Search Results for: workplace training

What is the role of a change manager?

What is the role of a change manager?

There seems to be a constant debate as to when a change manager should join a project based on the perceptions of what a change manager does. Many change managers feel they are brought onto a change programme only once the programme/project team realise they need to start communicating to the business about the change. The fact of the matter is that although communication is a key element of generating change, it is not the sole element or what enables change to happen. You can literally have thousands of communications of all different kinds from emails, posters, videos and townhalls, to name a few, but none of this will mean that change will actually occur. More →

‘The Big Stay’ – it’s time to invest in employees, not to cut costs 

‘The Big Stay’ – it’s time to invest in employees, not to cut costs 

The Great Resignation is over. That’s according to the latest Labour Market Outlook report from the CIPD, as reported by Workplace Insight. But we could have told you this was simply a post-Covid correction in any case. Data from the report shows 55 percent  of employers are looking to maintain their current headcount, while analysis of turnover from the ONS Labour Force Survey points to lower staff attrition in 2024. Declining staff turnover is being dubbed The Big Stay. More →

One in six people fall out with colleagues over politics

One in six people fall out with colleagues over politics

Following the recent confirmation of a date for the UK General Election, a new poll from HiBob claims there has been a sharp rise in the number of people who want to banish political chats from the office. The report also suggests there is a major generational split, with younger workers significantly most in favour of holding political discussions at work while also being the group far and away most likely to fall out with others. More →

Generative AI could help UK workers save 19 million hours a week by 2026

Generative AI could help UK workers save 19 million hours a week by 2026

New research from Pearson claims to show the potential of Generative AI to boost workplace productivity by helping UK workers to save '19 million hours a week'New research from Pearson claims to show the potential of Generative AI to boost workplace productivity by helping UK workers to save ’19 million hours a week’ on routine and repetitive tasks. More →

People less likely to evaluate peers negatively if facing evaluation themselves

People less likely to evaluate peers negatively if facing evaluation themselves

New research from ESMT Berlin finds that individuals strategically select the colleagues they evaluate, and the evaluation they give, based on how they want to be perceivedNew research from ESMT Berlin finds that individuals strategically select the colleagues they evaluate, and the evaluation they give, based on how they want to be perceived. Linus Dahlander, professor of strategy and Lufthansa Group Chair of Innovation at ESMT Berlin, alongside colleagues from Purdue University and INSEAD, investigated the impact of how people evaluate peers based on the behaviours of Wikipedia members, for which peer evaluations are transparent. More →

UK economy could get a £550 billion boost from AI by 2035, Microsoft claims

UK economy could get a £550 billion boost from AI by 2035, Microsoft claims

A new report commissioned by Microsoft suggests that the UK economy could see a significant boost of £550 billion by 2035 if the country embraces artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud technologyA new report commissioned by Microsoft suggests that the UK economy could see a significant boost of £550 billion by 2035 if the country embraces artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud technology. The report, titled Unlocking the UK’s AI Potential, claims to highlight several ways the technology can benefit the UK economy. These include increased productivity, improved public services, and the creation of new jobs. More →

Mastering GenAI: how to bridge skills gaps and boost employee confidence

Mastering GenAI: how to bridge skills gaps and boost employee confidence

The introduction of GenAI in the workplace means this skills gap is set to expandSix in ten employees will require training before 2027 according to the World Economic Forum, which estimates that the talent shortage will exceed 85 million people by 2030. The introduction of GenAI in the workplace means this skills gap is set to expand. In Udemy’s recent Global Learning & Skills Trends Report, we found that there are three key learning and skills trends for 2024. Firstly, we are seeing that companies are increasingly looking to hire based on skills rather than formal qualifications like degrees, as these hires more closely align with long-term strategic goals and are better equipped to upskill existing teams. More →

Working from home: how to look after your eyes

Working from home: how to look after your eyes

In an era where working from home has become the new norm, our eyes are more essential than ever for navigating the digital landscape that defines our daily livesIn an era where working from home has become the new norm, our eyes are more essential than ever for navigating the digital landscape that defines our daily lives.  The rise of remote work has been rapid, with a significant portion of the American workforce transitioning to home-based employment post-pandemic. According to a recent survey, approximately 10 percent of the British workforce reported working remotely full-time, and 29 percent were working remotely part-time. However, there is a trend towards returning to the workplace, and least in part, with several businesses mandating a return to the office. More →

The role of emotional intelligence in effective sales leadership

The role of emotional intelligence in effective sales leadership

Alt text: A woman in an office researching sales leadership on her computerThe sales industry has long esteemed the virtues of sharp negotiation skills and strategic thinking. However, a growing body of research suggests emotional intelligence (EI) is a pivotal force behind sales leadership success. More than just a buzzword, EI encompasses the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in ourselves and others. Leaders adept in emotional intelligence are often seen forging stronger relationships and achieving greater outcomes. Below, we explore how EI can enhance sales leadership and why it’s critical for those looking to excel in this dynamic field. More →

AI is not coming for your job. But it will make it better

AI is not coming for your job. But it will make it better

Barry Murphy, Vice President GTM - Cloud, Applications & Infrastructure, Unisys, explains how business leaders can reassure workforces that AI will enhance their jobs, not replace them. “Artificial intelligence will outsmart humans, resolve all IT and business problems, and humans will not be needed in the workforce!” These are some of the most common misconceptions that too many companies and workforces currently have around AI and automation. To date, workforces have been inclined to broach AI with apprehension due to concerns that it will negatively affect or eliminate their jobs. Conversations have skewed towards the technology as a disruptive force, here to steal jobs and ultimately leave people redundant. A study found that 60 percent of workers are concerned about job loss in regards to working with Gen AI. Additionally, a further third worried that,  despite AI being unable to completely  replace them, it could make them less useful in the workplace. More →

Most people want to work in jobs that have a positive impact on the world

Most people want to work in jobs that have a positive impact on the world

A new poll from hiring platform Indeed suggests that people now consider working in jobs that positively impact society (57 percent) and the environment (55 percent) more important than they did when they started their careers. Just over a quarter (26 percent) say they would take a pay cut and 44 percent would consider retraining to enter the environmental sustainability sector. The survey of more than 1,000 workers and job seekers and 500 employers in the UK, highlights the ongoing green skills challenge. Despite the clear appetite for sustainability-related jobs among working people, 42 percent believe there are still too many barriers to entry. More than a quarter (27 percent) have been trying to transition to the sector but have been unsuccessful so far. More →

AI may boost productivity, but we are already becoming reliant on it, and that’s a problem

AI may boost productivity, but we are already becoming reliant on it, and that’s a problem

A Stanford report says that as AI continues to develop, navigating its benefits and potential drawbacks will be crucial.Just ten years ago, AI systems couldn’t even classify images as well as humans. Now, they’re routinely outperforming people on a range of tasks, according to a new report from the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI). The 2024 AI Index is the latest update to the annual analysis of trends in artificial intelligence. Led by a team of experts from academia and industry, it’s one of the most in-depth reports on the technology and its impact available. This year’s edition tracks research, development, technical performance, responsible practices, economics, policy, public opinion, and more. More →