Search Results for: hybrid

Inclusivity, sustainability and user-centric design dominate BCO South West Regional Awards

Inclusivity, sustainability and user-centric design dominate BCO South West Regional Awards

What are claimed to be the South West of England’s and South Wales’s most outstanding workplaces have been announced, with British Council for Offices Awards going to six office buildings across the region. Held at The Coal Exchange Hotel, the BCO’s annual South of England and South Wales Awards Dinner celebrated the high-calibre of the region’s offices in terms of design, fit-out operation and sustainability. More →

People are spending more time in the office, but no sign of a full return for many

People are spending more time in the office, but no sign of a full return for many

Many of the UK’s tech workers are embracing a structured return to spending more time in the office, according to a new report. According to the survey of 2,000 people from Techspace, there has been a ‘notable shift’ towards embracing structured office time, with Monday to Wednesday emerging as the top choices for in-office workdays. The report claims that this preference indicates a growing recognition of the benefits of face-to-face collaboration and a desire for a more traditional office environment. More →

BCO London Awards winners focus on sustainability, wellbeing and user-friendliness

BCO London Awards winners focus on sustainability, wellbeing and user-friendliness

The British Council for Offices Awards for London have gone to seven office buildings across the city. Held at the Park Plaza hotel, the BCO’s annual London Awards Lunch recognised projects that demonstrate best practice in office design, fit-out, operation and sustainability, setting the standard for excellence across the sector. More →

Commuting costs continue to put strain on office worker finances

Commuting costs continue to put strain on office worker finances

UK employees are suffering higher cost-of-living expenses, especially due to transportation costs and tensions may rise as many companies enforce return-to-office policies. That is according to the latest study conducted by Capterra on 248 U.K. employees, the majority (69 percent) say their work-related costs have increased over the past 12 months, especially the price of groceries (95 percent), utilities (85 percent), eating out (78 percent), and petrol (63 percent). More →

US employee engagement plummets to lowest level in over a decade

US employee engagement plummets to lowest level in over a decade

A report by Gallup claims that employee engagement in the U.S. has sunk to its lowest point in more than a decadeAmerican workplaces are facing a crisis of disengagement. A report by Gallup claims that employee engagement in the U.S. has sunk to its lowest point in more than a decade, marking a concerning trend with significant implications for businesses across the country. The study, which began tracking employee sentiment in 2023, identified a growing disconnect between workers and their employers. Employees reported feeling a lack of clarity in their roles, lower overall satisfaction with their organizations, and a weaker connection to their companies’ missions. They were also less likely to feel valued and supported by their colleagues and superiors. More →

Stress, anxiety and a beamish response to it all

Stress, anxiety and a beamish response to it all

Stress, uncertainty and the medicalisation of dissatisfactionWe now have a policy of not offering ourselves as an outlet for any of the deluge of comment pieces and surveys that are published each year to accompany the various days – and increasingly weeks and months – dedicated to certain conditions like stress and anxiety. They are a gift both to and from the PR industry. This is largely because we cover such issues year round so don’t feel the need to add to the PR feeding frenzy they generate. Whatever you make of the findings of the reports and others like them, even cynics would have to acknowledge they tap into an unmistakable feeling that work is not as enjoyable as it should be. More →

Event explores how the government is setting new office standards for civil servants

Event explores how the government is setting new office standards for civil servants

At a recent event, the Government Property Agency brought together Civil Service leaders to exchange ideas, debate trends and inform how the GPA delivers its property services. The GPA is leading one of the country’s biggest and most ambitious workplace renewal programmes for its clients – delivering a smaller, better connected, better quality, and greener property estate to support the work of Civil Service teams and bring them closer to the communities they serve. More →

A look back at The Stoddart Review: the once and future guide to workplace productivity?

A look back at The Stoddart Review: the once and future guide to workplace productivity?

A new edition of the Stoddart Review would offer a deep dive into the realities of working from home and what the measurement of ‘productivity’ means in the 2020sThe Stoddart Review, published in 2016, was one of the most significant reports of recent years to explore the role of the workplace for employee productivity in extensive detail and why the office environment was key for productivity purposes. There has been a huge shift in the world of work since then. What we once knew as the workplace has changed forever. More →

Don’t worry, be ‘appy. IN Magazine issue 20 is here for you

Don’t worry, be ‘appy. IN Magazine issue 20 is here for you

The new digital edition of IN Magazine is now available to read online.The new digital edition of IN Magazine is now available to read online. In this issue: reviews of both MIPIM and the Workspace Design Show; a reappraisal of scientific management; what the new generation of workplace apps tell us about how we work; a case study that prompts the question of why office designers don’t make more use of reused products; the road to hell is paved with bad information; Domino Risch on the workplace’s Kodak moment; why facilities managers are the goalkeepers of the workplace; the final word on self-awareness; and much more.  More →

Prioritising your phone over your partner affects women’s creativity at work

Prioritising your phone over your partner affects women’s creativity at work

Focusing attention on your mobile phone instead of your partner doesn’t just strain your relationship - it also affects creativity at work, according to researchersFocusing attention on your mobile phone instead of your partner doesn’t just strain your relationship – it also affects creativity at work, according to researchers from the Universities of Bath, Aston, and IESE Business School. The study claims to shed light on the negative effects of ‘phubbing’, the idea of snubbing someone in favour of your phone, which is known for its detrimental impact on relationships and mental wellbeing. Now the study of working couples in the US points to repercussions in the workplace as well, but only for female partners. More →

Flexible working rights stand to benefit millions of people

Flexible working rights stand to benefit millions of people

From today (April 6th 2024), UK employees will have the legal right to request flexible working from their first day in a new job.From today (April 6th 2024), UK employees will have the legal right to request flexible working from their first day in a new job. Under the updated regulations, employers must engage in discussions with employees and consider alternative solutions before declining a flexible working request. Decisions on applications must now be made within two months, reducing the previous timeframe of three months, which includes any appeals. Additionally, employees will be entitled to submit two flexible working requests within a 12-month period, rather than the previous allowance of one. More →

People who work from home are less likely to get pay rises and promotions

People who work from home are less likely to get pay rises and promotions

People who work from home all or part of the time are less likely to get pay rises and promotions, a new study of outcomes from hybrid working suggestsPeople who work from home all or part of the time are less likely to get pay rises and promotions, a new study of outcomes from hybrid working suggests. The survey of 937 UK managers found that they were 11 percent less likely to give a promotion to staff who worked entirely from home than to those who were completely office-based. Hybrid workers – those working partly in the office and partly at home – were on average 7 percent less likely to be promoted. More →