Search Results for: cyber

CIPD joins forces with the UK Government to tackle workplace cyber security

CIPD joins forces with the UK Government to tackle workplace cyber security 0

data theftHuman resources has a key role to play in improving the cyber security of UK workplaces. That is the key challenge addressed by a new joint initiative from the Chartered Institute for Personnel and the Development and the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. Data breaches cost companies up to an average of £1.46 million are often a result of human error and malice, according to the CIPD. The initiative includes a free online course called Cyber Security for HR professionals as part of a wider initiative to promote the importance of cyber security at work, as well as the critical role that HR has to play in ‘mitigating the competency and behavioural risks present in the workplace’. Government figures released last year indicated that the costs associated with the most severe breaches now start at £1.46 million for large businesses, up from £600,000 in 2014, and can reach up to £310,000 for small businesses, up from £115,000.

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UK’s CEOs rate cyber security as greatest challenge for their company

UK’s CEOs rate cyber security as greatest challenge for their company 0

Cyber attackAlmost three-quarters (74 percent) of chief executive officers in the UK rate cyber security as the third biggest risk to their company; over regulation and geopolitical uncertainty. Yet commenting on the firm’s 19th Annual Global CEO Survey, released at the World Economic Forum in Davos, PwC cyber security partner Richard Horne has warned that UK companies and institutions remain vulnerable to cyber-attacks, and more needed to be done by boards to protect company data and systems. He said there appeared to be a disconnect between concerns at the top of business and the speed and consistency with which these security measures can be implemented within organisations. This vulnerability to attacks becomes more stark with the speed of technological change and the way organisations’ new digital initiatives present greater potential for attackers, arming them with both new tools and a wider range of targets.

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Cyber attacks cost global businesses over £200bn a year

Cyber attacks cost global businesses over £200bn a year 0

Cyber attackAshley Madison and Sony are the high profile victims of cyber-hacking, but with hacks becoming more prevalent, nearly half of firms are putting themselves in the firing line by having no comprehensive strategy to prevent digital crime, the latest Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR) has warned. It says the total cost of cyber-attacks globally are estimated to be more than £200bn (US$315bn*) over the past 12 months and more than one in six businesses have faced a cyber attack in the past year. The UK government has classified cyber security as one of the four top threats to the UK, alongside natural disasters, international terrorism and military invasion. The global survey of 2,500 business leaders in 35 economies found that 15 percent of businesses have faced a cyber attack in the past year, with businesses in the EU (19 percent) and North America (18 percent) the most heavily targeted.

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Bosses are too cocky when it comes to modern risks to their businesses

Bosses are too cocky when it comes to modern risks to their businesses

CEOs face sleepwalking into reputational disaster through over-confidence which masks inadequate crisis planning to mitigate modern day risksCEOs face sleepwalking into reputational disaster through a concerning over-confidence which masks inadequate crisis planning to mitigate modern day risks, according to a new report [registration] from PHA Group. The survey questioned 150 CEOs across the UK’s £240bn professional services sector on confidence and planning in navigating business critical issues. Examining issues from workforce management and whistleblowing to climate change and regulation, CEOs from law firms, insurance, finance and accounting, consultancy and recruitment conveyed confidence but also revealed a lack of investment and planning. More →

GenAI will change the nature of work and encourage people to spend more time working together

GenAI will change the nature of work and encourage people to spend more time working together

UK chief executives see implementing Generative AI (GenAI) as an opportunity to change the nature of work and create highly skilled workforces without reducing the number of jobs in the marketUK chief executives see implementing Generative AI (GenAI) as an opportunity to change the nature of work and create highly skilled workforces without reducing the number of jobs in the market, according to KPMG’s 10th annual CEO Outlook survey. KPMG surveyed more than 1,300 CEOs around the world – 150 in the UK – in July and August, revealing that two thirds of UK CEOs (65 percent and 76 percent globally) see GenAI as a positive disruptor with 68 percent (65 percent globally) agreeing that GenAI remains a top investment priority. More →

