Search Results for: tech

Secret AI cameras have been tracking the emotions and demographics of rail passengers

Secret AI cameras have been tracking the emotions and demographics of rail passengers

Thousands of unsuspecting train passengers in the UK have had their emotions and demographics recorded by hidden AI camera systems at major stations, a new report revealsMany thousands of unsuspecting train passengers in the UK have had their emotions and demographics recorded by hidden AI camera systems at major stations, a new report reveals. The news, raising serious privacy concerns, comes after a freedom of information request by Big Brother Watch. For over two years, Network Rail, the company overseeing Britain’s railway infrastructure, conducted a covert trial program at key stations like London’s Waterloo and Euston, Manchester Piccadilly, and others across the country. More →

Generative AI could rewrite history, including that of the Holocaust

Generative AI could rewrite history, including that of the Holocaust

A UNESCO report published today warns that unless decisive action is taken to integrate ethical principles, AI could distort the historical record of the Holocaust and fuel antisemitismA UNESCO report published today warns that unless decisive action is taken to integrate ethical principles, AI could distort the historical record of the Holocaust and fuel antisemitism. The report cautions that not only can Generative AI enable malicious actors to seed disinformation and hate-fueled narratives, but it can also inadvertently invent false or misleading content about the Holocaust. More →

Right now, GenAI mostly produces cheap grey goo for a perpetual present

Right now, GenAI mostly produces cheap grey goo for a perpetual present

The main effect of GenAI right now is to reproduce stuff that is more or less indistinguishable from what already exists at no cost to businessesI keep hearing that Generative AI will unleash human creativity. Based on the contents of my inbox, I can tell you that is not yet the case. It is increasingly full of GenAI generated press releases and comment pieces that consist of a small amount of gibberish, a larger quantity of stuff that reads likes it’s been written by a non-native speaker, and an even larger amount of bland, clichéd C0nTeNt.    More →

A new generation of workplace apps is transforming people’s experience of work

A new generation of workplace apps is transforming people’s experience of work

These days, workplace apps promise a much more sophisticated experience, which can be accessed in the palm of your handDisseminating information about a building to the people who occupy it has come a long way from a basic, intranet desktop interface with warnings about wet floors or notices about charity fundraising. These days, workplace apps promise a much more sophisticated experience, which can be accessed in the palm of your hand. Gartner has a useful definition of workplace apps’ capabilities, stating, “They are used to explore and reserve workspaces, navigate the workplace, find colleagues, plan the best days to attend the workplace, access services and ensure that employees could feel safe in a future post pandemic workplace.” More →

We need to find better ways to communicate and connect with customers in a distracted world

We need to find better ways to communicate and connect with customers in a distracted world

By embracing this shift and consistently delivering value and relevance to customers, businesses can thrive in a distracted worldAmongst the demands of our daily tasks, one huge challenge that often goes unnoticed: constant messages from communication platforms at every turnaround. The volume of distractions bombarding professionals is staggering. Studies show that from endless Slack notifications and video calls these interruptions disrupt workflow and concentration. This makes it incredibly challenging to navigate through the sea of digital noise. With over 157 hours lost to unproductive workplace alerts each year, the impact on productivity is undeniable. More →

We only have to look at the natural world to boost our mental health

We only have to look at the natural world to boost our mental health

A new study shows that you don’t have to actually be in nature to reap the reward to your mental healthIt is becoming increasingly clear that spending time in nature can benefit our mental health and wellbeing. But a new study shows that you don’t have to actually be in nature to reap the rewards. Simply directing your gaze towards natural elements, even in the middle of a city, can enhance wellbeing. Our paper, published in the journal People and Nature, used eye-tracking technology to explore how focusing on natural versus man-made elements affects mental health. More →

Britain is no longer a nation of shopkeepers, but it is divided by the work we do

Britain is no longer a nation of shopkeepers, but it is divided by the work we do

An analysis of workforce data suggests that the work people do in different parts of the UK varies enormously, especially compared to LondonFollowing last week’s news that the fastest growing job category in the US isn’t necessarily the one you’d expect, a new report from HR software provider Ciphr, based on ONS data, claims to identify which jobs are the most disproportionately common in each part of the UK. The report analyses the latest regional employee estimates for over 370 occupations to find out which work roles (with at least 5,000 full-time employees) appear to be more concentrated, or over-represented, in some places more than others. More →

What happens to work when the machine stops?

What happens to work when the machine stops?

Newton at work

In 1909, E M Forster – not exactly known for a body of work replete with dystopian fiction – published a novella called The Machine Stops. You can read it here but the story describes a future in which people live below ground, in isolation but with all their needs met by an omnipresent Machine (you can see where this is going). More →

The fastest growing job occupation in the US isn’t what you think it is

The fastest growing job occupation in the US isn’t what you think it is

a new report argues that AI cannot replace every job occupation, and the latest data from the US labour market proves itThe rise of artificial intelligence and its impact on the job market has raised concerns around the world, with some predicting that up to 85 million jobs would be replaced with automation and AI. However, a new report argues that AI cannot replace every job occupation, and the latest data from the US labour market proves it. According to data presented by, home health and personal care aides are expected to be the fastest-growing occupation in the United States in the near future, with more than 800,00 new jobs by 2032. More →

Workplace AI usage is rocketing, but are people using it for the right things?

Workplace AI usage is rocketing, but are people using it for the right things?

Two thirds of people now use AI at work, with44 percent of office workers saying they are 'enthusiastic 'about using workplace AI in their daily tasksThe latest Workforce Index from Slack claims there has been a significant rise in AI usage in UK workplaces. Since September 2023, there’s been a 66 percent increase, with an additional 18 percent jump since the beginning of 2024. This trend reflects growing enthusiasm among employees about the technology, with 44 percent of office workers saying they are ‘enthusiastic ‘about using workplace AI in their daily tasks. However, the survey also uncovers potential problems with wider AI acceptance. Many employees may not have the right training to fully benefit from AI’s potential.  Instead of using the time saved by AI for strategic activities or skill development, most workers say they plan to prioritise administrative tasks. More →

Dear [employee]…Great job!  Why AI may not give you the warm and fuzzies

Dear [employee]…Great job!  Why AI may not give you the warm and fuzzies

Gratitude is one of the most underutilised yet most appreciated rewards within the workplace. So why get an AI to say thanks for you?I recently completed an ‘Artificial Intelligence Essentials’ course, designed to introduce me to the world of AI tools and help me become more productive and efficient in my work. As someone who is borderline-obsessed with AI and undertaking every AI course going, I couldn’t sign up quickly enough. Also, I confess, I am a total sucker for all things ‘perfect planner’, be that journal or software; any talk of productivity tools and I’m in. More →

GenAI is already driving down demand for freelancers

GenAI is already driving down demand for freelancers

New research from Imperial College, Harvard and the German Institute for Economic Research looks at the impact of GenAI technologies on the demand for freelance creative professionals The demand for freelancers working in writing, and coding related jobs has dropped by 21 percent since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, according to new research by Imperial College Business School, Harvard Business School and the German Institute for Economic Research. This research paper, Who is AI Replacing? The Impact of Generative AI on Online Freelancing Platforms, looks at the impact of GenAI technologies on the demand for creative professionals who work on an hourly basis for different clients. More →