Search Results for: values

How to personalize customer service correspondence via email

How to personalize customer service correspondence via email

Alt text: A woman sitting at a cafe, listening to one of the people inside talk about customer service correspondence via email.

Personalised customer service is no longer just a bonus; it’s a necessity in today’s market. With the digital space being the new frontier for customer interactions, emails have become a significant part of maintaining strong customer relations. Crafting email correspondence that feels personal and attentive can distinguish your brand and foster lasting customer loyalty. Keep reading to find out how personalization can transform your approach to customer service via email. More →

Bisley redesigns showroom for Clerkenwell Design Week to showcase new directions

Bisley redesigns showroom for Clerkenwell Design Week to showcase new directions

Visitors to  British furniture manufacturer Bisley’s Dallington Street showroom during Clerkenwell Design Week (21-23 May 2024), are invited to explore a completely redesigned space, illustrating an expanded offering for the home, workplace, leisure and hospitality that goes far beyond the storage essentials for which Bisley is famous, highlighting the brand’s continued evolution. More →

Commercial real estate lending hits ten year low

Commercial real estate lending hits ten year low

New lending for commercial real estate fell 33 per cent last year to its lowest level since 2013, according to the latest bi-annual report from Bayes Business School, (formerly Cass). Researched and written by Dr Nicole Lux, Senior Research Fellow at Bayes Business School, City, University of London, the report also shows that a significant portion (42 per cent) of the £170 billion of loans outstanding will have to be refinanced within 12 months. Dr Lux expects that will cause ongoing stress in the market. More →

Hybrid working era means a boom time for workplace apps

Hybrid working era means a boom time for workplace apps

A new generation of workplace apps, coupled with a choice of settings, help people tailor their days and their experiencesDisseminating information about a building to the people who occupy it has come a long way from a basic, intranet desktop interface with warnings about wet floors or notices about charity fundraising. These days apps promise a much more sophisticated workplace experience, which can be accessed in the palm of your hand. Gartner has a useful definition of workplace apps’ capabilities, stating, “They are used to explore and reserve workspaces, navigate the workplace, find colleagues, plan the best days to attend the workplace, access services and ensure that employees could feel safe in a future post pandemic workplace.” More →

Stress, anxiety and a beamish response to it all

Stress, anxiety and a beamish response to it all

Stress, uncertainty and the medicalisation of dissatisfactionWe now have a policy of not offering ourselves as an outlet for any of the deluge of comment pieces and surveys that are published each year to accompany the various days – and increasingly weeks and months – dedicated to certain conditions like stress and anxiety. They are a gift both to and from the PR industry. This is largely because we cover such issues year round so don’t feel the need to add to the PR feeding frenzy they generate. Whatever you make of the findings of the reports and others like them, even cynics would have to acknowledge they tap into an unmistakable feeling that work is not as enjoyable as it should be. More →

Event explores how the government is setting new office standards for civil servants

Event explores how the government is setting new office standards for civil servants

At a recent event, the Government Property Agency brought together Civil Service leaders to exchange ideas, debate trends and inform how the GPA delivers its property services. The GPA is leading one of the country’s biggest and most ambitious workplace renewal programmes for its clients – delivering a smaller, better connected, better quality, and greener property estate to support the work of Civil Service teams and bring them closer to the communities they serve. More →

The role of emotional intelligence in effective sales leadership

The role of emotional intelligence in effective sales leadership

Alt text: A woman in an office researching sales leadership on her computerThe sales industry has long esteemed the virtues of sharp negotiation skills and strategic thinking. However, a growing body of research suggests emotional intelligence (EI) is a pivotal force behind sales leadership success. More than just a buzzword, EI encompasses the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in ourselves and others. Leaders adept in emotional intelligence are often seen forging stronger relationships and achieving greater outcomes. Below, we explore how EI can enhance sales leadership and why it’s critical for those looking to excel in this dynamic field. More →

The significance of women’s health is increasingly acknowledged in the modern workplace

The significance of women’s health is increasingly acknowledged in the modern workplace

addressing the disparities in women's health could dramatically reduce this statistic, enhancing the lives of billions globallyWomen, on average, outlive men but, as reported by the World Economic Forum (WEF, 2024), spend approximately 25 percent of their lives in poor health. According to the WEF, addressing the disparities in women’s health could dramatically reduce this statistic, enhancing the lives of billions globally. Notably, strategic improvements in women’s healthcare could add an average of seven days of healthy living per year for each woman, cumulatively offering more than 500 additional healthy days over a lifetime. This progression not only promises to elevate the quality of life for women but also holds the potential to boost the global economy by at least $1 trillion annually by 2040. More →

Moral posturing of charitable organisations can go hand in hand with unethical behaviours

Moral posturing of charitable organisations can go hand in hand with unethical behaviours

The aura of moral goodness coming from within charitable organisations can blind their employees and volunteers, according to new research from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). Lead researcher, Dr Isabel de Bruin found that people in charities’ can glorify their charities’ noble goals, noble values, and noble people. This self-glorification can lead to unethical behaviour, which she terms as the “NGO halo effect”.  More →

A third of people say they have experienced a toxic manager

A third of people say they have experienced a toxic manager

A third of employees (33 percent) in the UK have experienced a toxic manager at work in the past five years, and over four in ten (41 percent) have left a job due to their dissatisfactionA third of employees (33 percent) in the UK have experienced a toxic manager at work in the past five years, and over four in ten (41 percent) have left a job due to their dissatisfaction with management. The findings are from Corndel’s Workplace Training Report 2024, based on research conducted with 250 HR decision makers at large organisations and 1,000 UK employees. Toxic manager traits defined by the poll  including micromanagement, inflexibility, intimidation, gaslighting colleagues and a deflecting accountability.  More →

Isolated under-40s far less likely to have strong workplace relationships

Isolated under-40s far less likely to have strong workplace relationships

Workers under 40 are 80 per cent more likely to lack trusted workplace relationships compared to workers over 50,Workers under 40 are 80 per cent less likely to have trusted workplace relationships compared to workers over 50, impacting their mental health, physical wellbeing and productivity, according to a new report from TELUS Health. The TELUS Mental Health Index sets out to explore the mental health of employed people in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Europe, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia. More →

Employees increasingly want to work for firms with a clear sense of purpose

Employees increasingly want to work for firms with a clear sense of purpose

In the face of climate change, social justice movements, and recession, employees are seeking alternative commitments from employers. A new poll from Sparta Global claims that for job seekers in 2024, a company’s contributions to environmental sustainability, poverty alleviation, and community well-being are of growing importance. More →