Search Results for: working hours

British workers putting in longest hours in the EU, TUC analysis finds

British workers putting in longest hours in the EU, TUC analysis finds

Workers in the UK are putting the longest hours in the EU, according to a new TUC analysis. Full-time employees in Britain worked an average of 42 hours a week in 2018, nearly two hours more than the EU average – equivalent to an extra two and a half weeks a year. Britain’s “long-hours culture” is not having a positive impact on productivity, says the TUC.  In similar economies to ours, workers tend to be on average much more productive for each hour that they work. More →

Third of UK employees work way outside contracted hours

Third of UK employees work way outside contracted hours

Third of UK employees work way outside contracted hours

Over 35 percent of employees regularly arrive at work early or stay late, and that younger people are more likely to work longer hours than their older colleagues. The study, conducted by Love Energy Savings discovered that 8 percent of British employees work a staggering 20 hours or more each week than their contracted hours. Of those surveyed, over 40 percent of 18 to 24-year-old employees admit to working more than their contracted hours, a higher number than any other age group; 10 percent of 25 to 34-year-olds admitted to working over 20 hours of overtime per week.

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Four day working week would still allow people to complete their work

Four day working week would still allow people to complete their work

Ahead of daylight savings this weekend, The Workforce Institute at Kronos Incorporated has released part two of a global survey examining how employees across eight nations view their relationship with work and life, asking the simple question, “What would you do with more time?” These results from The Workforce Institute at Kronos and Future Workplace came from a survey of nearly 3,000 workers across the UK, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Mexico and the US look at the rationale for a four day working week.

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What a 90 year old study teaches us about flexible working and productivity

What a 90 year old study teaches us about flexible working and productivity 0

uncertainty Flexible working has developed a reputation as something of a silver bullet for a range of workplace challenges. It is the perceived solution to almost any of the major workplace problems you care to mention, including the gender pay gap, work life balance, churn, property costs, staff engagement, personal autonomy, stress, physical wellbeing, productivity and – of course – as a way of meeting the needs of those alien beings we refer to as Millennials. There is some truth in all of this, as we have known for some time, but things are far more complicated than often presented.

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People often feel as if they are kept in the dark about flexible working

People often feel as if they are kept in the dark about flexible working

New research from LinkedIn (registration) claims that a third (36 percent) of UK professionals believe their employer does not do enough to support new parents. The release of the figures comes as LinkedIn claims that 18th March was the day that working families only just start getting paid for the year, once growing childcare costs are taken into account. The survey of 4,000 UK workers suggests that professionals feel they are being left in the dark when it comes to parental policies, with a third (37 percent) not even aware of what support their workplace provides for new parents. More →

Public sector organisations continue to lead the way in flexible working, claims report

Public sector organisations continue to lead the way in flexible working, claims report

A new report published by Softworks (registration) claims that Public Sector organisations continue to lead the way in flexible working with an extensive range of flexible working options available to employees. The most popular flexible working option is part-time working with 94 percent of public sector organisations offering this. This was followed by flexitime with 88 percent of organisations allowing their staff to have flexible start and finish times.

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Men are less likely to be stressed by long hours at work, research suggests

Men are less likely to be stressed by long hours at work, research suggests

Men who work long hours are less likely to become depressed than women who have similarly time consuming roles, a study from researchers at University College London and Queen Mary University has found. The study of more than 20,000 adults published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, found that women who worked 55 hours or more a week had 7.3 per cent more depressive symptoms than those on a standard 35-40 hour week. No significant link was found for men working the same hours.

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Century Office begins experiment into six hour working day

Century Office begins experiment into six hour working day

Century Office will soon be commencing an experiment into a shorter working day. In collaboration with the University of Essex, Century Office will be shortening the working day down to 6.5 hours. They expect that, although it remains to be proven, that employees will become more focussed and productive as the desire for more leisure times and time for self-care, family, hobbies etc outweighs the tendency for idle chat and periods of low productivity. It is also hoped that participants will feel less anxious or tired as they have more time to pursue personal endeavours and come out of work mode.

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UK workers demand better remote working options, claims Airbnb report

UK workers demand better remote working options, claims Airbnb report

UK employers need to provide more flexible and remote working options in order to attract the best talent, according to new research released by Airbnb for Work. Airbnb’s Future of Work report, the first of its kind from the platform, has revealed that the modern trend of remote and flexible working shows no sign of slowing down, and companies embracing this change stand to make the best hires. Workers in the UK are demanding more flexibility than ever, with 77 percent of respondents – and 84 percent of Millennials – agreeing that companies need to provide more remote options to attract talent.

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TUC calls for a complete ban on zero hours contracts

TUC calls for a complete ban on zero hours contracts

Zero-hours workers are more than twice as likely to work night shifts than other workers, according to new analysis published by the TUC. The analysis shows that on a range of key measures, zero-hours workers are having a tougher time those in secure employment. The TUC is now calling on the Government to ban zero hours contracts and do more to help people who work anti-social hours.  More →

Financial services firms slow in offering flexible working to all employees

Financial services firms slow in offering flexible working to all employees

New research from TeleWare claims that 94 percent of employees in financial services firms believe it is important for them to be able to choose the hours they work and where from. Yet, only just over a third (36 percent) of employees in the sector work for firms that offer flexible working. Of those firms that do offer it, more than a fifth (22 percent) of employees said it isn’t available to all employees – only those of a certain level of seniority.

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Third of employers now offer agile working and this is set to rise

Third of employers now offer agile working and this is set to rise

Just over a third of employers now have an agile working policy, claims Aon’s Benefits and Trends Survey 2019 (registration required), with 98 percent of respondents saying employees now expect more flexible working hours and 89 percent saying staff expect agile/home working to be available. While currently a third (36 percent) of employers have agile working policies in place, where business requirements allow, Aon expects this to increase in popularity. Almost one-third of respondents do not know how many requests have been made for flexible working, but among the rest of the respondents, it is common for around 20 percent of employees to make a request. More →