Search Results for: income

New report challenges idea that productivity has no link with income

New report challenges idea that productivity has no link with income

A new IZA World of Labor report published today suggests that workers’ effort may be more responsive to wage incentives and therefore the efficiency costs of progressive labour income taxation larger than previously thought. A fundamental question in economic policy is how labour supply responds to changes in remuneration. The responsiveness of labour supply determines the size of the employment impact and efficiency loss of progressive income taxation for example. The economist Tess Stafford of the University of New South Wales, Australia, summarises a number of recent studies of independent contractors’ labour supply which confirm a key prediction of economic theory: workers work more (in fact, quite a bit more) when earnings are temporarily high.

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More nations trial universal basic income as report suggests it could provide a major economic boost

More nations trial universal basic income as report suggests it could provide a major economic boost

The much talked about idea of a Universal Basic Income in developed economies is now attracting greater political momentum, at the same time that a major new research project from an American think tank sets out the potential economic benefits. Yesterday, Scotland’s First minister Nicola Sturgeon called for research into the plausibility of a “citizens’ basic income” in a speech to the Scottish Parliament. Her appeal follows an announcement on the same day that Hawaii is to become the first US state to formally explore the idea. A trial is already under way in Finland, although a recent report in the New York Times suggests it is deeply flawed.

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The partners of men with flexible working hours have higher incomes

The partners of men with flexible working hours have higher incomes

A new study suggests that the partners of men who have access to flexible working earn significantly more than those who have more rigid working cultures. The study of German couples, conducted by Dr Laura Langner at the University of Oxford’s Department of Sociology, explored changes in incomes once at least one partner is able to begin flexible working. The study suggests that once men started working flexible hours, their wives’ hourly wages increased significantly, particularly if they were mothers (14.2 percent after four years). The husband’s own hourly wages also increased by 7.4 percent over the following four years.

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Podcast: Is universal basic income a Utopia for realists?

Podcast: Is universal basic income a Utopia for realists? 0

At his recent Harvard commencement ceremony, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg addressed the issue of universal basic income. In his speech he articulated the underlying premise of basic income as a way of redefining our relationship with work and society. “Every generation expands its definition of equality. Now it’s time for our generation to define a new social contract,” Zuckerberg said. “We should have a society that measures progress not by economic metrics like GDP but by how many of us have a role we find meaningful. We should explore ideas like universal basic income to give everyone a cushion to try new things.”

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Universal basic income is an idea whose time has come at last

Universal basic income is an idea whose time has come at last 0

Universal basic incomeIt is no longer a question of whether one of the world’s major economies will introduce a universal basic income for all of its citizens, but when. Over the weekend, the leader of the UK’s Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn announced in an interview in the Huffington Post that he was ‘instinctively looking’ at an idea that is already being discussed and piloted in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway and Canada. Corbyn may be one of the current glut of what would have once been political outliers in the Western World, but the idea of a universal basic income is one that is increasingly accepted in mainstream economic thinking. The RSA continues to campaign for it and has even put a number on it, suggesting that every UK citizen should be offered £308 between the ages of 25 and 65. Andrew Flowers offers up a masterful and detailed analysis of the economic and political issues involved in this piece on

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Growing number of people past retirement age still work to boost income

Growing number of people past retirement age still work to boost income 0

grey poundFor all that everybody bangs on about Millennials, it’s increasingly apparent that the workforce in most nations is actually getting older and that it’s not just Governments who are keen to keep older staff in work, but also people themselves. A new study from MetLife based on Government data claims that nearly one in seven over-65s in the UK are boosting their retirement income by working, earning around £296 in addition per week. The data suggests that the numbers of over-65s working has increased from just 8 percent of the pensioner population to 13 percent in the last ten years, the equivalent of 1.1 million people.  Median earnings from working are £296 a week adding up to annual pay of nearly £15,400. The need to keep working is underlined by the continuing squeeze on saving and investment income, which generates just £312 a year for pensioners on average. The proportion of pensioners earning money from investments has dropped from 72 percent in 2004/05 to around 64 percent now. Around 72 percent of all pensioners have private or company pensions compared with 66 percent a decade ago.

