saying they’ve actually saved money by having more remote workers. More →

Majority of UK firms do not believe their mental health support is fit for modern-day needs

Majority of UK firms do not believe their mental health support is fit for modern-day needs

UK firmsNew research from Aon plc (NYSE: AON), claims that fewer than four in ten UK firms (39 percent) believe their employee mental health support is fit for modern-day purposes. More →

Mid-Senior Level jobs offer the best remote work opportunities

Mid-Senior Level jobs offer the best remote work opportunities

remote workScotland and Wales are the two UK countries where the most companies offer remote work positions at 2.96 percent and 2.48 percent respectively, according to a new study by the AA. More →

Almost half of young people feel the pandemic has harmed their long-term career prospects

Almost half of young people feel the pandemic has harmed their long-term career prospects

young peopleWith A level results day marking a new cohort of young people entering the toughest labour market for a generation, the CIPD launches its One Million Chances campaign. More →