Search Results for: technologies

Understanding enterprise search software and its importance in the business landscape

Understanding enterprise search software and its importance in the business landscape

Businessman using enterprise search tool and talking on the phoneAs the digital landscape of business continues to expand, the ability to navigate vast repositories of information swiftly and accurately is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. In this article, we will explore the span of enterprise search, its central features, and the positive outcomes it ripples through an organization. Keep reading to understand how enterprise search software can transform your business processes. More →

People are increasingly comfortable with – and scared of – AI

People are increasingly comfortable with – and scared of – AI

The sentiments of employees around the world about AI and GenAI are evolving significantly, but cautious optimism endures, with 42 percent reporting confidence about the technologies’ impact on their work, compared to 26 percent at around this time last year. However, anxiety about the technologies is also on the rise, by 5 percentage points, and 49 percent of regular users believe their job may disappear in the next ten years, a view shared by only 24 percent of workers who do not use them. More →

AI could save the public sector millions of hours of time each week, claims report

AI could save the public sector millions of hours of time each week, claims report

A new report from Microsoft argues AI could save more than four hours per week on administrative tasks - per staff member across all public sectorsA new report commissioned by Microsoft claims that the scale of administration required of the UK’s public sector is drawing front line workers away from delivering frontline services, and impacting the motivation, engagement and even mental health of large proportions of the public workforce. The research, developed by Dr Chris Brauer, Director of Innovation at Goldsmiths University and Symmetry features in a new report from Microsoft, Harnessing the Power of AI for the Public Sector and argues AI could save more than four hours per week on administrative tasks per staff member across all public sectors. More →

Secret AI cameras have been tracking the emotions and demographics of rail passengers

Secret AI cameras have been tracking the emotions and demographics of rail passengers

Thousands of unsuspecting train passengers in the UK have had their emotions and demographics recorded by hidden AI camera systems at major stations, a new report revealsMany thousands of unsuspecting train passengers in the UK have had their emotions and demographics recorded by hidden AI camera systems at major stations, a new report reveals. The news, raising serious privacy concerns, comes after a freedom of information request by Big Brother Watch. For over two years, Network Rail, the company overseeing Britain’s railway infrastructure, conducted a covert trial program at key stations like London’s Waterloo and Euston, Manchester Piccadilly, and others across the country. More →

Generative AI could rewrite history, including that of the Holocaust

Generative AI could rewrite history, including that of the Holocaust

A UNESCO report published today warns that unless decisive action is taken to integrate ethical principles, AI could distort the historical record of the Holocaust and fuel antisemitismA UNESCO report published today warns that unless decisive action is taken to integrate ethical principles, AI could distort the historical record of the Holocaust and fuel antisemitism. The report cautions that not only can Generative AI enable malicious actors to seed disinformation and hate-fueled narratives, but it can also inadvertently invent false or misleading content about the Holocaust. More →

We need to find better ways to communicate and connect with customers in a distracted world

We need to find better ways to communicate and connect with customers in a distracted world

By embracing this shift and consistently delivering value and relevance to customers, businesses can thrive in a distracted worldAmongst the demands of our daily tasks, one huge challenge that often goes unnoticed: constant messages from communication platforms at every turnaround. The volume of distractions bombarding professionals is staggering. Studies show that from endless Slack notifications and video calls these interruptions disrupt workflow and concentration. This makes it incredibly challenging to navigate through the sea of digital noise. With over 157 hours lost to unproductive workplace alerts each year, the impact on productivity is undeniable. More →

GenAI is already driving down demand for freelancers

GenAI is already driving down demand for freelancers

New research from Imperial College, Harvard and the German Institute for Economic Research looks at the impact of GenAI technologies on the demand for freelance creative professionals The demand for freelancers working in writing, and coding related jobs has dropped by 21 percent since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, according to new research by Imperial College Business School, Harvard Business School and the German Institute for Economic Research. This research paper, Who is AI Replacing? The Impact of Generative AI on Online Freelancing Platforms, looks at the impact of GenAI technologies on the demand for creative professionals who work on an hourly basis for different clients. More →

Mismatched technology may be driving down productivity

Mismatched technology may be driving down productivity

A new poll from Apogee Corporation claims that current workplace environments are failing to cater to different personality types, leading to significant collaboration challenges, reduced productivity and potentially driving away 'talent'A new poll from Apogee Corporation claims that current workplace environments are failing to cater to different personality types, leading to significant collaboration challenges, reduced productivity and potentially driving away ‘talent’. The survey of 1,001 UK employees in mid-sized businesses suggests that 79 percent of workers struggle with meeting technology when collaborating with colleagues. This is particularly detrimental to extroverts, with 84 percent reporting a drop in productivity while working remotely. More →

People must take the lead on hybrid working to drive highest returns

People must take the lead on hybrid working to drive highest returns

A new report from workplace technology provider Eptura suggests that employee-led hybrid working models and connected technology drive the highest returns for businessesA new report from workplace technology provider Eptura suggests that employee-led hybrid working models and connected technology drive the highest returns for businesses. According to its first half 2024 Workplace Index report [registration], companies with hybrid working models in which employees can choose when to come to the office are seeing the most benefit. This is because employees who work effectively in the office can generate an average revenue increase of 3-8 percent. The study also claims that globally, employees are now spending an average of 3 days a week in the office, with the biggest increase being seen in the Asia-Pacific region. The most common days for office attendance remain Tuesday through Thursday. More →

Some questions about AI, a world drowning in content and the human centipede of creativity

Some questions about AI, a world drowning in content and the human centipede of creativity


We still don't even know what questions to ask about AI, so the idea we can provide answers is a bit premature

One unintended but welcome result of the new fixation with AI is that many of the people who became experts on the workplace in 2020 are now experts on AI. You’ll find them on social media and they’ll have written a book about it by May to sit on the shelf alongside the one about hybrid working and The Great Resignation. So, if you want some certainty about where generative AI taking us, go talk to one of them because people who know about the subject seem to have little or no idea or raise even more questions. More →

UK economy could get a £550 billion boost from AI by 2035, Microsoft claims

UK economy could get a £550 billion boost from AI by 2035, Microsoft claims

A new report commissioned by Microsoft suggests that the UK economy could see a significant boost of £550 billion by 2035 if the country embraces artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud technologyA new report commissioned by Microsoft suggests that the UK economy could see a significant boost of £550 billion by 2035 if the country embraces artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud technology. The report, titled Unlocking the UK’s AI Potential, claims to highlight several ways the technology can benefit the UK economy. These include increased productivity, improved public services, and the creation of new jobs. More →

Mastering GenAI: how to bridge skills gaps and boost employee confidence

Mastering GenAI: how to bridge skills gaps and boost employee confidence

The introduction of GenAI in the workplace means this skills gap is set to expandSix in ten employees will require training before 2027 according to the World Economic Forum, which estimates that the talent shortage will exceed 85 million people by 2030. The introduction of GenAI in the workplace means this skills gap is set to expand. In Udemy’s recent Global Learning & Skills Trends Report, we found that there are three key learning and skills trends for 2024. Firstly, we are seeing that companies are increasingly looking to hire based on skills rather than formal qualifications like degrees, as these hires more closely align with long-term strategic goals and are better equipped to upskill existing teams. More →