Value of offices and property rental income across the UK hit two year high

Manchester Media CityThe value of commercial real estate in the UK rose for the fourth consecutive month during August, led by increases in the average value of offices, according to a report from Investment Property Databank (IPD). The average value of offices, warehouses, retail and industrial rose by a 0.4 percent across the country. Office buildings rose by 0.6 percent during the month while total return, which combines changes in real estate values and rental income, was 0.9 percent, to reach the highest level since March 2011. The report claims the upturn is down to the wider economic upturn and persistent  low interest rates which incentivise investors to acquire high income generating assets. The report also notes that investors are looking to acquire more property outside of London as the economic recovery spreads across the UK. More →

Older workers will be essential in a changing global economy

Older workers will be essential in a changing global economy

A new report from consulting firm Bain & Company underscores the rising importance of older workers as global populations age and labour markets face growing talent shortagesA new report from consulting firm Bain & Company underscores the rising importance of older workers as global populations age and labour markets face growing talent shortages. The study focuses on the demographic of employees aged 50 and above, whose experience, stability, and institutional knowledge make them invaluable assets to businesses. It reveals that while older workers often demonstrate adaptability, problem-solving abilities, and a strong work ethic, organisations frequently overlook their contributions due to outdated stereotypes and rigid employment practices. More →

Beyond the jargon: what insurance benefits really mean to your team

Beyond the jargon: what insurance benefits really mean to your team

Here’s a jargon-free guide to the different insurance benefits you can offer your employees, and the real-life impact they have on your team.Offering a comprehensive employee benefits package is more important than ever, and  Drewberry’s 2024 Employee Benefits And Workplace Satisfaction Survey found that a fifth of employees want insurance to protect their loved ones. But with so many products out there, and terms like “Group Income Protection” and “Critical Illness Cover” making many people’s eyes glaze over, it can be hard to determine the right product for your people – and what they really offer. More →

How commercial property owners can boost revenues and occupancy in light of the Autumn Budget

How commercial property owners can boost revenues and occupancy in light of the Autumn Budget

The Autumn Budget is anticipated to introduce a series of tax increases that could directly impact commercial property ownersThe Autumn Budget is anticipated to introduce a series of tax increases that could directly impact commercial property owners, including changes to capital gains tax (CGT), national insurance contributions, and business rates. These changes could have a ripple effect across the property market, influencing both investment decisions and tenant demand. These are the key areas of concern for commercial property owners. More →

A new approach is needed to tackle ill health and economic inactivity, report argues

A new approach is needed to tackle ill health and economic inactivity, report argues

A ‘whole-of-government approach’ is needed to tackle the causes of ill health, increase economic activity and reduce NHS demandA ‘whole-of-government approach’ is needed to tackle the causes of ill health, increase economic activity and reduce NHS demand, a new report from the NHS Confederation and Boston Consulting Group claims. According to the report, “Improving our Nation’s Health: A Whole-of-Government Approach to Tackling the Causes of Long-Term Sickness and Economic Inactivity”, reintegrating between half and three-quarters of people who have dropped out of the workforce for reasons of ill health since 2020 could deliver an estimated £109-177 billion boost to the UK’s GDP (2-3 per cent in 2029) and unlock £35-57 billion in fiscal revenue over the next five years. More →

Vast majority people on zero hours contracts don’t want to be on zero hours contracts

Vast majority people on zero hours contracts don’t want to be on zero hours contracts

A new poll makes the perhaps obvious point that a significant majority of workers on zero-hours contracts prefer stable, regular working hours.A new poll makes the perhaps obvious point that a significant majority of workers on zero-hours contracts prefer stable, regular working hours. Commissioned by the TUC, the survey found that 84 percent of zero-hours contract workers would prefer consistent work schedules, while only 14 percent are content with their current arrangements. The poll also highlighted the financial difficulties faced by these workers due to underemployment. Seventy-five percent reported not receiving enough hours to cover their living expenses. Despite this, more than half (58 percent) of requests for additional hours were turned down by employers. More →