Search Results for: people

People don’t hear back from half of the jobs for which they apply

People don’t hear back from half of the jobs for which they apply

British job seekers don’t hear back from almost half (45 percent) of the jobs they apply for, according to a new poll from Indeed. According to ONS data, there are 916,000 job vacancies in the UK, but with frustrations around the hiring process, these aren’t set to be filled quickly or effectively. The survey of 1,000 working people and 1,000 hiring professionals in the UK shows that the hiring process is inefficient for both job seekers and businesses, delaying the right candidate being matched with the right role. More →

Stress, unpaid overtime and other pressures taking a toll on people’s wellbeing

Stress, unpaid overtime and other pressures taking a toll on people’s wellbeing

A new poll from leisure operator Better suggests that the UK population is working far beyond its contracted hours, and this is taking a toll on the health of the nation. Two-thirds of people surveyed say they regularly work unpaid overtime, on average an extra two hours per week, equating to 14 working days per year. One in ten (11 percent) of 45-54 yrs work more than five extra hours per week; that’s the equivalent of 35 days of unpaid work per year. Those working in the education and HR sectors undertake the most unpaid overtime; at an average of 15 days per year. More →

Large increase in the number of people who say they are experiencing burnout

Large increase in the number of people who say they are experiencing burnout

The number of Britons who say they are experiencing stress or burnout in the workplace doubled in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to a pollThe number of Britons who say they are experiencing stress or burnout in the workplace doubled in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to a poll from Indeed Flex. According to the survey, 92 percent of UK employees say they have experienced burnout or stress in the workplace during their careers. However the strain has grown rapidly as post-pandemic labour shortages intensified workloads. In 2023 the proportion of UK workers grappling with poor mental health skyrocketed to 37 percent, almost double the 19 percent who experienced problems during 2022. A fifth (19 percent) of workers say they have suffered from burnout or stress in 2024 so far. More →

Government to scrap employment programme for disabled people

Government to scrap employment programme for disabled people

two people talking to illustrate the growing number of disabled people in self-employmentA £100 million program designed to help disabled people find work in England and Wales has been quietly cancelled, raising concerns as the government pursues plans to reduce disability benefits. The Work and Health Programme (WHP), launched in 2017, will cease operation this autumn. This news comes amidst Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s proposed benefit cuts for 420,000 sick and disabled individuals, aiming to push them into employment. Charities warn these cuts could leave many in poverty. More →

We can have a dramatic impact on people’s lives with simple, small and cost-free changes

We can have a dramatic impact on people’s lives with simple, small and cost-free changes

London, the crouching monster, like every other monster has to breathe, and breathe it does in its own obscure, malignant way. Its vital oxygen is composed of suburban working men and women of all kinds, who every morning are sucked up through an infinitely complicated respiratory apparatus of trains and termini into the mighty congested lungs, held there for a number of hours, and then, in the evening, exhaled violently through the same channels. More →

Most people want to work in jobs that have a positive impact on the world

Most people want to work in jobs that have a positive impact on the world

A new poll from hiring platform Indeed suggests that people now consider working in jobs that positively impact society (57 percent) and the environment (55 percent) more important than they did when they started their careers. Just over a quarter (26 percent) say they would take a pay cut and 44 percent would consider retraining to enter the environmental sustainability sector. The survey of more than 1,000 workers and job seekers and 500 employers in the UK, highlights the ongoing green skills challenge. Despite the clear appetite for sustainability-related jobs among working people, 42 percent believe there are still too many barriers to entry. More than a quarter (27 percent) have been trying to transition to the sector but have been unsuccessful so far. More →

A lot of young people don’t think their employers give a fig about sustainability

A lot of young people don’t think their employers give a fig about sustainability

Ahead of World Earth Day, a new poll from  Zest, claims that workers across the UK are increasingly focused on sustainability and expect their employers to do more – particularly younger generations.  Half (51 percent) of employees are keen to see their company invest more in sustainability, rising to 61 percent of younger workers aged 18-34. The survey from Zest also reveals that over half (53 percent) would like to see their company investing in more sustainable benefits such as electric vehicles, similarly rising to two-thirds (66 percent) of 18–34 year olds – and these demands are not going unnoticed. More →

Older people less keen on early retirement than younger generations

Older people less keen on early retirement than younger generations

Early retirement is a specific life goal for 65 percent of working-age adults around the world, with 70 percent of Gen Z employees (the highest proportion of any generation) actively working towards this aspirational goal. This compares to just 51 percent of the over 55s.Early retirement is a specific life goal for 65 percent of working-age adults around the world, with 70 percent of Gen Z employees (the highest proportion of any generation) actively working towards this aspirational goal. This compares to just 51 percent of the over 55s. The findings appear in a new study, commissioned by nudge Global, into the financial wellbeing of 11,577 working-age adults from 17 countries around the world. More →

Focussing on people means business transformation is far more likely to succeed

Focussing on people means business transformation is far more likely to succeed

A new study from EY and Saïd Business School study suggests that leaders prioritising a human-centred approach to transformation turning points are up to up to twelve times more successful.  The EY organisation’s latest research with Saïd Business School, at the University of Oxford, reveals new insights into what happens when a transformation program’s leadership believes a transformation has or will go off-course and intervenes with the intent of improving its performance (turning points). More →

Majority of people feel confident in their ability to adapt to era of AI

Majority of people feel confident in their ability to adapt to era of AI

Following yesterday’s news about the fears CEOs harbour with the advent of AI in the workplace, a new poll from Indeed suggests that nearly 9 in 10 UK workers (89 percent) feel confident in their ability to adapt to change over the next five years. According to the survey, nearly two-thirds (63 percent) feel the skills needed for their role will change in the next five years, with 15 percent expecting significant changes. More →

Being furloughed affected people’s sense of time and relationship with work

Being furloughed affected people’s sense of time and relationship with work

Between March 2020 and September 2021, millions of workers furloughed under the UK government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme lived what for many of us is a dream: being paid not to work. Through interviews, I’ve researched the impact of this time on 35 people who were furloughed under the scheme. I found that for some, furlough created opportunities for reflection and growth, but for most of my interviewees it was a time of uncertainty and disorientation. More →

Flexible working rights stand to benefit millions of people

Flexible working rights stand to benefit millions of people

From today (April 6th 2024), UK employees will have the legal right to request flexible working from their first day in a new job.From today (April 6th 2024), UK employees will have the legal right to request flexible working from their first day in a new job. Under the updated regulations, employers must engage in discussions with employees and consider alternative solutions before declining a flexible working request. Decisions on applications must now be made within two months, reducing the previous timeframe of three months, which includes any appeals. Additionally, employees will be entitled to submit two flexible working requests within a 12-month period, rather than the previous allowance of one. More →