Majority of IT managers think AI is coming for people’s jobs

Majority of IT managers think AI is coming for people’s jobs

Sixty-eight per cent of UK based managers believe AI will take more jobs than it creates and only 20 percent think AI will be a net job creator. The global average is 57 percent and 27 percent respectively.Two thirds of UK organisations say they are prioritising AI in their IT and customer service thinking, according to a new poll from 8×8. As a result they are starting to assess the roles and working hours of employees. The Future of Work: 2030 Vision Report [registration], surveyed the opinions of over 400 IT and Customer Experience (CX) managers. It looks into the projected makeup of the global workforce in 2030, organisations’ technological priorities between now and then, and the current and future challenges they may face. More →

Technology failures are a major headache for small businesses

Technology failures are a major headache for small businesses

A new poll  from TalkTalk Business claims to identify the significant impact technology failures have on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK.A new poll  from TalkTalk Business claims to identify the significant impact technology failures have on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK. According to the survey, nearly one-quarter (23 percent) of these businesses have experienced system glitches within the past year. These technical issues are proving costly for many SMEs, with 17 percent reporting that such problems have cost their business between £500 and £999 over the last 12 months. More alarmingly, 12 percent of SMEs have faced losses ranging from £2,000 to £3,999, while 7 percent have incurred staggering costs between £8,000 and £9,999 due to technology-related failures. More →

Tech workers and young people will need a major skills upgrade if they are to keep up with AI

Tech workers and young people will need a major skills upgrade if they are to keep up with AI

The vast majority (92 percent) of ICT roles are expected to undergo big changes as a result of advancements in AIThe vast majority (92 percent) of ICT roles are expected to undergo big changes as a result of advancements in artificial intelligence and the technology continues to transform the information and communications (ICT) sector according to a new report from tech giants, Cisco, Microsoft and Google. The AI-enabled ICT Workforce Consortium, led by Cisco has published the “Transformational Opportunity of AI on ICT Jobs” report, offering guidance on the areas for of concern for workers to reskill in response to the evolving job landscape. This transformation will impact professionals in 47 ICT roles, including cybersecurity, data science and software development, according to the report. More →

Britain is no longer a nation of shopkeepers, but it is divided by the work we do

Britain is no longer a nation of shopkeepers, but it is divided by the work we do

An analysis of workforce data suggests that the work people do in different parts of the UK varies enormously, especially compared to LondonFollowing last week’s news that the fastest growing job category in the US isn’t necessarily the one you’d expect, a new report from HR software provider Ciphr, based on ONS data, claims to identify which jobs are the most disproportionately common in each part of the UK. The report analyses the latest regional employee estimates for over 370 occupations to find out which work roles (with at least 5,000 full-time employees) appear to be more concentrated, or over-represented, in some places more than others. More →

Major US firms scammed by massive North Korean remote work laptop farm

Major US firms scammed by massive North Korean remote work laptop farm

A massive remote work scam may have fooled hundreds of US companies into hiring North Koreans. US prosecutors have accused North Korean nationals of infiltrating over 300 US companies, including Fortune 500 giants using a so-called laptop farm. The elaborate scheme, facilitated by an American accomplice, allegedly saw millions of dollars funnelled back to the sanctioned nation. More →

International report calls for collaboration on AI, highlighting both benefits and risks

International report calls for collaboration on AI, highlighting both benefits and risks

A landmark report claims to shed light on the double-edged sword of advanced artificial intelligence (AI)A landmark report claims to shed light on the double-edged sword of advanced artificial intelligence. Backed by over 30 nations, the International Scientific Report on the Safety of Advanced AI paints a picture of a technology brimming with potential benefits, but also fraught with potential risks if safety isn’t prioritized. This first iteration of the report, launched at the AI Safety Summit, fulfils a key commitment set forth during the historic Bletchley Park discussions and the subsequent Bletchley Declaration. More →

London Mayor sets out ambitious plans for Capital’s growth and reinvention

London Mayor sets out ambitious plans for Capital’s growth and reinvention

Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, is today launching an ambitious plan aimed at creating 150,000 high-quality, well-paid jobs by 2028. This initiative will be unveiled alongside the shadow chancellor, Rachel Reeves. Reeves will say that a Labour administration intends to reset the relationship between the national government and London, while Khan thinks what is good for London is good for the UK. More →